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Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:34 pm
by 5.0stang
RobRegish wrote:
5.0stang wrote:Can we purchase the "recording" after it has aired?
I think so. At what price/point in time afterwards I'm not sure though. I'll know more tomorrow, after speaking with Carl.

TRUST me guys, this is well worth the asking price. The MINIMUM you'll walk away with is a unique, little discussed way to grow.

The most you'll walk away with? Up to 1 inch on your upper arms - as a result of ONE workout - and the knowledge as to how to go about applying that to the rest of your body.


That's what even Carl thought, when he undertook the program. He even posted after it was over, his arms didn't budge on the tape measure. Just as I told him though, over the ensuing days/weeks - he now has almost a full inch on both arms, a month later.

It ain't hype, isn't new either. What is new, is the "twists" I've put on it to help you get better gains, faster. Just like BP... :)
Registered:) I'll be at work during the broadcast, so I'll just wait for the recording!

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 9:03 pm
by Joker
RobRegish wrote:
Joker wrote:I signed up for the seminar & the email I got back seems to indicate I have to got to Ky?

Like WTF, I thought this was online & on your computer.
You must indeed, be a joker.

If you signed up, you're not going to KY. You're going to Gainsville. In the FAST lane... :)
Look forward to it. :)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:11 am
by RobRegish
It'll be worth it guys, here's why...

You're going to learn ALL about why this program will work for you, by peering back through the looking glass. You're also walking away with a killer spreadsheet, that lays it ALL out for you:

1.) The loading/programming, in easy to follow format

2.) The Majestic Se7en drink. What is is, what the ingredients are, why they've been hand picked for this, how they work AND if so inclined - I've done ALL the low cost shopping for you!

3.) The Majestic Se7en "light", if budget is an issue (who's isn't)?

4.) Key take away points, to keep in mind as you gear up for the gun show

It's all here. Bigger guns away, in less than 24 hours so please - register today and join us!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:26 am
by wtmarcus
Definitely looking forward to this baby. Sadly won't be there live. Just going off BP3 feast this week.. (and what good results it has given me! Stronger and leaner! It's almost like cheating). Gonna stick this arm blasting session into the cruise somewhere. :)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:03 pm
by DaCookie
Looking forward to this Rob.The people haven't been let down before so I'd be very surprised if you let them down now.Up to one inch is a hell of a promise.

But if the results speak for themselves or if its even half an inch+ then I can see this super human university being a big big hit if the further shows are much like this.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:41 pm
by Rizzo23601
Carl posted on facebook that there would be no MP3 download, although many who registered won't be able to attend the live seminar (time zone issues for me). Is there any reasoning for this? Can't think of one...

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:27 pm
by austinb37
I registered but won't be able to make the time. It should be well worth 10 bucks just for the workout and supplement information.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:17 pm
by wtmarcus
Rizzo23601 wrote:Carl posted on facebook that there would be no MP3 download, although many who registered won't be able to attend the live seminar (time zone issues for me). Is there any reasoning for this? Can't think of one...
This is horrible news. And Rob posted earlier in this thread that it was being recorded and "we wont miss out."

Don't think I would have registered if I knew I couldn't listen in afterwards. :(
Though I suppose it can be made available via a web player.

Makes sense to have no mp3 download from a pirating POV.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:37 pm
by the_buffer
I feel your pain... I was called into work last minute and just missed the deadline to register.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:01 pm
by 5.0stang
Darn, I was at work so I couldn't chime in, but I paid/registered.

I'm sure Rob will make it right - worst case, perhaps he can give us BP guys a cliffnote version in an email for those that paid/registered on the workout, supplement, intraworkout drink, etc.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:20 am
by RobRegish
As Carl mentioned, nobody's going to miss out.

If you weren't able to make the live seminar, a DVD will be available shortly. I ALWAYS make things right.

Here BTW, was the feedback immediately after the seminar wrapped up...

Carl Lanore

Early Reviews of Tonight's SHU Seminar with Rob Regish :

08:12PM renman01 Carl, Rob and SHR come through again. Thanks!
08:11PM radfox lets get to the gym and do this!
08:11PM amra thanks! 18" ->19" , here we go!
08:11PM jjgleason Wow, too bad it has to end!
08:11PM ersabow Thanks for the seminar
08:11PM cdaustin This was fantastic, thanks!
08:10PM pinky good stuff!
08:10PM vinnietrt Class act guys! This was awesome!
08:10PM wtmarcus super seminar. Thanks!

Richard Patterson, Vince Napoli, Gil Lalanne and 4 others like this.

Gil Lalanne yes too bad it had to end ..a ton load of information..Thanks

Steven Parente I wasn't able to attend. Is there going to be a DVD for sale or downlaod?

Panagiotis Antonakos The real beauty will be the results:)

Rob Regish Indeed Panos! RESULTS!!! Thanks for everyone, for helping to make this a success!!!

Carl Lanore Yes a CD will be available! Stay tuned...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:00 am
by Rizzo23601
So I registered for 10 bucks, couldnt make the seminar because it was at 4 in the morning in my time zone, and now I can buy a DVD plus shipping costs to europe?! I was under the impression that the main value was in the spreadsheet and a documentation for the workout, where everything was already lined out and the live seminar was just a bonus.

Why not send out the documents via email and send out a link to the seminar to those who registered?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:24 pm
by DaCookie
Rizzo23601 wrote:So I registered for 10 bucks, couldnt make the seminar because it was at 4 in the morning in my time zone, and now I can buy a DVD plus shipping costs to europe?! I was under the impression that the main value was in the spreadsheet and a documentation for the workout, where everything was already lined out and the live seminar was just a bonus.

Why not send out the documents via email and send out a link to the seminar to those who registered?
You just have to pay for the CD shipping costs.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:58 pm
by 5.0stang
Just ordered the cd! :D