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Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:43 am
by Redgum
OK I can only see some details which differ to what I did, but here's my take on this situation. This here isn't in my log but it is what I did and it paid off nicely, I know it may seem to be a lot of warm up and resting but I didn't want a lack of warming up to be the cause of a missed PR.
Note: I workout alone, have music loud, 'in the zone' mode, and I don't usually warm up to this extent.

My warm up looked like this.
2min rest
2 min rest
154lbs/3 reps.
3 min rest
176lbs/2 reps.
3 min rest
176lbs/2 reps
3 min rest
3min rest
198lbs/1 rep (previous 1RM)
5min rest
209/1 rep (Felt strong on this one)
2-3 min rest, I was buzzing.
220lbs held static for a sec, waited a min, did a half rep, then waited 5 mins and got the rep.

I didn't do too much after this, as I wanted to get into squats and DL. Conserving energy. Which also paid off.

I also had my Peri-workout drink and water I was drinking throughout. I recommend these, new to them myself but I believe it can be beneficial to a workout.

Why didn't you carry on and do the squats/DL? You never know, you may of hit a new PR 1RM on them.

Another tiny point to add, I don't know about your recovery times between workouts but I notice from your workout#4 to #5 was Sun then Thurs. Tbh I feel lethargic if I leave too many days between workouts, which bums me out. I did Sunday then Tuesday. I felt geared up and ready for it by then.

Perhaps you were just having an off day? I've had a few of those prior to this programme.. where I couldn't lift more than a previous workout. Don't let it get you down though, rest a couple of days and go for it again.

Just my opinion. It's all I can think of at this point.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:43 pm
by mars88
Thanks rob and red for giving me some advice here. Workout 4 was on sunday and workout 5 was on wednesday took 2 days off in between. I also got alotta stuff on my plate rigt now my uncle just passed away and its been really hectic so maybe it was just an off day. My warmup didnt look anything like that though it was basically

Bar 10 reps
135 2 reps

170 2 reps

then right into 210 and then 205 So i will try redgums style of warming up and see how that pans out. Today and tomorrow is the viewing with the funeral on saturday so i will probably go back to the gym on sunday and attempt 1rm for bench,squat, and deadlift. you're right redgum i coulda tried it out yesterday but after failing for bench i just decided to save it for another day.

Its odd too because def the first 4 workouts were great and im up 9 lbs and pr zones are coming along nicely too, hope it was just an off day and that i can come back with a vegenance on sunday.

So for bench my warmup will look like this then?
bar 10 reps

110 5 reps
rest 2 min
130 3 reps
rest 2 min
150 3 reps
rest 3 min
175 2 reps
rest 3 minutes
190 1 reps
rest 3 mins
200 1 rep(previous 1rm)
rest 5 minutes
then go for 210

Also rob should i go with the 70lbs for my pr zone next workout since i hit 8 reps on all sets except last set only hit 7 on the incline presses

Again thanks for the help guys hopefully i will do some justice here

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:22 pm
by RobRegish
First things first... condolensces on your uncle passing. I'm sure wherever he is now of who and what you are...

On the flawed workout yes.... a 30lb jump into your 1RM was too much, IMO. Your warmup plan above looks solid. Much better to get within 10lbs. CNS is now primed for it.

I support the move to 70 on the EDT zones.

Redgum, THANKS for chiming in. That's what this forum is all about. Blueprint members helping others. We do it without the bickering, bullsh!t etc. seen elsewhere so great job.

Onward and upward.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:33 pm
by mars88
So i went to redo the 5th workout and tore it up!

Hit 3 NEW PRS!

Bench did the warmups like suggested and nailed it PR for 210 1 rep

Squat did 265 1 rep felt easy rested and hit 275 for 1 rep and i felt like i coulda gone heavier too!

Stiff legged deadlift 1 rep for 275 felt pretty good

Im pretty satisifed here hit 3 new PRS and tbh i felt like i coulda gone heavier with the squat and deadlift but didnt have much time, with the long warmup and long rest periods it takes a long time to go for a 1 rep max lol.

Didnt do any pr zones but ill be doing GLP 1 either tomorrow or the day after, and i feel no soreness at all either, feel great today

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
3 new PR's!

LOVE this place. Absolutely love it.... Great going man. Soooo happy for you..

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:24 pm
by mars88
So i just started GLP. I have a few questions its 6 workouts and were doing bench then squat does that mean its 12 total workouts 6 for bench 6 for squat? In which case i could do a 1 on 1 off or even a 2 on 1 off approach?

A. Suggest splitting the workouts up with a 1on 1off to start. Insert an extra rest day where needed.

I completed GLP1 yesterday
Bench: 105x10
165x7 I needed a little help on the 7th rep and didnt attempt an 8th because i knew it wouldnt have gone up

A. Perfectly normal, don't be concerned.

I was confused with the pullover stuff am i supposed to do a set of dumbell pullovers after each set of bench press? I didnt do any pullovers this workout. After this i went on to PR zone 1 and i noticed that it was much harder i guess because of the total volume using in the bench press sets?

A. Suggest doing these AFTER you satisfy your GLP sets. Yes, EDT blocks can be harder after that first workout. As your work capacity picks up (and it will) you'll find they get easier.

I tried to kick up the 70lbs by myself and couldnt, if i had a spot i could have easily got it up and did the sets so i dropped down to 65 again and even the 65's felt pretty hard.
Incline Dumbell Press superset with 1 arm dumbell rows
65x7 superset with 65x8
65x7 superset with 65x8
65x7 superset with 65x8

Couldnt even kick up the 65s for 4th set so i just did 1 more set of dumbell rows 65x8

I think i may have just tweaked my right shoulder a bit during football im not too sure i feel fine tho just sore today from the workout. So did i do the workout correctly?

A. Almost :)

Any ideas as to why the 65s felt heavy i guess because of the volume? Also i saw that it said do decline dumbell presses instead of incline but i did incline is that okay?

A. That's OK on the exercise switch. I would suggest they feel a bit heavier due to fatigue from the GLP set. Take care to rest enough to recover fully before executing these movements.

And seeing as i just missed the last rep and needed a little help on 7th rep for bench is that good or bad?

A. Perfectly normal. I routinely miss a rep or two for 2-3 of these workouts. Don't sweat it..

Oh right did another PR zone too Widegrip lat pulldowns superset with barbell shrugs

120x6 225x6
120x6 225x6
120x6 225x6
120x6 225x6

A. Good man. You're doing a good job. Just make those few small adjustments I mention and you're good to go!


Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:21 pm
by mars88
So i did GLP 1 For squats 2 days ago and did GLP 2 for Bench today.

GLP 1 Squats:

Did not miss a single rep and all sets felt perfect, form was great and it only started feeling heavy on the last set and even then i knew i could have pushed out more weight/reps.

Leg Press superset with romanian deadlift
555x6 225x6
555x6 225x6
555x6 225x5
555x6 225x6

This PR zone just killed me afterwards i was done.

GLP #2 Bench
175x5 needed just a touch of help on the 5th rep just a 2 finger assist, didnt attempt a 6th. I can already feel though that i've gotten stronger from GLP 1 to GLP2 in a matter of days, really.

Incline Dumbell Press supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows

Last post i was discouraged that 65s felt heavy and that i couldnt kick up 70s.. well here we go

70x6 70x6
70x6 70x6
70x5 70x6
70x4 70x6

First time ever kicked up the 70s by myself, the last 2 sets i got a friend to help kick it up just cuz he was there and i was getting tired.

PR Zone 2
Widegrip latpulldowns supersetted with upright barbell rows for shoulders
125x6 70x6
125x6 70x6
125x6 70x6
125x6 70x6

PR Zone 3
Preacher Curl supersetted with v pulldowns
85x5 57x6
85x6 57x6
85x6 57x6

Im up to 149lbs. Still have a flat stomach but def some fat gain seeing as abs are barely visible, but nevertheless its 10lb gain sofar and im seeing solid strength gains, the only reason iv even put on fat is because my diet has been eat whatever i want, due to the death in family ive been at familys house the past 2-3 weeks so food choices are really minimal, foruatenly im getting enough calories just not too clean :p

Whatever the case i'm bulking up for the next 4-5 months wont be considering a cut till january so until then i just wanna pack on as much size as possible!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:27 pm
by RobRegish
First, condolences on your loss. Never an easy thing...

Having said that, GREAT work! Very happy to see these #'s and your work is JUST starting to pay off!!


Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:12 pm
by mars88
Alright So i got an interesting update. I'm up to 152 pounds and this see all eat diet is not helping me in terms of fat gain lol. I was pretty depressed this morning to see my 6 pack dissapear. I am def getting stronger though and i guess i need some suggestions right now rob and some critique of pics.

This is what i started the blueprint at 137 pounds Image

This is where im at now at 152 lbs Image



So what do you think? I've cleaned up my diet as of today, have i added any size or is that 13 pound gain all fat?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:41 am
by RobRegish
Some fat gain is inevitable. The strength gains are more than worth it as getting a bit of fat off is an easy trick.

As a quick fix, begin cycling calories at 100% of maintenance on traning days and 70% of maintenance on off days. Doing so will ensure the needed caloric deficit and mitigate any down regulation in metabolism seen with a fixed caloric intake.

No less than 25% of those calories on 100% days should come in the form of your intra-workout drink.

Do this for two weeks and re-evaluate in terms of body comp and how it affects you're strength. We'll proceed from there..

You are doing great Mars. Focus on the strength gains and moving more weight. There is a time and a place for each.

If you're interested more in re-comp for this run check out sovabrat's log. Dude pulled off and INCREDIBLE transformation!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:24 pm
by mars88
Thanks rob, check out the pics ive posted. As far as recomp goes we'll save that for another run, as gaining muscle and strength is my number one goal as of now!

Now here is my update for GLP 2 Squats


Hit every rep again! Cant believe how much i can squat now. Before i started the blueprint i was barely squatting 225 for 5.

PR Zone
Leg Press superset with romanian deadlift
555x6 225x6
555x6 225x6
555x6 225x6
555x7 225x6

I even did some abs at the end of this workout! Cant wait for GLP 3 Bench tomorrow!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:37 pm
by RobRegish

You are on the right track. Don't despair, that bodyfat comes off easy especially for ectomorphs. Enjoy that newfound power/muscle my man, cause it just keeps getting better!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:19 pm
by zip
Love the gains brah, keep it up!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:49 pm
by mars88
Thanks lot rob and zip really appreciate the moral support!

So u guys can see muscle gain from the pics? Where do u guys see changes

I played a good hour or so of ball today good cardio can't wait for glp3 tmrw