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Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:35 pm
by Dragon
Btw, if the powerlifting style bench still presents problems (which it sounds like it will) then simply use the floor press variation. Strongman Mark Phillili recommends this as an alternative that transfers most of your 1rep max power gains into the full rom BP. U don't need to drop your elbows past parrallel to engage your chest, its a myth.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:35 pm
by arsenalawi
Dragon wrote:IMHO 3.0 is a tempting place to start but not the best if u have little to no experience lifting. 2.0 is fantastic and not that hard to figure out, just re read it. If u read it... re read again and spend time reading other ppls logs. It takes awhile to learn diet and this should be your primary focus, that and the loading patterns. To be honest I've felt great recovery sipping on milk and cherry juice during my workouts instead of spending all that money on processed carb drinks, even if it is karbolyn. Trust me, save your money, arm yourself with good food and discipline in the gym and you will b fine. The loading patterns and consistency is going to put more muscle on u than any supplement. If u need an example of how to run 2.0 chk out my log. I'm very detailed.
I'll look into your log.
I am starting 2.0, its more suited towards my goals anyways.
If I don't find all the ingredients in the stores then I'll be doing this run with no supplementation, not too fussed about it, just trying to grab any opportunity to maximize the benefits.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:37 pm
by arsenalawi
Dragon wrote:Btw, if the powerlifting style bench still presents problems (which it sounds like it will) then simply use the floor press variation. Strongman Mark Phillili recommends this as an alternative that transfers most of your 1rep max power gains into the full rom BP. U don't need to drop your elbows past parrallel to engage your chest, its a myth.
I never drop my elbows past parallel, I realised by doing so my chest does not contract much and instead the shoulders start pushing the weight, keep elbow at parallel keeps the tension in my chest.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:46 pm
by Dragon
arsenalawi wrote:
Dragon wrote:IMHO 3.0 is a tempting place to start but not the best if u have little to no experience lifting. 2.0 is fantastic and not that hard to figure out, just re read it. If u read it... re read again and spend time reading other ppls logs. It takes awhile to learn diet and this should be your primary focus, that and the loading patterns. To be honest I've felt great recovery sipping on milk and cherry juice during my workouts instead of spending all that money on processed carb drinks, even if it is karbolyn. Trust me, save your money, arm yourself with good food and discipline in the gym and you will b fine. The loading patterns and consistency is going to put more muscle on u than any supplement. If u need an example of how to run 2.0 chk out my log. I'm very detailed.
I'll look into your log.
I am starting 2.0, its more suited towards my goals anyways.
If I don't find all the ingredients in the stores then I'll be doing this run with no supplementation, not too fussed about it, just trying to grab any opportunity to maximize the benefits.
That's smart bro. I got myself all worked up my first run LOL. I really wasted lots of time. BigPelo tried to warn me but I didn't listen and lost alotta traction.