After BluePrint - Cut and Ripped Program Recommendations?

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Re: After BluePrint - Cut and Ripped Program Recommendations

Post by RobRegish »

DaCookie wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
EctoBuilder wrote:I'm currently running the feast blueprint now(famine was pretty tough, but I survived). My question is, after one has made some awesome strength gains by running the blueprint 2 or 3 times, any recommendations on what program to use after that to get the muscles and veins popping out and get really defined? I was thinking Vince Del Monte's program, but I wasn't sure if anyone hear has tried it or not? I know that the before/after pics look really impressive.

Again, this is AFTER you've achieved your strength goals via blueprint.......

Thanks all!
You have several options here, BP and non-BP. What I want to warn you about is a classic mistake most, but I'd rather not anyone running BP make - losing all of your newfound size/strength you worked so hard for!

3.0 will re-comp you QUICKLY, and was designed just for this purpose. It really is the ideal solution to hardening up an already big/strong physique. I'm not being flippant with what follows, but rather using it as a tool to make a point... OK? No offense to anyone, so know its with good intent... :)

If you REALLY want to piss away your gains/hard work, proceed as follows:

1.) Lower the tension of your barbell work/"go for the burn, baby"...
2.) Do LOTS of fast sets and reps. In other words, generate as much cortisol as possible. It chews up muscle FAST.
3.) To assist in #2, don't eat much. Whatever you do, stay away from protein.
4.) Don't get your bodyfat tested. It might reveal you're losing all muscle, vs. fat. Going about things this way, you can continue going down the wrong road.

Adhere to steps 1-4 above (it's easy, and requires you only join the Sheeple), and you'll find yourself FAR from Gainsville by the time you realize what's happening. In fact, you'll arrive in Averagebury, a suburb of the capital.

Whole lotta' Sheeple like there. Crowded place, vs. the nice, quite paradise called Gainsville I've built... :)
No. 2 is probably the worst mistake I ever made(and recently) besides when I first started for about the first 6months I thought just a protein shake after my workout and a steak for dinner was enough protein :lol:
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