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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:19 pm
by MSR9889
up at 445 for my new job today and again the next 2 days. hopefully ill be tired enough to start passing out early.

took focus xt before breakfast (only stims in the past 2 weeks, needed it today)
breakfast was 1 cup 100% juice, 1 cup mixed berries and 1 tsp psyllium powder ~205 calories
took xfactor preworkout
dinner was 1 pint half baked frozen yogurt, 1.5 bags mixed peppers, ranch and hot sauce, and a couple bites of indian food ~1300 calories

next 3-4 days im gonna eat high carb and high protein. im eating lunch at work so i need to see what the cafeteria has before i start bringing my own lunch. first feast workout will probably be sunday when i start the diet.

Famine Workout #3

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:22 pm
by MSR9889
today was brutal, as usual, but i made it. knee held up good, legs hurt to walk, biceps are dead.

squats- 95x3, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12, 135x6 and bodyweight squats x8
superset with cable rows- 80x12, 80x12, 80x12, 80x12, 80x15

standing ezbar curl- 45x12, 45x12
incline db curl- 15x8, 10x15
preacher curl- 35x12 (had to take a break between reps at the end)

couldnt even straighten my arms leaving the gym because my biceps were so pumped.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:36 pm
by MSR9889
took ebol, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast
breakfast was 2 scoops whey, pumpkin spice pancakes, 3 eggs, and some leftover indian food
took ebol, slinsane, and 2g fish oil before lunch
lunch was 3 grilled chicken breasts, grilled cheese, and some peppers and onions
took ebol and slinsane before dinner
dinner was leftover indian food and 2 scoops whey

Re: Famine Workout #3

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:13 am
by RobRegish
MSR9889 wrote:today was brutal, as usual, but i made it. knee held up good, legs hurt to walk, biceps are dead.

squats- 95x3, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12, 135x12, 135x6 and bodyweight squats x8
superset with cable rows- 80x12, 80x12, 80x12, 80x12, 80x15

standing ezbar curl- 45x12, 45x12
incline db curl- 15x8, 10x15
preacher curl- 35x12 (had to take a break between reps at the end)

couldnt even straighten my arms leaving the gym because my biceps were so pumped.
Terrible problem to have, isn't it... ? :)

Curious Matt, do you attribute this pumped feeling... to the XFA ?

Do tell, as I'd like to share this with William Lewellyn... :)

Re: Famine Workout #3

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:32 pm
by MSR9889
RobRegish wrote:
Terrible problem to have, isn't it... ? :)

Curious Matt, do you attribute this pumped feeling... to the XFA ?

Do tell, as I'd like to share this with William Lewellyn... :)
normally xfactor seems to give me a good pump, but this pump was typical of all my famine workouts and i wouldnt credit it to xfactor this time. even from doing warm ups i get a nasty pump. ive had the same experience in all my previous runs.
however for my cruise phase workouts of my last run, the pump was the only thing i noticed. xfa hasnt done anything so far which is unfortunate. havent had increased DOMS or anything. my knee and ankle have been bothering me, but i wont credit it to the xfactor. maybe the second bottle will yield good results, but if not ill probably sell off the other 2 bottles ill have leftover.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:33 pm
by MSR9889
took ebol and slinsane before breakfast with 1 tsp peanut butter
breakfast was 1 cup granola, 2 scoops whey and 1 cup hazelnut milk
lunch was fried chicken tenders with honey bbq sauce
took ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter late afternoon
snack was 2 scoops UP 2.0
took ebol, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner
dinner was 2 grilled chicken breasts with spinach, broccoli, peppers, onions and orange sauce

Re: Famine Workout #3

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:32 am
by RobRegish
MSR9889 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
Terrible problem to have, isn't it... ? :)

Curious Matt, do you attribute this pumped feeling... to the XFA ?

Do tell, as I'd like to share this with William Lewellyn... :)
normally xfactor seems to give me a good pump, but this pump was typical of all my famine workouts and i wouldnt credit it to xfactor this time. even from doing warm ups i get a nasty pump. ive had the same experience in all my previous runs.
however for my cruise phase workouts of my last run, the pump was the only thing i noticed. xfa hasnt done anything so far which is unfortunate. havent had increased DOMS or anything. my knee and ankle have been bothering me, but i wont credit it to the xfactor. maybe the second bottle will yield good results, but if not ill probably sell off the other 2 bottles ill have leftover.
Quite interesting... Recall though, that the Wingate study I took a second look at noted a DECREASE, in some anti-inflammatory markers... among them Interleukin-6 (IL-6).

Still, understand your quandry. If you don't "know" for certain a nutraceutical is benefiting you, it makes little sense to keep spending mad dollars on it.

Many, many a Blueprint Believer(tm) swears by XFA. I'll file this in the "not for MSR9889" file, provided your final analysis find the same... :)

Great run Matt!!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:22 am
by MSR9889
well i still have a whole second bottle, so maybe it will come up big within the next few weeks. but if not, at least i tried.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:29 am
by MSR9889
starting the diet today. basing my calories around 2300 maintenance. goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein a day
weighed in at 200.4 lbs and 18.1% bf

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:30 am
by MSR9889
took ebol, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
breakfast was 1/2 cup granola, 1 cup hazelnut milk, 1 scoop xf whey, and 8oz V8 high fiber -- 10g fat, 70g carb, 28g protein
took ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before lunch 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
lunch was greek yogurt, chocolate granola, 5.5 oz chicken breast, bag of spinach, and 4 tbsp orange sauce -- 13.5g fat, 117g carb, 72.5g protein
took ebol, slinsane and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner 2 2/3 fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
dinner was 4 slices high fiber bread, 5.5 tbsp blueberry jelly, 1 scoop trutein
-- 7.5g fat, 150 g carb, 39g protein

total -- 39F, 339C, 142.5P

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:25 am
by RobRegish
Keep up the great work, Matt!

So happy, you're finally stringing together these workouts like pearls on a string... on your road to Gainsville!

Anything I/we can do to help, all 5Faces of Fear(tm) - Would be most pleased to do so ...:):):):):)

Feast Workout #1

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:12 pm
by MSR9889
first workout today, felt weak and tired at first but once i got going i was impressed with what i was doing.

decline bench- 95x5, 135x5, 155x2, 175x1, static hold 225x8s, 235x10s

dips- 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4

db rows- 40x10, 65x6, 65x6, 65x6, 65x6, 65x6, 65x5

military press- static hold 135x10s, 135x7s

incline db curls- 35x5, 35x5, 35x5, 35x5

overhead tricep extensions- 55x4, 55x4, 55x5, 55x4

shoulders arent strong to begin with, but they were dead once i hit the military press. i was happy with the dips though. probably could have done a 6th rep for all the bicep curls but my first set felt heavy so i didnt want to kill my arms too early. stopped after 4 sets because my friend was done.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:16 pm
by MSR9889
calorie goals for workout days are 46g fat, 414g carb, 172.5g protein

my formula consists of 9 scoops peptopro and 6 scoops omega ONE -- 0g fat, 72g carbs, 36g protein as well as 30g leucine and other nutrients.

took ebol, xfactor and ultima 1 hour preworkout
drank 1/3 formula preworkout, 1/3 intra
drank 1/3 formula and ebol pwo
took slinsane before lunch
lunch was 2 chicken breasts, spinach, peppers and onions, broccoli, 6 tbsp sesame ginger sauce, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 cup oats, 1 scoop UP 2.0, 2 tbsp brown sugar -- 36g fat, 220g carbs, 110g protein
dinner was 3 slices high fiber bread, 3 tbsp strawberry jam, 1 cup greek yogurt -- 8.5g fat, 129g carbs, 30g protein

total -- 44.5g fat, 421g carbs, 176g protein

goals are 38.33g fat, 345g carbs, 143.75g protein

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:53 am
by MSR9889
up early for work. still getting used to falling asleep early, but i havent had to use my meds yet which is good. im tired all day but somehow im more energized in the evenings when im ready to get to bed.

took ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before breakfast -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
breakfast was 1 cup greek yogurt, 1 scoop trutein, 1 1/4 cups granola, 1 glass high fiber V8 -- 9g fat, 141g carbs, 51g protein
took ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch -- 2g fat
lunch was 2 slices high fiber bread, 2 tbsp strawberry jam, 1.5 cups granola, 1 scoop whey -- 14g fat, 151g carb, 41g protein
took ebol and 1 tsp peanut butter before dinner -- 2 2/3g fat, 1g carb, 1g protein
dinner is 1 grilled chicken breast, 2.5 servings mixed peppers and onions, 5 servings spinach, 2 tbsp ranch and hot sauce -- 9g fat, 26g carbs, 40g protein
after basketball had 2 scoops ONE and 1 scoop whey -- 2g fat, 24g carbs, 23g protein and 10g leucine

total- 40 1/3g fat, 344g carbs, 157g protein

played 4 full court games of basketball tonight. gonna go as often as i can after work when im not lifting