Beefcake & firedup's BP Log

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by beefcake66 »

Alright! So we did our first Feast workout on Monday!
I haven't been very good with taking my pills as prescribed... I was trying to do the liver tab trick but I was only consistent for the first 2 hours... then it kept getting further and further apart. I think I may continue trying but lower the amount of pills to 2-4/hour so my container lasts longer.

Feast Bridge Workout #1--

Bench Press - 65lbs
-Beefcake: 23 reps
-Firedup: 16 reps

DB Pullovers
-Beefcake: 35lbs x 10
-Firedup: 25lbs x 10

Back Squat - 65lbs
-Beefcake: 20 reps
-Firedup: 20 reps

SLDLs - 70lbs
-Beefcake: 10 reps
-Firedup: 10 reps

EDT Block #1-
DB Shoulder Press/DB Bentover Row
Beefcake: 20lbs x 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 5/6 (+weight next time)
Firedup: 15lbs x 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6 (+ weight next time)

EDT Block #2-
BB Back Squats 65lbs/Romanian Deadlifts 70lbs
Beefcake: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 4/6, __ (HR way too high, pukey)
Firedup: 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6, 6/6 (I think)

It's two days later now....
I'm still pretty tender from Feast Bridge Workout #1; but I'm looking forward to the 2nd one when I get home tonight! I have a feeling there will be tractionnnnn... diggin in deep for the bullettrain to Gainsville!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Feast Bridge Workout #2

Bench Press: 85lbs
Beefcake- 11
Firedup- 6?

beefcake: 185lbs x 12
firedup: 155lbs x 5 (had a mishap with the hooks...)

no EDTs this time... read the book it didn't say to use them....

Feast Bridge Workout #3 is happening today.

Changed from Squats to Deadlifts because we don't want to focus on Squats, just bench press and deadlifts right now. we'll be using EDT's during the GLP 1.
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Post by beefcake66 »

...we both got sick.

Workout #3 still hasn't happened; we're going to go straight to workout 4 (deload) and then try our 1 rep maxes in workout 5 before going into GLP1. Not going to cancel feast because of our colds/issues. Mine has almost passed (hit me full force on Sunday but i was feeling some bad effects as early as Friday).

I have to get way more serious about my cutting so I'm probably going to be doing 2000 calories on workout days and 1600 on rest days. Football practices are about to start getting more intense (we're getting gear finally) so I may need to keep the cals up even on rest days (which are football practice days sometimes). firedup needs to focus on gaining weight/eating more so that's her task.
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Post by beefcake66 »

I'm still really sick, I only got through 2 of the feast bridge workouts, firedup has done 3 and wouldve done 4 last night if I had've been with her. I may just take my old 1rm's and go into GLP from there... or when I'm healthy do workout 4 then 5.

Rob, what do you suggest...? I've been sick all last week and still am now, Bronchitis, on antibiotics... happened the first week of Feast. I'd rather not go through famine again if I don't have to but if that's what it's gonna take....
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Post by beefcake66 »

1RM Testing:

Deadlift: 225x3 = 250lbs
Bench Press: 100x6 = 120lbs PR

Deadlift: 185x1 = 175lbs PR
Bench Press: 100x2 = 105lbs PR

My calculated deadlift 1RM is actually lower than my previous calculated max, but since surgery the most I've really pulled was 225x1... so this is a PR as well, just not by calculations.

We're going to start GLP1 Friday or Saturday.

I'm still sick and I'm dropping weight (I'm down about 6lbs since the beginning of my Feast Phase = 136.4lbs), so I think it' pretty awesome.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Starting GLP1 a little behind schedule - Today!
As soon as I get home from work I'm gonna start training...

Reading through 3.0.. there's some delicious little goodies. I'm excited.
I plan to make "The Formula" in its proper ratios (minus Karbolyn) on true protein - I've actually been looking into it for nearly a MONTH! And just about everything I planned to put in, is the right stuff :) *pleased*

I have a feeling being sick may have botched my run, so I'm prepping another for whenever I get through the GLP. I'm desperately trying to drop weight right now so I feel it's best to stay on track with my calories where they are (low) instead of jumping into a famine (super low) and then feasting (HIGH and GLORIOUS!). May have to save the next famine phase for my bye-week during the football season (july long weekend).

Very excited to train again!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Just so I don't forget this or lose my paper/calcs

Homemade TP Formula
PeptoPro - 50%
Fructose - 15%
L-Leucine - 10%
CreaPure - 10%
Glycerol Monosterate - 10%
Betaine HCL - 5%
=$19.49/lb + the fixins
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Post by beefcake66 »

Feast Workout #1 (it's not really the first, but that's what its called!)

SC - Decline Bench Press: 145lbs x 15seconds, 15 seconds (firedup=125lbs)

EDT1 -
Bench Dips: BW x 6, 6, 6, 6
1-arm Rows: 25 x 6, 6, 6, 6

SC - BB Shoulder Press: 120lbs x 15seconds, 15 seconds

EDT2 -
Incline DB Curls: 20x 6, 15x6, 6, 6
Overhead Extensions: 40x 6, 30x6, 6, 6

Beefcake Supplements:
Triazole (started today!)
AppNut RPM
The Formula (Karbo-Lyn + Custom Mix)
Adaptogen N

Firedup Supplements:
Triazole (also started today)
Optimum Complex Gainer
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Post by beefcake66 »

Feast Workout #2 (it's not really the second, but that's what its called!)

SC - Rack Pulls: 185lbs x 15seconds, 15 seconds (firedup=155lbs)

EDT1 -
Back Squats: 95 x 6, 6, 6
Hip thursts: 95 x 6, 6, 6
--We cut back on these because she has a paintball tournament Saturday and can't be in too much pain, and I have a pulled groin still healing.

SC - BB Seated Calf raise: 95lbs x 15 seconds, 120lbs x 15seconds

Romanian Deadlifts - 70lbs x 10, 10

Did not do Abs EDT today, for the same reasons we cut back on volume, and because it was like 10pm and I'm supposed to be asleep at 9 lol

It was our first time ever doing rack pulls. I don't really like them... I like the bottom part of the deadlift more than the top part I guess. But I'm following the routine for the most part so I won't be changing that out (especially since after 15 seconds of holding a heavy barbell I'm about to drop it....).

I also haven't been doing much cardio but I really need to get that in there. The lack of sleep + various leg injuries has really been holding me back. Tonight if I don't make it to football practice I'll probably do some barbell complexes (active recovery), some ab work, and some light cardio. Not dropping fat as fast as I would like... But that's the diet.

Beefcake Supplements:
AppNut RPM
The Formula (Karbo-Lyn + Custom Mix)
Adaptogen N
EC Stack
Joint Supplements

Firedup Supplements:
Optimum Complex Gainer

I've been rocking the EC stack this week, and pretty much warrior dieting (or intermittent fasting. whatever the day brings). The Triazole hasn't been having too much of an effect on me though I think my libido's up. Firedup has been ravenously hungry so I think it's affecting her that way. If I didn't have my EC I'd probably feel the same lol.

I was using KetoCuts as my caffeine source but I ran out and switched to Burn It Up! yesterday. I have to find my straight up caffeine pills so I don't waste all my BIU, but so far so good.
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Re: Thursday, May 19, 2011

Post by beefcake66 »

Feast Workout #3

SC - Decline BB Bench Press: 165lbs x 15seconds, 15 seconds (firedup=140lbs)

EDT1 -
Dips - BW + 10lbs x 8, 8, 8, 8
1Arm Rows - 25lbs x 8, 8, 8, 8

BB Pullovers - 40lbs x 8, 8, 8, 6
1-Arm Rows - 25lbs x 8, 8, 8, 8

SC - Seated BB Shoulder Press:
firedup: 145lbs x 10 seconds, 6 seconds
beefcake: 145lbs x 15 seconds, 15seconds

doing the static contractions REALLY bother my wrist. My left wrist is offset from a break 7 years ago now, and my thumb ligament is torn. So it just really hurts when I do these...

EDT2 -

Incline DB Curls - 15lbs x 8, 8, 8, 8
Overhead Tricep Extensions - 30lbs x 8, 8, 8, 8

firedup only got 7 reps on the last set of tricep extensions

Beefcake Supplements:
Burn It Up!
AppNut RPM
The Formula (Karbo-Lyn + Custom Mix)
Adaptogen N
CL REDuction PM
Ephedrine (with BIU)
Joint Supplements (when I remember)
CEL Suppress-C (every other day)

Firedup Supplements:
Optimum Complex Gainer

Feelin pretty good... we set up our static contractions one inch or so below where they were to be held, and we pressed them up ourselves for the most part. feelsgoodman! maybe not that impressive but I've never benched 165lbs EVER before. Never even tried!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Because of the football practices this week, I've been reduced to lifting only once per week the past couple weeks. I don't really like this but all things considered its the best I can do. Once I finish the 3.0 feast template I'll go to cruise and probably do a full body 5x5 or 3x8-12 type workout. With football season almost underway I can't be lifting too much too frequently or I will get more injured than I already am on a regular basis.

I should very well have everything in place for my next run at the end of the football season.

Firedup has been looking bigger lately, but I'm not sure how much weight she's actually gained (if any). Her triceps are finally growing...
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Post by beefcake66 »

I have to stop doing the 3,0 workout routine and I'm switching to a full body. The routine is far too much for me to handle recovery-wise, even with Adaptogen N, Kre-Anabolyn and the Formula, during football season. I'm going to finish out my bottle of AN and Kre-Anabolyn, and continue collecting the supplements for my next run attempt after football season (end of july) and the transformation contest I'm in (mid-july). Looks like next Famine will occur in August.

I'll continue to post significant workout details in here, but as far as I'm concerned my run was botched with my sickness and injuries at the beginning of Feast, and football season is too much for me to handle with the routine.
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Post by RobRegish »

For the love of God, please INVEST in these!!

Padded Hand Grips: For your Static Contraction Holds!!! ... php?t=1294

A. Solution? Delivered*...

Padded Hand Grips:

"Once you start pressing the heavy iron your hands and wrists will really appreciate some extra cushioning. One of my customers, Alan Trombetta, makes the best padded hand grips for pressing exercises. I’ve never seen their equal. (Yet they are really inexpensive.) Buy them and you’ll press more weight, it’s as simple as that".

* Suggested use protocol; Hold a maximal weight, for 5 seconds in the strongest range of the given movement. Ideally, two such holds with at least 5 minutes rest, between sets. I rest 5min between warmups, 10 or more prior to my max static hold!!

Recall the CNS recovers MUCH slower, than the ATP/Phospocreatine pathway (about 3 minutes for the latter). The former Soviet teams waited up to 20 min (or more!!), prior to their 1RM attempts!!
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Post by beefcake66 »

As far as I'm concerned my run is over, I'm still taking KA and AN though. I figure it's better to take them during the football season for the extra recovery and benefits they'll impart.

So I'm going to continue using this log to document some supplement combinations that have been spoken of in the supplements forum!

I currently regularily take:
Xtend - 3-8 scoops/day
Adaptogen N - 2-3 pills/evening
Kre-Anabolyn - as per Rob's suggestions - 3pills/day
DS Triazole - 2pills 2x/day
EC Stack - 1 Burn It Up with 2-3 x 8mg Ephedrine tabs
Joint Supplements - Glucosamine + Chondroitin; MSM; Cissus Quadrangularis
Vitamin C and D - 1000mg + 200ui, 2x day (planning to acquire Vit E soon)
The Formula (1sc SciFit Karbolyn + ~30g TP Hydro Whey Custom Mix)

I sporadically take (when I remember):
AppNut RPM (1h pre-workout pills)
Double-T No Beta (15 min pre-workout pills)
Double-T BetaCene (1-2 scoops throughout the day)
Double-T NitroMine (post-workout recovery pills, basically BCAAs)
Melatonin (when I need to get sleepy bad)
Controlled Labs REDuction PM

I have been following Intermittent Fasting (~20 hour fasting period) for the past nearly 2 weeks. With Weekends off (because football games need lots of food/energy pre-game).

Current workout routine is Full Body, 3x/week. Nothing to total concentric failure (besides chinups because I incorporate negatives). Tues and Thurs are football practices (at least 30 minutes heavy cardio). Mon-Wed-Fri lifting.

Starting tomorrow (Lifting Day):

5am Dose:
3x CLA 1.5g pills (~3.4g CLA)
Guarana (dose will be known later)
5mg-7.5mg Yohimbine (2-3x 2.5mg caps)
1 Burn It Up (considering, probably not required)
1sc Double-T GlutaCene (BCAAs)

[30-60 minutes LISS Cardio]

6am Dose:
2squirts CEL Suppress-C (B-Androstenetriol (Androst-5-ene-3b, 7b, 17b-triol) 50 mg

8am Dose:
Energy Drink (120mg caffeine) or BIU
3x 8mg Ephedrine (24mg total)

10am Dose:
3x CLA 1.5g pills (~3.4g CLA)
Guarana (dose known later)
1.25g TMG (don't know how many pills yet)

1pm Dose:
1 Burn It Up!
3x 8mg Ephedrine (24mg total)

4:30pm: 1h Pre-Workout Supplements
2x AppNut RPM
1x KA
2x Triazole
then Small pre-workout snack (Apple, Mango, or Raspberries)

5:15pm: 15 min Pre-Workout Supplements
The Formula
No Beta

7pm: Post Workout
3x CLA
1.25g TMG
1x KA

8pm: First & Final Meal of the Day
2x Triple Strength Fish Oil (1.8g EPA+DHA)
1x KA
2x Triazole

Suppress-C Again (if I shower!)

9pm: Pre-Bed
2-3x AN
2x REDuction PM

Non-lifting Football Days will vary slightly in times, but mostly the same scheme (except more pre-workout food, and no Formula)

......Why yes, this is ridiculously excessive!!!

I also want to pick up EGCG, and I'm waiting on my bulk DHEA to arrive so I can make the transdermal solution (which would be applied the same time as Suppress-C). May wait until my next BP run for that though ;)
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