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Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:13 pm
by thelemac
Completed Feast workout

Completed decline static holds-got a little brave and started at 365-not happening-reduced the weight.
15sec @315
15sec @ 315

EDT Block
Dips BWX6
1 arm Row 90X6
used the same weight as last time-but this time with 2 minutes of rest between sets-absolutely brutal but made all but the last set of dips-6 sets

Seated BB Press
15 sec@215
15 sec @215

EDT Block
Incline DB Curls 30X8
1 arm tricep extension 30X8
Made all 6 sets with 2 minutes rest between sets. Could/should have gone heavier.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:40 pm
by thelemac
In case anyone is wondering.
Starting weight-252
Starting handheld tanita BF%-20.6*

Not sure how accurate these are but I try to test at the same time everyday and my h2o consumption is fairly regular.