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Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:31 am
by matter2003
askmass wrote:It seems there is some amazing same wavelength synchronicity going on here, Matter.

I do this cleanse several times a year still (it's been in the public domain forever), and for a fact got my day of supplies together this past Friday to run it TODAY.

It wild, because I was literally reviewing my files on this very cleanse last night to map out the timing precisely... and it's important to follow this one close to the letter, even after you done it many times.

I've been loading up on apples for two weeks and drinking unfiltered organic apple juice a lot the past few days. This is for the malic acid which softens the stones to help their passage through the bile ducts.

The original protocol does not call for black walnut extract and I've never used it with this cleanse, but I do anti-parasite cleansing pretty much ongoing. If you don't, I'd suggest doing a full course of anti-parasite cleansing first, before doing the stone purge.

Another tip I discovered is to drink Chanca Piedra (also called "stone breaker") tea a couple times daily for a few weeks leading up to the regimen. When incorporating this, you will literally see fragmented and softer looking stones -- and if you don't see lots of stones the first time out then you probably haven't followed the protocol strictly enough.

The timing of it all is key, to open up the ducts and push out the stones.

Thanks for sharing this Matter.

I'm seeing so much more and more of this type synchronicity as time goes on.

We are indeed, All One.
John, do you have any experience "zapping" as Dr. Clark calls it? Seems it is similar to what Bob Beck and Royal Rife with the specific frequencies targeting various microbes, although with her method it appears no specific frequency is required due to square waves and varying positive offset repeatedly going up and down...

Seems very interesting...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:21 pm
by askmass
DaCookie wrote:Very interesting discussion here guys. Definitely gonna try some of these. Any other important cleanses? Maybe like a colon cleanse?

What do you guys think about long water fasting?(No food at all for 5+ days)
I'm a big proponent of detoxifying and cleansing on the whole, but don't jump right in with an extended water fast.

Instead, try a fruit juice "fast" for 24 hours one weekend and extend it out to 48 hours if you can. Next time out, aim for less fruit juice and more water and in time extend it to 72 hours, etc.

Also, do NOT end a fast by jumping right back into heavy, solid foods or you will regret it big time. Have an apple, then an hour or so later some other easily digested mono food and so forth... ease back into things.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:40 pm
by askmass
matter2003 wrote:
askmass wrote:It seems there is some amazing same wavelength synchronicity going on here, Matter.

I do this cleanse several times a year still (it's been in the public domain forever), and for a fact got my day of supplies together this past Friday to run it TODAY.

It wild, because I was literally reviewing my files on this very cleanse last night to map out the timing precisely... and it's important to follow this one close to the letter, even after you done it many times.

I've been loading up on apples for two weeks and drinking unfiltered organic apple juice a lot the past few days. This is for the malic acid which softens the stones to help their passage through the bile ducts.

The original protocol does not call for black walnut extract and I've never used it with this cleanse, but I do anti-parasite cleansing pretty much ongoing. If you don't, I'd suggest doing a full course of anti-parasite cleansing first, before doing the stone purge.

Another tip I discovered is to drink Chanca Piedra (also called "stone breaker") tea a couple times daily for a few weeks leading up to the regimen. When incorporating this, you will literally see fragmented and softer looking stones -- and if you don't see lots of stones the first time out then you probably haven't followed the protocol strictly enough.

The timing of it all is key, to open up the ducts and push out the stones.

Thanks for sharing this Matter.

I'm seeing so much more and more of this type synchronicity as time goes on.

We are indeed, All One.
John, do you have any experience "zapping" as Dr. Clark calls it? Seems it is similar to what Bob Beck and Royal Rife with the specific frequencies targeting various microbes, although with her method it appears no specific frequency is required due to square waves and varying positive offset repeatedly going up and down...

Seems very interesting...
I'm not sure exactly what Dr. Clark is promoting, but a story I can relay is from about ten years ago... Myself and my kids were visiting Tybee Island and while swimming in the ocean (best of all magnesium uptake, BTW) I was badly stung by a Portuguese Man-of-War on my right forearm. Nasty looking, very painful rash. I could feel the toxins in my blood. It pretty much ruined my vacation, but I suffered through with Benadryl.

Three days later I'm back home and visiting my Chiropractor buddy and show him the rash, telling him from what I'd read, the rash could take up to six months to subside and would always leave a scar.

He took a good look and picked up his new high end laszer and dialed in a particular frequency. He touched each of the dozen or so rash marks in a circular motion for maybe four seconds and said "let me know how that works".

I left thinking it might help them to heal slightly faster, but was resigned to having these scars for life.

I awoke the next morning and was astonished to see the rashes were virtually gone! I called him immediately to rave about the lazer treatment and he said it was amazing for this sort of toxic rash.

Do you know the details of what Dr. Clark is promoting?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:17 pm
by matter2003
askmass wrote:
matter2003 wrote:
askmass wrote:It seems there is some amazing same wavelength synchronicity going on here, Matter.

I do this cleanse several times a year still (it's been in the public domain forever), and for a fact got my day of supplies together this past Friday to run it TODAY.

It wild, because I was literally reviewing my files on this very cleanse last night to map out the timing precisely... and it's important to follow this one close to the letter, even after you done it many times.

I've been loading up on apples for two weeks and drinking unfiltered organic apple juice a lot the past few days. This is for the malic acid which softens the stones to help their passage through the bile ducts.

The original protocol does not call for black walnut extract and I've never used it with this cleanse, but I do anti-parasite cleansing pretty much ongoing. If you don't, I'd suggest doing a full course of anti-parasite cleansing first, before doing the stone purge.

Another tip I discovered is to drink Chanca Piedra (also called "stone breaker") tea a couple times daily for a few weeks leading up to the regimen. When incorporating this, you will literally see fragmented and softer looking stones -- and if you don't see lots of stones the first time out then you probably haven't followed the protocol strictly enough.

The timing of it all is key, to open up the ducts and push out the stones.

Thanks for sharing this Matter.

I'm seeing so much more and more of this type synchronicity as time goes on.

We are indeed, All One.
John, do you have any experience "zapping" as Dr. Clark calls it? Seems it is similar to what Bob Beck and Royal Rife with the specific frequencies targeting various microbes, although with her method it appears no specific frequency is required due to square waves and varying positive offset repeatedly going up and down...

Seems very interesting...
I'm not sure exactly what Dr. Clark is promoting, but a story I can relay is from about ten years ago... Myself and my kids were visiting Tybee Island and while swimming in the ocean (best of all magnesium uptake, BTW) I was badly stung by a Portuguese Man-of-War on my right forearm. Nasty looking, very painful rash. I could feel the toxins in my blood. It pretty much ruined my vacation, but I suffered through with Benadryl.

Three days later I'm back home and visiting my Chiropractor buddy and show him the rash, telling him from what I'd read, the rash could take up to six months to subside and would always leave a scar.

He took a good look and picked up his new high end laszer and dialed in a particular frequency. He touched each of the dozen or so rash marks in a circular motion for maybe four seconds and said "let me know how that works".

I left thinking it might help them to heal slightly faster, but was resigned to having these scars for life.

I awoke the next morning and was astonished to see the rashes were virtually gone! I called him immediately to rave about the lazer treatment and he said it was amazing for this sort of toxic rash.

Do you know the details of what Dr. Clark is promoting?
It's what she used and called a "zapper". Similar to what he had, and what Royal Rife spent his life work on...finding that microbes can each be destroyed via their corresponding opposite frequency leaving all other cells intact...except she found that you didn't need a specific frequency as long as you kept the current positive at all times and oscillated it up and down repeatedly, making what looked like a "square wave" on an oscilloscope...

She said that you do it for 7 minutes at a time, 3 times with 20 minutes between sessions and that the first time killed the parasites, bacteria and viruses that were in the body, the second time killed the bacteria and viruses infecting the parasites once they died and the third time killed any viruses infecting the bacteria that had just been released leaving the body pretty much clean...

She also used it on food to remove any substances before ingesting it...

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:49 am
by RobRegish
This is damn fascinating. I had no idea how much went into detox and cleansing protocols and how beneficial they are.

Explains why the medical establishment has completely ignored it...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:37 pm
by askmass
RobRegish wrote:This is damn fascinating. I had no idea how much went into detox and cleansing protocols and how beneficial they are.

Explains why the medical establishment has completely ignored it...

Oh come on dude, you know that only man made toxic chemical compounds can fix all our ills, dontcha?

What are ya, some kinda tin foil mad hatter* conspiracy theorist?

*The term "mad hatter" originated it's common usage from people losing their minds from mercury poisoning

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:38 pm
by matter2003
Something I don't think people understand well enough is that everyone's ability to detoxify their body is different, no different than some people's ability to build muscle is better than others.

Think of detoxification pathways like a road. Some people have 4 lane highways for detoxing, others have narrow alleyways. Sometimes, especially in the cases of heavy metal toxicity, mainly mercury, those roads get clogged so even a 4 lane highway isn't very effective. Some people have porsche's that clear toxins very quickly while others are driving a beat up clunker that takes a long time to clear out toxins...

This is why some people are able to seemingly clear toxins quite easily even when they eat like crap, etc and never have any issues, and then others eat very healthy and watch things closely and can't clear the little amount of toxins they have out efficiently.

There are also things called endotoxins that exist inside the body, mainly from having a poor gut microflora biome where bad bacteria release inflammatory compounds, or from subclinical bacteria and parasite infections that release a constant stream of toxins into the body to the point it becomes overwhelmed because it cannot deal with these toxins from inside the body and then the ones from outside the body as well...

There is a lot more that goes into it than take a few pills and everything will be OK...most times it won't, unless you are one of the people with 4 lane highways for detox pathways...

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:08 pm
by askmass
Excellent analogy and insight, Matter.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:38 pm
by kboy69
Infared saunas are used for detox as well. They seem to have a lot of benefits such as muscle soreness, aches/pains, etc. some of these anti aging centers offer use of these. The units start around $900 or so.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:34 pm
by matter2003
And in a very interesting turn of events...apparently being infected with certain types of worms are BENEFICIAL for humans...studies suggest that Helminth Worms evolved to coexist with humans in a symbiotic relationship that is beneficial for both species...

These worms regulate our immune systems to "relax", helping to keep us free from inflammatory diseases and in turn, humans provide food and shelter for them. These worms self-limit themselves inside their human hosts and have very few if any negative consequences...

In fact, the rise in autoimmune disorders is being linked in part to excessive hygiene which doesn't allow these natural processes to occur, or actually sets up the body's terrain to be favorable for pathogenic strains instead of beneficial strains...

In the UK Helminthic Therapy with hookworms has been approved for treatment of autoimmune disorders and in the US it has received Investigational Medicinal Product(IMP) Status...

A very interesting turn of events...apparently we are meant to harbor some parasites, just as we are meant to harbor some bacteria... ... a-parasite

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:18 pm
by askmass
kboy69 wrote:Infared saunas are used for detox as well. They seem to have a lot of benefits such as muscle soreness, aches/pains, etc. some of these anti aging centers offer use of these. The units start around $900 or so.
Very true, and something I've employed for a number of years especially because it's been shown to be particularly helpful at detoxing heavy metals like mercury.

Guess what else?

It's entirely possible to construct a nice home made version for a 1/3 or less than basic commercial units!

It's what I use.

I've got the plans and will post them to pass along to everyone here as soon as I get the free time to locate and transcribe them.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:07 am
by FatBoySlimFast
Interesting thread and I've decided to give the humaworm cleanse a shot.
Matter when you say that you felt lousy for 4 to 5 days, was this the initial 5 days after starting the course? Just trying to work out where to fit it in with my work schedule.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 11:46 am
by RobRegish
askmass wrote:
RobRegish wrote:This is damn fascinating. I had no idea how much went into detox and cleansing protocols and how beneficial they are.

Explains why the medical establishment has completely ignored it...

Oh come on dude, you know that only man made toxic chemical compounds can fix all our ills, dontcha?

What are ya, some kinda tin foil mad hatter* conspiracy theorist

*The term "mad hatter" originated it's common usage from people losing their minds from mercury poisoning
Mercury poisoning is a HUGE deal, and leads to many different maladies. And for all those using Alpha Lipoic Acid on a day in/day out basis - you need to re-think that, big time. We did a groundbreaking article in The Blueprint Bulletin last month, detailing the dangers of ALA. That's right, dangers..

You only hear the upside of this supplement, never the downsides. I'm not saying you shouldn't take it, but it's absolutely crucial you know when, how much etc. such that you don't poison yourself.


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:06 pm
by askmass
I have located the homemade Infared sauna plans and will get them transcribed and posted up as soon as possible.