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Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:59 pm
by 5.0stang

It really burns my shoulders, in a good way!

I am ready for tomorrow's workout - it is going to be brutal.

Weighed in today at 251.4, gained about 4 lbs since famine. Is this to much weight gain for the 120%/100% weeks, or this about right for the first week of feast?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:27 pm
by 5.0stang
Had my Sunday workout today. This workout has 1 minute less rest + more reps than last week, using the same weight.

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Deadlift (225 lbs x 5 sets)
-Squats (175 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (405 lbs first hold/415 lbs on the second hold)
EDT Block 2
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (50lbs x 4 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (60 lbs x 4 sets)

This was a VERY tough workout. It was 97* outside which is what I workout in.

EDT Block 1: I did more reps, less rest, with the same weight + a bit more with deadlifts compared to last week!

Static Hold #2: I have already improved 70 lbs for the Bench Press Static Hold from last week.

EDT Block 2: This is where I struggled, as I could not finish out my last 5 sets (my goal), even though I stayed within The Blueprint's goal of 4-6 sets. That first EDT Block (squat + deadlift + heat) takes a lot out of me.

So far, things are going in an upwards direction. :P

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:12 am
by JlCh
INSANITY! I've skimmed over the BP 3.0 back when it was released, does it really call for DL/Squat super setted? I'll be throwing up on the 2nd set lol. I remember doing SLDL and leg sled super sets and that nearly put me over the trash can.

As for the weight, I can only comment on my own experiences with 2.0 (haven't ran 3.0 yet) and I always rebounded back up to prefamine weight after the first 3 feast days, and usually put on some weight after I started hitting weights. So, I think if you're remaining under prefamine weight you're doing alright, as long as you're keeping consistent water intake. Perhaps take measurements again and see if there's any decreases on big fat areas.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:45 am
by 5.0stang
JlCh wrote:INSANITY! I've skimmed over the BP 3.0 back when it was released, does it really call for DL/Squat super setted? I'll be throwing up on the 2nd set lol. I remember doing SLDL and leg sled super sets and that nearly put me over the trash can.

As for the weight, I can only comment on my own experiences with 2.0 (haven't ran 3.0 yet) and I always rebounded back up to prefamine weight after the first 3 feast days, and usually put on some weight after I started hitting weights. So, I think if you're remaining under prefamine weight you're doing alright, as long as you're keeping consistent water intake. Perhaps take measurements again and see if there's any decreases on big fat areas.
It doesn't call for those moves supersetted, it was just something I structured based "around" the BP 3.0 to get in my "unorthodox" workouts. I'm glad I am not the only one having/had a hard time with those being supersetted. I am having to train myself to not hurl. :)

I am drinking well over 100 oz. a day, so water intake should be good. At the end of this week, I am going to take some BF% measurements, just to ensure I haven't gained any. If I am at or just below the 32% BF, then I feel I am doing okay, as my caloric intake is about to go down for the remaining 4-7 weeks of the BP run.

I cannot imagine how sore I would be if I haven't been drinking The Formula and taking KA. That AN is really helping me sleep as well. I have been averaging about 8 hours of sleep a night.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:59 pm
by 5.0stang
Had my Tuesday workout this evening.

All rep ranges were 6-8 reps (5 reps last week) with 2 minutes (1 minute less compared to last week) of rest between supersets, unless noted.

Workout Two (Tuesday):

Two Static Holds (Decline Weighted Crunches - 60 lb dumbell at my chest)
EDT Block 1
-Bench Press (245 lbs x 4 sets, assistance needed on last rep of 4th set, then moved down to 225 lbs on final 5th set)
-One Arm DB Rows (120 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Holds (Military Press - Two 225 lb holds for about 10 seconds)
EDT Block 2
-Wrist Curls (Burnout with 45 lb barbell - high reps)
-Weighted Towel (Rising Strength Hold for 10 seconds with 45 lbs)
-Rowing Dumbbell Holds (3 sets at 60 lbs in curl position)

Decline Ab Hold - I was able to hold 60 lbs at my chest MUCH easier this week, so next week I will add weight for my abs.

EDT Block 1 - Felt I am making some progress, doing basically the same weight with less rest on bench press and I increased 10 lbs + higher reps on my dumbbell rows.

Military Press Hold - I went up to 225 lbs, compared to the previous week at 185/205 lbs.

EDT Block 2 - This is my flex time for armwrestling exercises, so not much to guage off of it.

Intensity remained fairly high the entire time.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:20 pm
by RobRegish
First, I'm LOVING your avatar... :)

Next, you're right where you should be, making all the right moves. It sounds as if traction is just getting underway, so take care to nurture it! And yes, the supps and in particular DEEP sleep AN conveys, is a big part of things.

I may be busy, but I'm watching... :):):):):)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:59 pm
by 5.0stang
I figured the BP Believer's would like the avatar. 8)

Next week I am going to begin taking KA even more so (4 pills for ON days). However, I got a really good deal on some E-bol, so this is going to start late next week, where the KA leaves off. I will place these around my highest protein based meals.

I do not forsee any issues, mixing it like this, do you Rob?

Since it is recommended to up the KA during Week 3, should I up the E-bol during this same week (ex. go from 6 to 8 )?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:24 pm
by 5.0stang
Workout Three (Thursday)

All rep ranges fell within 6-8 reps, with 2 minutes of rest.

Two Static Holds (Hanging Leg Raises - Completed)
EDT Block 1
-Wide Grip Pulldowns - 180 lbs x 5 sets (Increase)
-Arnold Presses - 50 lbs x 5 sets (Increase)

Two Static Holds - Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold - 205 lbs x 2 (Increase)
EDT Block 2
-Barbell Curls - 105 lbs x 5 sets (Same)
-Skull Crushers - 85 lbs x 5 sets (Same)

Ready to take a couple days off and hit the workout on Sunday, but do a little cardio on Saturday in the morning.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:45 pm
by RobRegish
5.0stang wrote:I figured the BP Believer's would like the avatar. 8)

Next week I am going to begin taking KA even more so (4 pills for ON days). However, I got a really good deal on some ebol ecdy, so this is going to start late next week, where the KA leaves off. I will place these around my highest protein based meals.

I do not forsee any issues, mixing it like this, do you Rob?

Since it is recommended to up the KA during Week 3, should I up the ebol ecdy during this same week (ex. go from 6 to 8 )?
You should be fine here, although it would have been nice to stick with one or the other, for the entire run. There's a KA special going on right now, 25% off so perhaps that'll help. Otherwise, no issues in switching them out.

Do try and observe the optimal dosing protocols I specify for each, found in the supplements sub-forum. KA's formula is geared more toward substrate storage, while E-bol's is slanted toward protein synthesis. I wouldn't panic if you observe a slight loss in scale weight. That's likely the lack of creatine, as E-bol doesn't include any. If you'd like to preserve that, simply adding some creatine mono (or your preferred form), will likely make up some of the difference.

Interesting twist... :)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:44 pm
by 5.0stang
Good call - I am going to get me an extra bottle of KA while that special is going on to finish out this run. I will use the EBOL for BP Run #2. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:08 pm
by 5.0stang
Just ordered my second bottle + the Blue BP shirt. Hopefully this combination will keep the gains coming. :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:33 am
by RobRegish
5.0stang wrote:Just ordered my second bottle + the Blue BP shirt. Hopefully this combination will keep the gains coming. :wink:
Oh my, this "stack" is going to blow your mind... :) Thanks so much, for supporting The BP Tshirt! Depending upon which one you ordered, you'll need a fly swatter to get all the chicqua's off or just lost all the gym geeks, who'll now leave you alone once they see the 5Faces of Fear(tm) "Back in Black" shirt... :)

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:25 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: You should be fine here, although it would have been nice to stick with one or the other, for the entire run. There's a KA special going on right now, 25% off so perhaps that'll help. Otherwise, no issues in switching them out.

Do try and observe the optimal dosing protocols I specify for each, found in the supplements sub-forum. KA's formula is geared more toward substrate storage, while ebol ecdy's is slanted toward protein synthesis. I wouldn't panic if you observe a slight loss in scale weight. That's likely the lack of creatine, as ebol ecdy doesn't include any. If you'd like to preserve that, simply adding some creatine mono (or your preferred form), will likely make up some of the difference.

Interesting twist... :)
Definitely ordering a 3 pack of KA for my next run at those prices...too good to pass up...

On a side note, you can get a pretty good deal on a "Get Some Bols" stack from you know where, that contains EBol, tbol trib and cbol creatine which come out to roughly the same as a bottle of KA and AN. cbol creatine being a creatine nitrate from ThermoLife...

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:26 pm
by 5.0stang
Had my Sunday workout today. This week's workout is scheduled for 1 minute rest (last week was 2 minutes) and the 10-12 rep range with 4-6 sets. I also will face a slightly less intake of food this week, being 100% ON/85% OFF.

I had been struggling getting a good EDT Block 2 workout in, so I flipped the order today. I also had to lower the weights in EDT Block 2 to get the 10-12 reps, but EDT Block 1 was completed with the same weights.

Two Static Holds (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure - Done)
EDT Block 1
-Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls (50lbs x 5 sets)
-Dumbbell Pullovers (60 lbs x 5 sets)

Two Static Bench Press Holds (435 lbs first hold/455 lbs on the second hold)
EDT Block 2
-Deadlift (185 lbs x 4 sets)
-Squats (135 lbs x 4 sets)
-Shrugs (135 lbs x 2 sets/185 lbs x 2 sets)

EDT Block 1: I completed the same weight as my first week at 5 reps, but this time I did 10-12 reps with two minutes less rest than the first week for both movements!

Bench Press Static Holds: This has increased 110 lbs in two weeks, going from 345 lbs to 455 lbs.

EDT Block 2: Of course, this is a puker of a workout, but I know I left there with a great workout and intensity was high. My rest sessions were hit and miss. My squats are FULL range of motion with proper form, hence the lower weight numbers. The numbers are about to start climbing, next week. :)

I am going to do some light cardio in the morning.