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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:04 am
by Carne
Famine is finished. So glad. Weight was at exactly 166.6, so I lost 3lbs total during famine, not bad I think.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:44 pm
by Carne
After 1 day of feast I'm up 1.5lbs in body weight. I didn't weigh myself this morning so, but will do so tomorrow to see if my BW rebounces back to where it was pre-famine.

Tomorrow the workouts start!

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:14 pm
by Carne
Feast Workout #1
Day 9

Excluding Warm-ups

Bench Press 165x10
Dumbbell Pullovers 45x10

Squat 145x8
Dimel Deadlift 225x8 (Was shooting for 10 reps, but lower back got tired)

EDT Block #1 (20 min long)
Incline DB Bench 45x6,6,6,6,6,6,6
1-Arm DB Rows 60x6,6,6,6,6,6,6

EDT Block #2 (15 min long)
Deadlift 225x5,5,5,5,5,5
Leg Press 360x5,5,5,5,5,5

Right off the bat, I think I lifted too light. I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to go to failure on the bench and squat, so I just went to 10 reps each, even though I could have done at least another 4 reps more on each movement.

The EDTs were also too light. As you can see, I maintained the same amount of reps throughout the whole PR zone. Also, 2 minutes rest is a long time, even if I went heavier I think I could probably maintain the 5 or 6 rep scheme just because I have more than enough time to recover in between sets.

Hopefully I'm doing the EDTs correctly: I'm doing the superset for 5 or 6 reps, then I rest 2 minutes, then I do the superset again, and keep doing this until my 20 minutes or 15 minutes are up.

I would appreciate your 2 cents on this. Its my first run so I could use the help.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:45 am
by Carne
Feast Day 10
No workout today

Weight: 168.2

I went down about .6 or .8 in weight. My biggest goal with this program is hypertrophy. My biggest concern is being able to put on weight.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:24 pm
by Carne
Feast Workout #2
Day 12

Excluding Warm-ups

Bench Press 185x4
Dumbbell Pullovers 50x10

Squat (too sore after warm-ups, work sets not done)
Dimel Deadlift (not done)

EDT Block #1 (20 min long)
Incline DB Bench 45x8,8,8,8,8,8,8
1-Arm DB Rows 65x8,8,8,8,8,7,6

EDT Block #2 (15 min long)
Push Press 95x8,8,8,6,6,5
Deadlift 225x8,7,5,5,5,3


I was supposed to do BOTH the bench and squat for workout #2. The problem is, I think I went over my head with the first workout. During the first workout, the squat and dimel DLs, along with the EDT leg press and regular DLs absolutely KILLED my legs. I took 2 days rest and my legs felt pretty good to be hammered again, but I was wrong.

After I did a warm-up set of squats, my inner thighs were extremely tight and felt like I was going to pull a muscle. There was pain, so I skipped the squat. Further, I changed the leg press in the second set of EDTs to push press, but kept the deadlift, to help my legs recover from the punishing first workout. As of now, my legs are still not recovered; I did some BW squats at home to see how they felt and they are extremely sore when worked!

My dilemma now is next workout is #3 for bench, but I'm still in #2 for squat. I don't know how to advance from here. Help?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:27 pm
by drtda
Interesting that you thought that Workout #1 was too easy and light, but you found out that you were way too sore (at least lower body) to do your 2nd workout. May be that the EDT blocks were a lot more taxing than you thought.

I would drop the deadlifts as part of the EDT Block, because I think it is too much considering you are already doing Squats and Dimels. I also don't like to do regular deadlifts while fatigued, such as in an EDT block, because you can easily start to compromise your form and end up with a nice lower back injury.

Second thing, you may need to add something to help with recovery. I saw that you are not on any supplements, but at least doing something like The Formula will certainly help your recovery ability. You could also use some tart cherry juice as that helps with recovery as well.

Lastly, between workouts you need to do some active recovery. I like HIIT, sled drags, and foam rolling, along with some stretching.

For your dilemma, I would just go with Upper Body #3 and Lower Body #3 for your next workout.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:50 am
by Carne
Solid advice.

I think Ill go ahead and take all those suggestions! I forgot all abou the formula, I gotta look for it in my BP paperwork.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:31 am
by RobRegish
drtda wrote:Interesting that you thought that Workout #1 was too easy and light, but you found out that you were way too sore (at least lower body) to do your 2nd workout. May be that the EDT blocks were a lot more taxing than you thought.

I would drop the deadlifts as part of the EDT Block, because I think it is too much considering you are already doing Squats and Dimels. I also don't like to do regular deadlifts while fatigued, such as in an EDT block, because you can easily start to compromise your form and end up with a nice lower back injury.

Second thing, you may need to add something to help with recovery. I saw that you are not on any supplements, but at least doing something like The Formula will certainly help your recovery ability. You could also use some tart cherry juice as that helps with recovery as well.

Lastly, between workouts you need to do some active recovery. I like HIIT, sled drags, and foam rolling, along with some stretching.

For your dilemma, I would just go with Upper Body #3 and Lower Body #3 for your next workout.
Right here, thank you drta!

Would have been my exact answer. Three solid strategies for success!!!

I'm starting over

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:41 am
by Carne
Alright fellas, I can admit when I f'ed up. Life have gotten in the way of my BP experience.

Its been almost a week since my last training session (Feast #2). Its been too long and even though I'm completely recovered from my previous workout, life has gotten in the way and I have not been able to go. Not to mention, my workouts have not been solid due to my EDTs being changed everytime and experimenting with different weight loads.

Even though I'm in feast, my diet has been sht. I've been slacking as far as restocking my fridge in an orderly fashion and my diet has suffered as a result. Truth be told, I'm hardly feasting at all.

Both of my sons were keeping me up all night as I ended famine and started feast. During my start with feast, I started with only getting 5 hours of sleep, hardly enough for recovery. They are finally sleeping through the night now.

Things are finally back to normal at Carne's household, but in my opinion its too late to salvage this run...HOWEVER....

I'll be re-starting 2.0 tomorrow. I want to give this program a real shot, and to do so I feel its best to start over, with a little modification.

Famine day #1 is tomorrow, but I'll fast for 4 days only, Saturday I'll go into feast mode. If I feel pretty good, I may even start feast workout #1 on Saturday without waiting the 3 days of just eating/sleeping. Thoughts and critiques are welcome.

Thanks for the support. I'll just log this second try on this thread instead of starting a new one.

Famine Day #1

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:35 pm
by Carne
Starting weight 169lbs.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:55 pm
by Carne
Famine Day 2

Been busy, was not able to post my workouts as I should have, but I did complete them.

On this day, it was Famine Workout #1
(Excluding warm-up)

Squat 175x4, 175x4, 175x4
T-Bar Row 90x6, 135x4, 135x4

Seated Cable Row 150x6, 160x5, 170x4
Pull Downs 160x6, 170x4, 170x4

BB Curls 80x6
Incline DB Curl 30x6
Preacher Curl 90x4

Workout went well, famine wasn't killing me so bad this time so I completed it without feeling super fatigued.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:00 am
by Carne
Famine Day 3

Famine Workout #2

DB Bench Press 60x8
Military Press 35x8

DB Incline Press 60x6
Military Press 25x8

Close-Grip Bench 135x8
Military Press 25x10

BB Decline Bench 155x8
Military Press 25x10

Decline Close-Grip Bench 115x10
Skull Crushers 50x10
Cable Pushdown 95x10, 100x10

This workout was a lot harder to complete. Besides the fact that famine was taking its toll on me, I completed this workout after spending hours working in the backyard, so I went into the gym already fatigued.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:09 am
by Carne

Day 4

So today was my last day of famine. I cheated at the end and ate a big old steak! I'm ok with it, famine this 2nd go around was better than the first. Tomorrow I officially start feast again. As you may recall, I'm not doing the full 5 days of famine this time. I also did not look at the scale. I think I fuss too much when it comes to gaining weight, so I'll be checking my weight less frequently and let the lifts speak for themselves.

Next couple of days are strictly feast, and then into the workouts!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:12 am
by dropthebeats
Carne wrote:03/30/2012

Day 4

So today was my last day of famine. I cheated at the end and ate a big old steak! I'm ok with it, famine this 2nd go around was better than the first. Tomorrow I officially start feast again. As you may recall, I'm not doing the full 5 days of famine this time. I also did not look at the scale. I think I fuss too much when it comes to gaining weight, so I'll be checking my weight less frequently and let the lifts speak for themselves.

Next couple of days are strictly feast, and then into the workouts!
Good work! I've noticed that most of us on the board don't really need the 5th day of Famine and that 3rd workout. Good thing! It would be killer!

Good look with feast! I'll sure be following your posts.