Bstyles4285's first BP run!!

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Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:30 am
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Post by bstyles4285 »

Wool feast is in full swing. Workout number 2 today
Did 335 static holds rack pull. Did 225 squat with 225 deadlift for edt 1. Averaged 4 reps on squat and 5-6 on deads

Did 180 static seated calf raise

Then 200 lbs Romanian deads

Abs I had to use a machine since it was near the hyper extension so

Did a good weight on the machine followed by 70lbs held against chest for 5-6 reps of hypers

Did 4 sets of each edt block... Shit was tough! Lol loving it so far tho!

I can't seem to eat enough! I've never been this hungry before haha

Cheers guys

Also I substituted deads for lying leg curls mainly because deads are a weak point for me and the curl machine is a good walk from the squat rack

Alright will check back in soon!
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT work man!

You should be seeing traction shortly. It's an EXCELLENT sign, your appetite is raging. The body is growing and demanding "bricks", if you will... :)
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