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Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:24 pm
by bompus
Follow up / modification to the last post.. was reading the custom program Rob made for me and it appears I need to make the following additions/changes:

1 hour preworkout

added - 1 cap TMG
added - 1 cap Kre-Anabolyn

Immeditately postworkout

added - 1 cap TMG
added - 1 cap Kre-Anabolyn

Rob.. if this doesn't look right for the KA dosing timing, let me know.. I'm trying to go off the custom program wording.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:41 pm
by bompus
Got really sick this past week starting on Tuesday.. so only got Monday's workout done and struggled through the rest of the week getting enough food in.

Got some meds to make me better (Sinus Infection.. yuck) and hopefully will start it back up again tomorrow.