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Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:16 pm
by oliverparsons
Hey Rob - great to see this thread! I haven't been on the BP message boards in a few weeks and was actually going to post your exact thread asking if there was a new workout that combined the benefits of BP 2.0 and 3.0. I'm just wrapping up 3.0 and feel like it was great and added a bunch of size but 2.0 actually gave me more strength gains.

Any idea on timing of the new Meteoric? I was hoping to start a new run in 2 weeks.

Thanks, as always!

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:59 am
by oliverparsons
...and I forgot to add, yes, I would pay $25 for the BP Meteoric. I think a new user would pay $75 for all three plans IF you laid the workouts in very very very simple terms. People get overwhelmed with so much to read. During my first run, I found I spent a lot of time reading and re-reading because some of the routines were not easy to read one page cheat sheets would go a long way.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:52 pm
by beefcake66
Hey Rob, you should let an Endo-Meso Chick test-pilot this one :p


Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:34 am
by RobRegish
beefcake66 wrote:Hey Rob, you should let an Endo-Meso Chick test-pilot this one :p

Haha I do!

PM me your email addy beefer... :) I still need to work some bugs out, but the "shell" will give you a good idea, of what I'm pursuing... :)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:43 am
by beefcake66
I'm starting a new run january 1st and so my feast workouts will begin on Jan 9th, if it looks like something I can do in the basement I'll do it up for sure


Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:32 pm
by Dragon
RobRegish wrote:OK everyone, some breaking news The 5Faces of Fear(tm) wanted me to share with you about this...

The BP Meteoric is coming together much faster than I had anticipated. This, largely due to the interest expressed by several of you Believer's. When you get excited about something, I do too... :)


The objective of The Meteoric is to deliver better results, faster. Faster even, than you achieved with 2.0/3.0. It isn't a bulking plan. It isn't a cutter either. It isn't even geared toward re-comp, as 3.0 was - IT'S ALL 3!

That's right, The BP Meteoric is going to allow you to have it ALL. You'll get all of the size/strength and power 2.0 and The BP Periodic are now famous for, 3.0's ability to melt bodyfat like butter in a microwave and as an added bonus - you'll have the physical conditioning of a wrestler/MMA fighter.


Well, it is if you do what everyone else is doing... :) If you know anything about me/BP, you know this isn't going to be re-hashed hash. Ole' Mix doesn't play that. What you're about to read will make your head spin, insofar as the speed at which the "unorthodox" unfolds. If you want it ALL, it really can't be any other way...

As with 3.0 and everything else, I'm going to give it to you straight: The training/dietary template is going to have to be followed almost to a "T", in order to accomplish what today is thought to be, "impossible". Don't worry, there's still some of the same flexibility BP is known for. However, the reason 3.0 trumped even 2.0 was that it "tightened up" some of the fundamentals, insofar as training/diet. Fortunately for me, you guys/gals upped your game like I knew you would - and it eclipsed even 2.0 in terms of success rate!

ETA is shortly after the new year, as I polish this diamond up for you.

One more thing: Unlike 2.0/3.0, I've attempted to keep my hyper-ADD/over-verbage in check. It'll be a quick study you can put into practice almost immediately. I heard from more than a few people after reading 3.0, that the tsunami of information was a bit "overwhelming". As in the EMT's were almost called... :)

A lucky few of you (about a dozen), have advance copies. I consider myself lucky, because I didn't almost die perfecting this one - unlike 3.0 lol.

Get ready, because The Meteoric is about to take things to a WHOLE 'nother level - AGAIN... :)
This is great. After reading many of the post on here I get the impression that some folks don't have that much experience, or at least not as much as they think they do LOL. Also, some folks are kinda like automatons and need a step by step kind of thing where everything is written down in plain english.


Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:04 am
by RobRegish
Dragon wrote:
RobRegish wrote:OK everyone, some breaking news The 5Faces of Fear(tm) wanted me to share with you about this...

The BP Meteoric is coming together much faster than I had anticipated. This, largely due to the interest expressed by several of you Believer's. When you get excited about something, I do too... :)


The objective of The Meteoric is to deliver better results, faster. Faster even, than you achieved with 2.0/3.0. It isn't a bulking plan. It isn't a cutter either. It isn't even geared toward re-comp, as 3.0 was - IT'S ALL 3!

That's right, The BP Meteoric is going to allow you to have it ALL. You'll get all of the size/strength and power 2.0 and The BP Periodic are now famous for, 3.0's ability to melt bodyfat like butter in a microwave and as an added bonus - you'll have the physical conditioning of a wrestler/MMA fighter.


Well, it is if you do what everyone else is doing... :) If you know anything about me/BP, you know this isn't going to be re-hashed hash. Ole' Mix doesn't play that. What you're about to read will make your head spin, insofar as the speed at which the "unorthodox" unfolds. If you want it ALL, it really can't be any other way...

As with 3.0 and everything else, I'm going to give it to you straight: The training/dietary template is going to have to be followed almost to a "T", in order to accomplish what today is thought to be, "impossible". Don't worry, there's still some of the same flexibility BP is known for. However, the reason 3.0 trumped even 2.0 was that it "tightened up" some of the fundamentals, insofar as training/diet. Fortunately for me, you guys/gals upped your game like I knew you would - and it eclipsed even 2.0 in terms of success rate!

ETA is shortly after the new year, as I polish this diamond up for you.

One more thing: Unlike 2.0/3.0, I've attempted to keep my hyper-ADD/over-verbage in check. It'll be a quick study you can put into practice almost immediately. I heard from more than a few people after reading 3.0, that the tsunami of information was a bit "overwhelming". As in the EMT's were almost called... :)

A lucky few of you (about a dozen), have advance copies. I consider myself lucky, because I didn't almost die perfecting this one - unlike 3.0 lol.

Get ready, because The Meteoric is about to take things to a WHOLE 'nother level - AGAIN... :)
This is great. After reading many of the post on here I get the impression that some folks don't have that much experience, or at least not as much as they think they do LOL. Also, some folks are kinda like automatons and need a step by step kind of thing where everything is written down in plain english.
Everyone that comes here has a different story. You're correct in that SOME don't have much experience in the iron game, others do and still others are finding their way. Doesn't matter to me where you are. What does matter is where you're going...

My INTENT is to get you to your personal Nirvana as FAST as possible. Unlike the rest of the world, I'm NOT going to tell you it's going to be easy. In fact, I'm going to demand HARD WORK. HARD WORK isn't easy. It isn't pleasant, and you won't be smiling during many of these workouts. You for sure will be smiling though, after MANY - when you're destroying old PR's... :)

Having said that, I'm still not happy with the BP Meteoric so it's going to be awhile. While that will frustrate many here, I consider it a blessing. I won't have BP's reputation tarnished by anything less than a 100% success rate. I've put too much into it, and you Believer's put your blood, sweat and tears into it too.

It'll be worth the wait...

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:02 pm
by bigpelo
Any development? I am ready for another run and I believe BP Meteoric would be great!

Or I could pay the 50$ and be a guinea pig :idea:

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:13 pm
by pmartinez78
Ya i'm also ready for another bp run. I was really hoping this would be out before Synthagen so I can run it solo and then run it again with Synthagen and compare the results.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:35 am
by scoooter
Like a fine wine, no BP shall be released before it's time ! j/k

Just looking for an update on release and the whole $$ thing has me kinda miffed, is it for existing or new clients or both ?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:38 pm
by RobRegish
scoooter wrote:Like a fine wine, no BP shall be released before it's time ! j/k

Just looking for an update on release and the whole $$ thing has me kinda miffed, is it for existing or new clients or both ?
Sorry guys, this is going to be a bit. I'm still working the bugs out of the diet, and Synthagen research, etc. has absolutely exhausted me. It has to be perfect though, before it's released - you're right about that.

I'm far from deciding upon how much, for who etc.. Sometimes things don't work out like you think they will. BPM looked ready to go, then it hit a snag. At the same time though, I got Synthagen's pieces to fall into place. They'll both be worth the wait...

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:16 am
by scoooter
Well there is only so much of Rob to go around ! don't spread yourself to thin and thanks for all you do, your effort is amazing.

I am biased more for the Synthagen anyway.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:53 am
by Emdriven
Hey Rob, how about a little update on BPM? Give us an idea as to when you think it will drop. Thanks.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:29 pm
by RobRegish
Emdriven wrote:Hey Rob, how about a little update on BPM? Give us an idea as to when you think it will drop. Thanks.
Still up in the air man, my apologies. Between Synthagen, customized plans, SuperHuman Radio and some other issues I'm dealing with.

The deal is this: The feedback is still not 100% "I love this" yet. Due to the diet/energy system work it's a VERY tough project to make this work for everyone (or nearly so).

Part of the issue is the more you ratchet down on the diet/training, the further away from 100% you move. Meaning what you gain in compliance (and those that comply are uber-successful), you lose in those that can't/won't comply. They like most of it, but not all of it.

I need to find a way to ensure everyone loves it/does well with it. That and I need to add staff. 5Faces of Fear(tm) just aren't enough these days... :)