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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:21 pm
by xlb57
So, a couple days of updates...

Upper GLP #4 (12/16/10)
A pretty strong day overall. I bumped up the weight on my last set of Decline BP (to hit three plates) and as a result, I needed the slightest bit of help on my 2nd rep. Goes to show, the GLP weights are calculated just about perfectly in my case. My EDTs were strange...I don't know if it was fatigue from the Decline BP or due to the fact that I switched the order of the EDTs b/c equipment was in use, but I got OWNED on my shoulder lift.

Decline BP

315x2* (slight amount of assistance on second rep as weight fell forward slightly on the push portion of the lift)

EDT #1 (usually #2)

Incline DB Press: 85x39 (+7 reps from last workout)
Tbar: 135x37 (+4 reps)

EDT #2 (usually #1)

Hammer strength shoulder press: 290x23 (-11! FAIL)
Lat pulldown: 220x38 (same number of reps as last workout)

Extra Day (12/18/10)
EDT #1

Incline skullcrushers
90x52 (+9 reps from last workout - moving to 100 next w.o.)

Incline alternating DB curls
35x45 (+5 reps - moving to 40 next w.o.)

EDT #2

V Tricep extensions

Standing alternating DB hammer curls

Ab cable static holds (as long as possible): 200x3

Calves EDT (alternating toes out, forward, in)

Standing: 150x30

Seated: 135x24

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:18 pm
by RobRegish

Loving this log. Loving it!!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:52 am
by ethanhun
I just read the whole LOG.

Im loving it too its a great one to follow for good advice and information.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:38 am
by RobRegish
Yes, MUCH great info to Learn, Share and Grow from here. The very reason we have this place :)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:11 pm
by xlb57
Glad folks are liking this!

Update: So I had my Lower max day and it didn't go as well as planned...I plan to take another shot at it later this week, but here it is.

Lower GLP #6


420x0 (FAIL)
405x1 PR


Leg Press: 798x44 (+2 reps from last workout)
Lying Ham Curls: 140x45 (+2 reps)


Upper GLP #5

Decline BP:

300x2 (Felt strong!)

EDT #1:

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press: 290x36 (+2 reps - STRONG)
Lat Pulldown: 220x39 (+1 rep)

EDT #2:

Incline DB Press: 90x37 (+5 lbs from last time)
Tbar Rows: 135x38 (+1 reps)


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:27 pm
by RobRegish
Great work! A few pointers:

420x0 (FAIL)

COMMENT: Too big a jump here. Consider something in the neighborhood of 10-15lbs jumps (20 at the most) on the SQ. Your CNS doesn't like 40lb surprises :)

405x1 PR

PR's are PR's man. Congratulations!

COMMENT: There's a clue here too. Your CNS had just "seen" 420, so shaving 15lbs off was "perceived" a lot differently yes?

Think about that a bit and let me know your thoughts. I'd be curious as to what comes to mind...

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:41 pm
by xlb57
Great thoughts Rob. I was merely following what the GLP calculator suggested (at least I think that's what it said...I'll need to double-check EDIT: Just checked and that's what it suggests). No doubt though, I was still pretty jacked to hit four plates p/side on squat. That's been something I have been looking forward to for quite some time.

I think you hit it right on the head too regarding having felt the 420. For the first time in my life I have felt that weight now and, undoubtedly, the 405 felt relatively "light". Would you suggest I give it another shot this week or set my sights higher after my upcoming Cruise?

I won't lie though, I think I am ready for the Cruise. After reading through a bunch of other posts, I am definitely hitting the point where I need a change. Don't get me wrong, the strength is still coming (which can be seen by my steadily increasing EDTs), but I am looking forward to the Cruise.

What is your suggestion for Cruise? 5x5? Something else? I am open to any and all suggestions in that regard. I do still have my Upper max upcoming and I am looking forward to that for sure!

As usual: Thanks!

EDIT (Pt. II): Was just re-reading your post and I got to thinking - Have you ever suggested or heard of somebody loading up the bar with more weight than they are attempting to max, just to step away from the rack with said weight in order to "feel" it before deloading to their desired max weight and attempting it? Perhaps this is something that is done and I am just not used to maxing out, but thought I'd throw the idea out for your thoughts.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:45 pm
by xlb57
ethanhun wrote:I just read the whole LOG.

Im loving it too its a great one to follow for good advice and information.
By the way - If you have ANY questions for me based on my experiences thus far, I would be more than happy to provide any answers/ideas/suggestions!

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:56 pm
by RobRegish
I think you hit it right on the head too regarding having felt the 420. For the first time in my life I have felt that weight now and, undoubtedly, the 405 felt relatively "light". Would you suggest I give it another shot this week or set my sights higher after my upcoming Cruise?

A. Sure. JUST the SQ's though!

I won't lie though, I think I am ready for the Cruise. After reading through a bunch of other posts, I am definitely hitting the point where I need a change. Don't get me wrong, the strength is still coming (which can be seen by my steadily increasing EDTs), but I am looking forward to the Cruise.

A. Follow your gut :)

What is your suggestion for Cruise? 5x5? Something else? I am open to any and all suggestions in that regard. I do still have my Upper max upcoming and I am looking forward to that for sure!

As usual: Thanks!

EDIT (Pt. II): Was just re-reading your post and I got to thinking - Have you ever suggested or heard of somebody loading up the bar with more weight than they are attempting to max, just to step away from the rack with said weight in order to "feel" it before deloading to their desired max weight and attempting it? Perhaps this is something that is done and I am just not used to maxing out, but thought I'd throw the idea out for your thoughts.

A. Yes and I do it often. Same principle as the guy in the on deck circle swinging a bat with a donut on it. More on that, after I goto bed. I can't keep up!

Can someone clone me?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:52 am
by xlb57
Haha - Thanks for the thoughts Rob. Perhaps I will give the squats another shot later this week.

Is 5x5 your recommended training style for Cruise then?

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:58 pm
by RobRegish
xlb57 wrote:Haha - Thanks for the thoughts Rob. Perhaps I will give the squats another shot later this week.

Is 5x5 your recommended training style for Cruise then?
Yes sir, with some slight variations to that theme. See page 21 of your BP as a refresher.

Right here for you if you need me :)

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:27 pm
by xlb57
Will do. Thank you sir!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:46 pm
by xlb57
Extra Day - 12/30/10

EDT #1:

Incline Skullcrushers: 100x40 (+10 lbs from last workout)

Alternating Incline DB Curls: 40x39 (+5 lbs from last workout)

EDT #2:

V-bar Tricep Extension: 180x43 (+3 reps from last workout)

Standing Alternating Hammer DB Curls: 40x41 (+1 rep)

Ab static rope holds: 200x3 (as long as possible)

Calves EDT (toes forward, outward, inward):

Standing: 150x34 (+4)

Seated: 135x29 (+5)

Great day! Pumps were out of this world and I felt real strong.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:32 pm
by RobRegish