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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:51 am
by Ragee
JlCh wrote:Np, hopefully the tip helped some.

Also, there's a 72 hour refeed after the 5 days of famine before your first feast workout.
Ah, sweet! Even better! Thanks!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:14 am
by RobRegish
Sorry to be late to the game, no power here for a week.

Some GREAT advice in this thread, and you sound well versed in the various forms of hypertrophy. Following along so if you're still in need of answers, by all means fire away!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:23 am
by Ragee
matter2003 wrote: After famine you are going to want to take 3 days off to do nothing but eat and sleep(or at least 2), so I would recommend not working out would likely slow down progress in feast...
This is good to hear. Honestly, I maybe should have done my first run without famine as this week has been really difficult motivation/energy-wise to getting stuff done (plus other stresses, for better for worse). It'll be nice to just eat and be lazy.
RobRegish wrote:Sorry to be late to the game, no power here for a week.

Some GREAT advice in this thread, and you sound well versed in the various forms of hypertrophy. Following along so if you're still in need of answers, by all means fire away!
Glad to see you in my log! I'm sure my understanding will need fine tuning as I go along. Also, you give me quite a high compliment for someone with such little training. Admittedly, I study in the areas of biology, health, etc. for school and hobby-study in nutrition/training, but, as we all know, it doesn't mean a hill of beans until you put it into practice to see what works and what doesn't.

Last day of famine, woot woot.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:00 am
by RobRegish
We all start somewhere man... :)

Up, up and away... :):):)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 2:32 pm
by Ragee
Still kickin, here. I've just been eating and relaxing (mostly). I went to a metal show last night and moshed/etc. for ~5 hours. Yeah, yeah, a workout in and of itself, but I'm nowhere near as sore today as I was when I got home last night. I made sure to vitamin up (especially glucosamine/chondroitin and fish oil) for the beating my bones took and stretched to relax my lower back.

Other than that, nothing too new to report. On Sunday (13th), I'm lifting in my first powerlifting competition. I have no illusions about winning, of course, but I'm wanting to challenge myself and hopefully meet like-minded folks interested in strength. Too many wanna-be bodybuilders in my gym to find the guys really training for strength. I'm hoping to total 550 for the three lifts, 100-115 for BP, 200-220 for SQ, and 225+ for DL.

How might that play into my BP run? I was thinking it would just count as a workout day, and probably give myself an extra day to rest before my next workout. Thoughts?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:47 pm
by JlCh
If you had planned this a bit better, you could have had the max day of the first 5 workouts land on the meet day :p. Honestly, I'd try and squeeze a workout in today and another on Wed/Thurs -- but I have no experience with powerlifting nor meets, so just kind of going on the assumption you'd need minimum of 2, likely 3 days of rest prior to it if you're killing the BP workouts.

I would suggest PMing Rob and try to get an answer asap.