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Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 2:51 pm
by bigpelo
JGS2012 wrote:Hey

I am new here, I didn't want to fill your blog with crap but I just wanted to good luck and I am looking forward to see end results. Also, what were your results on previous attempts?
Thanks for joining my log! My previous runs are also logged on this forum. Try a search and you should find my results.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:07 pm
by bigpelo
May 17 2012 - Feast day 15

No training, crazy week at job and also in my personal life as we are moving in another house May 31st. Diet was fair, not excellent though.

May 18 2012 - Feast day 16

Circuit training #1, almost puke after the completion of the 4th set. It was fairly easy but it kicked my ass hard couple minutes after. Nice pump in the whole body. When to bed at 9pm on this Friday night, getting old... Weight in at 222.5 lbs.

May 19 2012 - Feast day 17

No training, lot of work to do at home. Super nice sunny day so I fuel my vitamin D tank. Last time cutting the lawn before moving to the other house.

May 20 2012 - Feast day 18

Strength WO #2, one workout a week to a new peak. When great! completed all sets and reps with the prescribed weight. Felt strong as hell. Completed the day with Convict Conditioning pull ups, calf raise, grip and leg raise. Weight in at 222 still but I feel bigger and slimmer at waist line.

May 21 2012 - Feast day 19

Still hasn't received my Synthagen. I don't believed I will ever see this 4 pack anymore. Really disappointed with USPS and/or Canada Post. I talked with John via PM but the fact I will move at the end of the month complicated things further more. I am pissed!

No time to hit the gym again today. Tomorrow should be good!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:52 am
by bigpelo
May 22 2012 - Feast day 20

Density WO #2. Took 33 minutes to complete. When fairly well considering I had only 2 hours of sleep the night before (baby growing teeth). I will increase weight next week. Weight in at 220.5 lbs, getting lean.

Calves where soooo sore from Sunday WO I had difficulties moving around. 4 sets of 90 reps seem easy while doing them but I got a reminder that it was somehow hard... It's the sorest I ever felt in years.

May 23 2012 - Feast day 21

Damn I am hungry! I didn't had a re-feed day this weekend and I really feel like I need calories right now. Yes I am leaner but hunger starts to take over my mind.

I will do HIIT cardio after work, fasted. I will take mid-feast measurements tonight. Calves feel better.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 6:51 am
by bigpelo
May 23 2012 - Feat day 21

Mid-feast stats

219.5 lbs (+5.5 lbs)
16.2% BF (-0.3%)
35.5 in waist (-0.5 in)
184 lbs lean mass (+5 lbs)

I feel strong like a train. A bit disappointed with body fat percentage result because I look way more shred then before feast starts and veins are popping on biceps and forearm. That is despite doing any isolation exercises either for biceps or triceps. I only work my grip, convict conditioning style, once a week. I wonder what this could have been with Synthagen...? DAMN POST SERVICES :evil:

Hopefully this run has more to delivers :D

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 2:01 pm
by RobRegish
GREAT place to be, at the halfway mark Big Man!!!

All this without Synthagen? Defines the word, "scary"... )

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:30 am
by bigpelo
Haven't updated for a while as I moved on May 31st. New house and every thing needed to change takes a lot of time. But I didn't cut on training!

Yesterday, June 11 2012, I did the 5th strength workout. I nailed 3 reps of my previous 1RM on box squat and bench press. I could probably have done 1 more on each but the goal was 2 reps... only :)

So, everything is going well. Another 10 days of feast remaining, density training #5 tonight and weight will go up again. hit 225 lbs on the scale yesterday but I feel quite lean. In fact, people are asking me if I lost weight recently; a co-worker this very morning.

All this without Synthagen, I never received my order :(