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Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:31 pm
by matter2003
Famine Day 2

Weight: 212 lbs, down 2 lbs from start(214 lbs)
RHR: 65 BPM, down a few beats from baseline

Woke up feeling ok, although I experienced for the first time in my life what happens when you sleep on your elbow/wrist the wrong way for an extended period of ring and pinky finger were numb and tingly for about 3 or 4 hours after waking up...pretty annoying I have to say.

Meal 1-Meal 4: 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 Tbsp Olive Oil, Apple or Orange
Total Calories: 330

Meal 5: 130g cooked spaghetti w/sauce, small salad with a little balsamic vinaigrette dressing, a few croutons and 14g of cheese.(Thank goodness for my food scale) Calories about 350

Calories for the day: Roughly 1670

Workout #2: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

Workout began with me feeling OK...didn't have that great feeling where I feel I could put up the gym, but didn't feel particularly weak either.

SS #1:
Chest Press(Hammer Strength): 180 lbs X 10 reps
Shoulder Press(Smith Press): 155 lbs x 5 reps/135 lbs x 3 reps
-probably could have gone 190 or 200 lbs
SS #2:
Incline Bench(Smith Press): 185 lbs x 5 reps/165 lbs x 5 reps
Shoulder Press(Smith Press): 160 lbs x 5 reps/135 lbs x 5 reps(mistakenly left quarter plate on one side while changing from incline to shoulder)

SS #3:
Decline Bench(Smith Press): 155 lbs X 10 reps
Shoulder Press(Smith Press): 135 lbs x 10 reps

-felt a little too easy on decline, probably could have gone 175 or 185, but haven't done decline in about 5 years, so my point of reference was not very good.

Decline CG Bench(Smith Press): 155 lbs x 10 reps
-probably could ahve done 165lbs, again no reference point since I don't do decline CG bench at all.

Triceps Extensions(Hammer Strength): 110 lbs x 10 reps
-was tough but I got the reps in

Triceps Pushdowns(Cable): 72.5 lbs x 10 reps
-might have been able to go 80 lbs, but likely wouldn't have gotten more than 5 or 6 reps...

overall it was an OK workout, I am definitely NOT looking forward to the 3rd workout on Sunday as by that time I likely will be pretty shot. I was freaking STARVING most of the day today and was forced to watch as 2 of my coworkers downed a 12 inch sub right in front of me for lunch...

Can't wait to try out my FatGripz next week(finally shipped and should have tomorrow or Monday). Tendonitis really acting up and they supposedly do wonders for it.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:53 am
by matter2003
Famine Day 3

Weight: 210.5 lbs---down 1.5 lbs from yesterday and 3.5 lbs from start

I started out feeling pretty decent when I woke up, but it was a slow ride down a long hill from there. By about 4pm, I can only compare what I was feeling with having a freight train run you over at 100 mph.

DOMS had been creeping in all day getting worse in my legs and then starting in my chest, shoulders and tri's. Every time I got up at work out of my chair I was freaking sore and stiff. Rough day, but I made it through it.

Meals 1-4: 1 cup brown rice and 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
Meal 5: 100g mashed potatoes, 28g cheese, salad, 14g croutons.

Calories roughly 1680 or so. Protein around 26g.

No workout today or tomorrow...famine workout #3 on Sunday..

Too bad I can't sleep through the last 2 days of this....

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:40 pm
by RobRegish
"I experienced for the first time in my life what happens when you sleep on your elbow/wrist the wrong way for an extended period of ring and pinky finger were numb and tingly for about 3 or 4 hours after waking up...pretty annoying I have to say..."

Man, do I smell what you're cookin'!!

My episodes are downright scary!!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:38 am
by matter2003
Famine Day 4

Weight: 208.5 lbs---down 1.5 lbs from yesterday and 5.5 pounds from start

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:09 am
by RobRegish
You're there man!!

You get a pass on workout #3. GREAT work!!

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:58 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:You're there man!!

You get a pass on workout #3. GREAT work!!
Does that mean I need to start the 3 day transition Sunday? Am I able to attempt my one year ban at the local buffet tomorrow or do I need to wait til Tuesday?

Also noticed that I had started to break out with some acne on my face and my skin was extremely oily around my nose and forehead today for some reason. Usually get this type of stuff when I am taking T-boosters, am curious as to the reason it is happening while on famine...

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:44 am
by matter2003
Transition Day 1

Weight: 206.5lbs(down 2 pounds from yesterday, down 7.5 pounds in 4 days!! Yikes!)


Rob, first I need to say that you are definitely missing a HUGE opportunity to market your famine as a quick way to lose weight to all those yo-yo diet loving types out there!! I don't think I have ever lost this much weight this fast. I could only imagine how much weight some dude weighing 350 lbs would shed in that time. Then again, I'm not too fond of burning up muscle on a regular basis either! :o

Gonna get my eat on pretty seriously today, rest up and get ready to hit the metal hard!

I did have a quick question tho. Tuesday is an off day for me from work and it would fit my schedule better to workout, is it possible to start workout 1 a day early, or is it better to wait? Only issue is that I will then have to do a 1 on 1 off this week instead of the 1 on 2 off since I cannot workout on Saturdays due to my work schedule and the gym hours. Plus I am leaving for South Carolina this Saturday night, so Sunday will be out as well this week.

Buffet has been destroyed. Not sure if I got a one year ban or not, but I was freaking stuffed when I left that place. Started BCAA Loading Protocol #1 and getting ready to take another KA then hit the sack for some serious sleep. Soooooo excited to hit the gym Tuesday and get this part started(figure since I was told to skip workout 3 I should be recovered enough to start a day early on training...)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:18 pm
by RobRegish
"you are definitely missing a HUGE opportunity to market your famine as a quick way to lose weight to all those yo-yo diet loving types out there!!..."

These are "average", people.

Rob doesn't do "average". In fact, he abhores that word. Let the Richard Simmons of the world, teach kindergarten...

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:45 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:"you are definitely missing a HUGE opportunity to market your famine as a quick way to lose weight to all those yo-yo diet loving types out there!!..."

These are "average", people.

Rob doesn't do "average". In fact, he abhores that word. Let the Richard Simmons of the world, teach kindergarten...
That was intended to be tongue in cheek, but I like your style nonetheless!!!

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:35 am
by matter2003
Transition Day 2

Weight: 211 up 4.5 pounds from

No workout today, planning to eat a lot, got close to 8 hours of sleep last night, feeling great this morning. Time to take a KA and start the eat fest today will become.

Meal 1: 3 slices wheat bread, can of tuna, mayo, glass of milk
Meal 2-5: 1 cup cooked black beans, 3oz of chicken, 16oz whole milk
Meal 6: 1 cup cooked black beans, 1 hardboiled egg, 16oz 1% milk, 1 Tbsp Olive Oil, sliced turkey breast.

Total Calories: About 4200

I have to say I am loving black beans right about now. 1 cup cooked has 41g Carbs and 15g protein and they are really cheap, plus they are high in fiber as well. Between that and milk I am getting over 30g protein before adding any meat...

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:48 am
by matter2003
Transition Day 3

Still chugging along with my black beans and milk, added in 3 eggs and some turkey with the first 2 meals for some fat(eggs).

Superexcited today as workout 1 will be taking place in a few hours...hoping my Pure Karbolyn gets here in time, as it is scheduled to be delivered today...

Head is spinning from reading 3.0, hoping to integrate some things from there as I would love to drop some BF as well as build muscle.

Workout 1

"The Formula" 840, that was a lot of powder!! Taken as instructed. Thinking about adding some more water to it next time as it was almost too sweet for my liking...

After some warmups this is what I ended up with:

Bench(with FatGripz) 185lbs X 9 reps--had to dial it down a little as the Fatgripz made it a little more challenging than normal---holy crap are my forearms burning

Pullover 60lb DB X 10 reps--got some good stretching going with that, probably could go a little heavier next time...

Squat 395lbs X 8 reps

Stiff Legged Deadlift(Smith Press) 205 lbs X 10 reps

really felt my hams stretching on those deadlifts..

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:58 am
by matter2003
Feast Day 4

Weight: 212.5 lbs, within 1.5 lbs of original starting weight

A little sore from workout yesterday, nothing too bad...

gonna start with cals at 18x bodyweight right now til I get the rest of 3.0 and then will tailor it from there...

No lifting today, did 15 mins of HIIT cardio, worked up a nice sweat. People were looking at me like I some type of weirdo doing this at the gym. I was going from 6 to like 19.5 on the elliptical machine for like 30 seconds and then back to 6...this plus the fact I don't stand around talking to people(I doubt I have said more than 5 words there in the 8 months I have been going)...I am actually a little afraid that BP is going to make me explode and I am gonna have a bunch of people trying to come talk to me at the gym...hahahaha...I guess I will deal with that when it comes tho!!

Going to transition to 3.0 calories/workout plan now...wondering if I should start at workout 1 or just do workout 2 instead since I already did one...

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:12 pm
by KE
There is a blog for tennis elbow rehab using a kettle ball. Check out "extremehumanpreformance"/blog / Tennis Elbow Fix-Tendnosis Versus Tendonitis by Mike T. Nelson. Another suggestion is elbow sleeves (not sure of correct term/name) when benching and/or tricept training.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:27 am
by matter2003
KE wrote:There is a blog for tennis elbow rehab using a kettle ball. Check out "extremehumanpreformance"/blog / Tennis Elbow Fix-Tendnosis Versus Tendonitis by Mike T. Nelson. Another suggestion is elbow sleeves (not sure of correct term/name) when benching and/or tricept training.
Thank you for the link! I will start trying some of those wrist extensor exercises...I also have been utilizing some Julstro self-treatment techniques and that has helped quite a bit also...

Julstro looks at RSI(repetitive strain injuries) injuries as muscle related not tendon in tight, contracted muscles at various "trigger points" cause tendons to become stretched causing pain...similar to what happens if you pull on someone's hair...the actual pulling is far away from the scalp, but the pain is felt on the scalp where the hair connects to the skin. It has helped quite a bit, but definitely causes some discomfort by putting direct pressure on the muscle fibers which is what they say will loosen the hold on the tendon over several times of doing it....a very very interesting method that seems to work pretty well...

Also the fatgripz force you to have a different grip(thick bar training) which causes your wrist to strengthen, giving your forearms a workout during pretty much any exercise you do. This leads to stronger forearms/grip which seems to be the cause of may tendontitis/tendonosis injuries...