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Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:22 pm
by beefcake66
How I work is if my pee ain't clear enough, gotta drink more water.

The dark color doesn't sound so great though... could be dehydration. Or something else.

Not really my area of expertise... lol

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:19 pm
by RobRegish
You need to be real careful here Beefer...

A. I have no idea how the female mind works (hell, I have no idea how my/our mind(s) work(s) yet, either!!) but ANY dark color means trouble!!!

You're either dehydrated, the kidneys are stressed or....worse. Worse as in "Acute Rhabdomyolwhereverlosis" that almost killed me and these football folk out in Iowa!!!! ... out-2011-1

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis? Crazy Workout Sends Iowa Football Players To The Hospital

Dashiell Bennett | Jan. 26, 2011, 8:14 AM | 5,526 | 4

"We finally got an answer to the mystery of the Iowa Hawkeye football players who were hospitalized on Monday. The Iowa City Gazette reports that they are being treated for "Exertional Rhabdomyolysis", which is "an acute breakdown of muscle fibers resulting in the release of muscle fiber contents (myoglobin) into the bloodstream."

In other words, they nearly worked out to death.

The players' identities have not been released, but they are in stable condition and all responding to treatment.

It's not known exactly what the players were doing during the voluntary winter workout that led to the breakdown, but one example given of a common Hawkeye drill is a series of 100 squats followed by sled work. One former player has described it as the “worst experience in your life.”

According to Wikipedia, rhabdomyolysis is often suffered by people who have experienced traumatic muscle injuries like car accidents or being crushed in an earthquake. However, it can be caused by extreme exercise combined with poor hydration. In the most serious cases, it can lead to kidney failure".

These poor souls had some Jackass of a coach, drive them to these extremes and they almost had their young, promising lives snuffed out because of him..

Yours truly?

Just me, "Mixelflick" and "The Franchise", collectively known as The 3Faces of Fear(tm) were in that basement. In other words... nothing but the guy(s) in the mirror to blame...:) :) :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:13 am
by seasoned
Actually, even if the dark color is like a bright YELLOW, it IS probably ok. Basically, the yellow is urea, and almost anything can drive it up. Take too much protein, vitamin B, etc... and it will get darker. Heck, I never would have thought anyone would care as much as I have seen lately And stated goals on the other type of waste have varied QUITE a bit! If urine is ANOTHER color, then you should worry. Orange could be anything from a minor irritant, to a first sign of major damage. A browner color could mean you have a REALLY big case of "Rhabdomyolysis", or any of several other problems. I don't know if Rob experienced that, but I have heard of it. If your urine is EVEN a light brown, I would say go to a GP or a urologist. It COULD be a minor infection, but it COULD mean a MAJOR problem. Most minor problems would likely go away in a couple days.

That said, dying muscle, like Rhabdomyolysis DOES drive protein up(The protein from the dead muscle has to go SOMEWHERE) and do the same thing. But frankly Rob YOU had the problem because you pushed yourself SO hard. From what I can see, beefcake isn't pushing that hard.

From what I have heard, about .75 ounces of water per pound per day is FINE. If you figure beefcake weighs maybe 66KG, IIRC, that is 145Lbs, which is 109oz, or about 14 8oz glasses of water. BTW that is about 3.25liters a day. Obviously, you COULD figure 49.25ml per KG.

BTW compared to the traditional one size fits all of 8 8oz glasses of water today, the estimates I give here are HIGH! 8 8oz glasses are only enough for someone weighing about 39KG, or someone a bit more than half of beefcakes size! The average 11yo girl weighs more than that! They are certainly low enough to be safe, and I don't think anyone would be afraid of them being too low.

Don't feel that you are going to suffer kidney damage, or whatever, if you can tell your urine is yellow.

BTW about the other type of waste. I will only say one thing that is definitely true here. If it is PALE, WATCH OUT! The possible problems tend to be BAD. At the VERY least, you should get a general metabolic rundown. A simple urine or, preferably, blood test. It is cheap, and your bilirubin would likely be high.

BTW where was the way females think brought up? I realize beercake is female, but I haven't seen any indication of any hidden or nuanced meaning. I would certainly like to learn that language though. 8-)


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:54 am
by beefcake66
I was just speaking from my experiences. slightly darker colors (or bright neon) are usually from not enough water. bright yellow/limey green is usually excess vitamins; darker orange colors (ive never experienced this myself) are usually bad dehydration,but can potentially be something worse, like you guys have stated.

I didn't want to scare the shit out of the guy and make him think he's having liver/kidney failure when it could be as simple as drinking more water!

It's nice that Rob (and you Steve!) chimed in with some big ol facts.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:28 am
by seasoned
Beefcake. I never experienced the lime green but, at least from what I have heard, it's probably OK.

NOPE, that didn't sound like female speak, or whatever it might be called. You know... like what they talk about in the book "men are from mars. women are from venus"


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:54 pm
by beefcake66
limey green from excess multivitims/b vitamins haha, it just looks that way to me its probably just the normal color......

mind you, I'm not the one that posted about the dark pee issue... just tried to help........

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:22 pm
by RobRegish
"But frankly Rob YOU had the problem because you pushed yourself SO hard. From what I can see, beefcake isn't pushing that hard...."

A. Slight correction: Therapist(s) now say, "we" had a problem. And get this, there are more of me/us!!!

Yes, it's true!!

Notorious R.O.B.(tm), infrequently appears when lost in the "wrong side of town", retrieving a baseball cap he puts on backwards, slightly cocked to the left or right...

3Faces of Fear(tm)???

Perhaps not!!

Just filed a trademark of the 4Faces of Fear(tm) moniker....... :) :) :) :)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:59 pm
by seasoned
RobRegish wrote:"But frankly Rob YOU had the problem because you pushed yourself SO hard. From what I can see, beefcake isn't pushing that hard...."

A. Slight correction: Therapist(s) now say, "we" had a problem. And get this, there are more of me/us!!!

Yes, it's true!!

Notorious R.O.B.(tm), infrequently appears when lost in the "wrong side of town", retrieving a baseball cap he puts on backwards, slightly cocked to the left or right...

3Faces of Fear(tm)???

Perhaps not!!

Just filed a trademark of the 4Faces of Fear(tm) moniker....... :) :) :) :)
Well, you DID push yourself pretty hard. Are you saying there was another problem?


Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:16 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, it's called "Multiple Personality Disorder"... :)

Or so they tell me/us... :) :) :)