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Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:54 pm
by CraigoBucks
Got my MPS last week, so thanks again askmass. I can say I have gained about 5lbs lbm using MPS(3 bottles) along with the body weight excercises I've added. I can do 5 single legs squats before I loose my balance and I'm on step seven, uneven pull ups. (10 right arm and 4 left arm) I dislocated 2 different fingers on my left hand earlier this year playing basketball, so my grip strength is not so good. Any suggestions for rehabbing fingers?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:13 am
by bigpelo
CraigoBucks wrote:I dislocated 2 different fingers on my left hand earlier this year playing basketball, so my grip strength is not so good. Any suggestions for rehabbing fingers?
This subject is discussed in Convict Conditioning 2: Steel rod fingers and grip strength.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:04 am
by RobRegish
CraigoBucks wrote:Got my MPS last week, so thanks again askmass. I can say I have gained about 5lbs lbm using MPS(3 bottles) along with the body weight excercises I've added. I can do 5 single legs squats before I loose my balance and I'm on step seven, uneven pull ups. (10 right arm and 4 left arm) I dislocated 2 different fingers on my left hand earlier this year playing basketball, so my grip strength is not so good. Any suggestions for rehabbing fingers?
Big.Pelo nailed it, but my favorite re-hab here is filling up a large bucket of corn kernels. You stick your hand in there and open and shut your fist. The corn isn't overly difficult to do this with, and you can progress to more difficult items by filling the bucket with marbles or golf balls, as your grip strength improves.

The other thing I like to do is this: Loop a towel over a chinup bar. Grab both ends and hang there for as long as you can. Record the time. Keep building up your time on the towel hangs. It builds a MONSTER grip...