Does this count as my 3rd run?

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Post by MSR9889 »

i think my lower body could handle it fine since its larger/more worked muscles. i had good success with the first run doing the loading patter for my chest and super setting that with t-bar rows. would that sound like a good idea? or do just t-bar rows after with some light arm work?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd say stick to what works. Consider repeating what you did the first time. Its been awhile so you're body has been away from it long enough.

Should see similar (if not better) gains!
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Post by MSR9889 »

alright, back in the gym this morning. good timing for me to use the hip belt because i did something to my neck last night and lost like 50% of my range of motion. i might have to skip rows and maybe the ab hold because of it.

anyways, for the static holds on the leg sled, am i just loading up the sled with weight and pushing off and holding it or am i doing like a slow negative?
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Post by MSR9889 »

well this workout isnt worth listing. i started using the hip belt and was told i cant stand on the benches because i will wear them out, as if 100 people a day using them wont do more damage than my faded shoes. i switched to the leg sled to do some reps but once i got to 450 it bothered my neck too much so i stopped. i went to preacher curls and at 75 lbs it was also bothering my neck. pretty much anything that wasnt an easy lift hurt me so i decided to stop.

for the hip belt, while i was using it, i did a 40lb plate to try it out then went to 120 for my warmup and it was surprisingly difficult. it also seemed to put a lot of pressure on my lower back. the weight seemed comparable to squatting ~185 with the bar on my back. is that normal?

also, i did a search for chiropractors in my area and the closest one is at least 20 minutes away and i have no ride there. hopefully my neck will fix itself. i need to see if the uconn PT department has anything to offer me. i cant even explain how frustrated i am right now.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. That sucks man..

Do get the neck issue resolved however you can. That's #1. #2 is either finding a new gym or finding something "acceptable" to stand on. God that's awful reasoning on their part.

You will get used to the feel of the hip belt. As you're finding, it's no walk in the park and every bit as challenging as a real squat. In time, you will see that the lower back really isn't stressed like in a traditional barbell squat. What you're feeling now is pressure on the pelvic structure brought on by IT now carrying the load vs you lower lumbar disks.

It will toughen up in short order...
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