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Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:30 am
by arsenalawi

Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 2029

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 152 grams
20% fat 45 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
2x boiled eggs
100g grapes
100g kiwi
200g rice
300g dairy
200ml low fat milk
36g low fat cheese
100g chicken
100g rice
200ml pomegranate juice
200ml full fat milk
protein shake
50g low fat cheese

Total calories achieved: 2552

Carbs: 339g
Fat: 52
Protein: 156g

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:48 pm
by arsenalawi

Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 2029

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 152 grams
20% fat 45 grams
100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
70g low fat cheese
72 grams bread
300ml pomegranate juice
100g rice
100g chicken
300ml orange juice
protein shake
50g low fat cheese
200ml low fat milk
200ml low fat milk

Total calories achieved: 2259

Carbs: 315g
Fat: 47
Protein: 144g

I am highly considering keeping my calorie count at 20x all the way through feast. I don't feel like 2k calories are enough.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:05 am
by arsenalawi
FEAST Day 10

Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 2029

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 152 grams
20% fat 45 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
2x boiled eggs
100g kiwi
100g rice
100g chicken
3x dates
170g rice
170g dairy
100g chicken
170g grapes
200ml full fat milk
1TBPS peanut butter
50g low fat cheese

Total calories achieved:2037

Carbs: 247g
Fat: 48
Protein: 134g

Today's workout

Benchpress: 202lbs x3
Pullover: 65lb dumbell x3
Squat: Failed attempt to do 308lbs x3, did 264lbsx3
SLDL: 132lbs x5

EDT: |setsxreps|

Incline DB press: 5x6 45lb dumbbell
T-bar: 5x6 100lbs

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:07 am
by arsenalawi
FEAST Day 11

Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 2029

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 153 grams
20% fat 45 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
1x boiled eggs
50g chicken mortadella
36g low fat cheese
36 grams bread
200ml full fat milk
Dairy 500ml1
36 grams bread
1TBSP peanut butter
36g low fat cheese
protein shake

Total calories achieved: 2048

Carbs: 224g
Fat: 65
Protein: 121g

Was kind of busy today so I didn't have enough time to eat proper meals:(

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:44 pm
by arsenalawi
FEAST Day 12

Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 2029

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 153 grams
20% fat 45 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
3x dates
170g rice
150g rice
100g chicken
200ml ornage juice
200g rice
protein shake
200ml low fat milk

Total calories achieved: 2017

Carbs: 356g
Fat: 24
Protein: 93g

Not a really good day for food :(
Also played a football match today for an hour and a half and it took its toll on my body. My next workout is my deload, going to skip that and rest till my last bridge workout.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:50 pm
by arsenalawi
FEAST Day 13

Weight in Lbs 135 lbs
Calories required 2029

50% carbs 253 grams
30% protein 153 grams
20% fat 45 grams

100grams oatmeal + 236 ml milk
200g mango
150g rice
100g chicken
300ml orange juice
100g low fat cheese
200ml low fat milk
120g millefueil
3x dates
50g chicken
100g bread
protein shake

Total calories achieved: 2274

Carbs: 300g
Fat: 38
Protein: 141g

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:51 am
by arsenalawi
Gona have to stop for a while.
Been having a tough time with food lately as I'm busy with some projects.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:22 pm
by Dragon
I noticed you're logging your food and not your workout. Thats interesting because sometimes I feel that the biggest battle is eating enough to sustain growth.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:16 am
by arsenalawi
There isnt much to log about the workout, you can summarize it in a few words by just saying how much your lifts went up. As you said, eating enough to sustain growth is the biggest battle :P