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Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:25 am
by bigpelo
The goal is to eat fruits and veggies big time. Variety and colors, some raw (whole or juiced), some steam, some sauté, etc.

On a side note, cruciferous veggies are good for prostate health and estrogen balance. Steamed with butter and Montréal Steak Spices taste great IMO.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:18 pm
by JlCh
The desired effects of famine will work out if you replace those veggies out for other fruit/veggies (coming from someone that hates the taste of a lot of veggies). Only stipulation I really go into is calories at 8xbody weight and <30 grams of protein (I was under 200 lbs though) a day.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:49 pm
by bigpelo
JlCh wrote:The desired effects of famine will work out if you replace those veggies out for other fruit/veggies (coming from someone that hates the taste of a lot of veggies). Only stipulation I really go into is calories at 8xbody weight and <30 grams of protein (I was under 200 lbs though) a day.
+1 What he said ^

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:06 pm
by thewods
Hey, that means an awful lot that you reply with informative, intelligent solutions. I thank you for,your time and help. Hope I can do the same for others. Cheers fellas

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:58 am
by RobRegish
Welcome brother!

Some VERY solid guidance here shared by The Blueprint Army. You are on the road to Gainsville, and we'll be right here to help along the way.

One tip: Try to focus on BP ONE WEEK AT A TIME. To look at it in its entirety is well, overwhelming... :-). By focusing on just getting through each week, you hone laser like focus and do justice to every step.

With respect to supps, I've always advocated going supp free (or just the basics) for your first run. Thereafter adding MPS, Kre-Anabolyn, Tranquilogen etc will allow you to evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of these products.

For most, they magnify results considerably..

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:17 am
by thewods
Thanks for chiming in Rob. My focus is fully on famine, and famine only, but poor planning will yield poor results. My weak area is food. So that's why I want that tight and precise. If I know it in advance then that's half the battle. Also practical for buying required food. And yes, the BP ARMY are of the highest calibre, big shouts to Bigpelo, JlCh, and Seanone . In terms of supps, just fish oil and cissus for my ageing joints!, Ha. Also Rob you may be interested to know that after reading the BP BULLETIN, I got some Phoenix Kineticream to help with injuries. Great stuff. Really good product mate, thanks for the research!

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:17 pm
by thewods
Ok, so im fed up of going over and over this. Im starting famine sunday1st Sept. i finish my last night shift at 0700 on that morning so will sleep till 1200, nice way of fasting i suppose, then crack on. In terms of diet, which if any of you reading this thread will know has been the source of my frustration, so after much research and deliberation, im going to be eating Asian clear broths lots of green leafy veg and small portions of meat/fish at appropriate time. i have calorie and macro figures at hand and this is the best way for ME to proceed. Im pretty sure im still within all the criteria for a successful famine, and i WILL keep you guys posted. My calorie count for famine is 1889 kcal. No more worrying or whining, here i go..................

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:46 pm
by JlCh
I personally stay away from any protein based foods (meat/fish). You get protein from oats and various other foods I typically eat during famine so I try to stay away from that considering I try to get as small amounts of protein as possible. All up to you though bud. Honestly just diving into it is my kind of style haha. I know I continued to tweak/learn things as I was going with my first run. Famine isn't something I'd want to do more than once without the gains that follow though :p. Either way, good luck!

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:50 am
by thewods
Cheers for that man, in terms of the meat/fish parts, I would only add small amounts of them to my post workout meals. Other than those times I'll be meat free. A very strange feeling I must admit. Looking forward to seeing its effects on me!!!!!! Keep you posted.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:11 am
by FatBoySlimFast
I don't consume any animal products whatsoever during the famine phase, my diet consists predominantly of fruit, vegetables and vegetable juices.
With the occasional small portions of rice or oats if I become really hungry.

Personally I actually enjoy eating like this during famine and the detox benefits that come with it.

I find the follow products very useful during this phase, which you being from the UK are available from Waitrose. ... rch=Search

Good luck with you BP run, looking forward to seeing the results.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:59 am
by thewods
Well, due to unforeseen circumstances, mainly having a 6 week old boy, ha, I'm delaying till next mon. Quite glad as I can revise my famine diet. So I understand now, no meats in famine! Not sure where I got that from, and I thank the contributers to my thread, and Mr Fatboyslimfast (lol the name) mega thanks for waitrose link!!! And to all BP believers, thank you for your patience and quality of the responses. It's not intentional to act stupid, it's a genetic trait I think!!!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:53 pm
by RobRegish
Enjoy that baby boy! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:29 am
by thewods
Ok. so started famine yesterday. WEIRD. Did first workout ok, haven't trained in 8 weeks, enjoying my son too much, but holy cow am i feeling MEGA DOMS!!!!!!! Diet wise, not as bad as i thought, im supposed to have 1880 kcal's, but came in at 1212 kcal, so need to up a bit. my first meal was 50g porridge semi skimmed milk 1tsp honey, workout, then post w/o i had a carrot and potato salad with yoghurt dressing, grilled halloumi and pepper skewer. Let me just state, ive never ever ever gone 1 day without eating meat!!!!!!!!
And i didnt miss it. Funny but im also learning about alternatives with food, and the use of herbs and spices in meals. After starting day 1 and the use of inter web there is options. Today fasted till 12, 2 cups of coffe and 2 med. bananas and carrot and orange salad. Anyone give marks on this so far? i would appreciate honest and critical insight. Only 3 and a half days left!!!!!
Not counting the days or anything

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:08 am
by JlCh
Up the hell out of your calories and hit that mark. Day 3 is typically where I get bitchslapped with the fatigue/drained feeling. First 2 days are typically not so bad.