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Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:08 pm
by cwaranch
Day 3 about down! Actually feel much better today than yesterday. Weight was down another pound so have lost 4 pounds thus far. Worked out today using strictly machines...
4 sets of chest press with 4 sets of shoulder press got 10 reps on all sets except last set of chest press.
4 sets of 10 tricep pushown to cap it off. I am soooo ready for some food.
Thursday is first day to indulge myself and our local mexican restaurant has all you can eat burritos, rice, beans, chips and salsa and a drink for $5!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:22 pm
by RobRegish

I think you're there man. You get a pass on workout #3... :) Great work!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:20 pm
by cwaranch
Home stretch!!! Wow im sooo ready to get to eat everything in sight lol. Weight has gone down a pound a day after the first day. Have lost 6 pounds thus far and i anticipate it to be a total of 7 tomorrow morning. I have weak and small lol hopefully that will all change very quickly.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:11 pm
by RobRegish
Have fun at the buffet line..

Minimum 1 year ban. Ideally lifetime but 1 year, no less :)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:42 pm
by cwaranch
Feels so good to eat today :) Have been eating a ton of the groceries I bought sadly with the snow i am not able to go out today to get my all you can eat meals on but im making due. Gonna start up my protein and creatine again would you just say 5g of creatine a day?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:50 pm
by RobRegish
5, 10, 50g it's all the same to me :)

5g/day is fine. Just ensure there are adequate carbs/H20 to stimulate insulin which is know to improve creatine uptake..

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:46 pm
by cwaranch
Had my first workout yesterday and it actually felt realllly good. I wasnt that strong by any means but it just felt good lol hard to describe.
Bench- 1 set 155x10
Followed by db pullovers-25x10 (didnt really feel these in my chest more a stretch in my abs apparently my form sucks)
Squat-1 set 185x10
Followed by SLDL-105x10 these felt amazing really good stretch
EDT block 1-Cable row and Incline press machine
Got 71 reps in 15:47
EDT block 2-Leg Extension and leg curl machines
Didnt get to do these right but completed 6 sets as quickly as possible
Static holds on standing ab crunch 90x15 sec

The gym was packed so had to use some machines i didnt want to for the EDt blocks. Damn news year resolution people :)
I liked the edt blocks tho got me breathing hard so looks like it even gets in a bit of cardio.
Gonna keep the calories up and keep truckin already excited for workout 2!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:04 pm
by cwaranch
Have my 2nd workout later today but was reading some logs and what is "the formula" I keep hearing about?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:32 am
by Street-dreams
"the formula" is a recovery drink that rob gives to BP believers.. ask him about it next time hes on.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:43 pm
by cwaranch
Well i had the second workout of feast yesterday and man it was night and day compared to the first!
Followed by DB pullovers-25x6
Squat-225x6 Very light!
Followed by SLDL-105x6
EDT block 1-incline chest press w/ bent over rows
Time wasnt properly taken due to gym being packed
EDT block 2-Leg Press w/ SLDL-Leg press at 3 plates a side and 105 on SLDL.
Time wasnt taken but stuck to 6 sets and 2 min rest between. Felt strong compared to workout 1 and got all 6 reps on every exercise every set except last 2 sets on SLDL.
Ended with static holds on ab crunch upped the weight to 100x15 sec.
Very happy just after 2nd workout. 3rd workout is tomorrow then taking the weekend off. I want a 2 plate bench on maxout day!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:58 pm
by cwaranch
Did Workout 3 today and man things feel sooooo good.
Squat-275x2 barely got 2nd rep up but dug real deep haha.
EDT 1-Incline DB 50x6 w/ bent over row 90x6
EDT 2-Leg Press 4 plates a side w/ SLDL 115

Static ab holds-100x15 sec

Loving how things are so far cant wait to see where i am at the end.