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Post by RobRegish »

Full body workouts like that in Cruise are certainly doable and I encourage you to experiment with them for sure.

I do like full body workouts now and then and Cruise is certainly a good time to incorporate them. Good instincts Hank!
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Post by Hank! »

I am hitting the trail tonight but still managed to get a workout in today

DB Press
60 x 10
60x 9
60 x9

Face pulls on universal machine
4 sets 90lbs x 10

standing miltary press (to chest)
4 sets 105lbs x 10

Barbell Shrugs

Did some bent over rows to stretch

Rack Pull
405lbs held 10 secs
535lbs held a solid 15 secs
565lbs held a sold 9 secs till the stars and fireworks were going off in my head and a new PR

Thats a 40lb jump since last rack pull on 3/29..pretty happy
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Post by RobRegish »

Ending with another new PR!

Way to go Hank :)
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DAMN HANK! you're tearin it up bro!! I wonder how many PR's I've seen in this log :shock:
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Post by RobRegish »

I know between you and Turbo, I feel like wearing a hard hat... it's raining PR's!
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Post by Hank! »

I attribute my PRs to two things

1 The confidence BP has given me to push myself
2 All of you alls constant encouragement

did the mud run course tonight and i will say without a doubt KA is a serious athletic enhancement it easily doubles my cardio endurance.
Burned 1029(HR peaked at 162 buy was down around 114 within 2 minutes) calories in about an hour, quads and tendons in my legs feel a bit tight but nothing abnormal

3291 cals consumed (sitting about 1588 net)
125g fat
496mg choles
296g carbs
42g fiber
263 grams protein
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Post by beachpirate »

You're looking great Hank. You are truely motivating me to push harder. I might have to find some mud to play in :lol: I believe there is a mud run held annually just down the road from me. It might be the USMC that sponsers it but I can't remember.

I was thinking today that the BP has given me confidence to push harder. On my first day of the GLP#1 my fifth set of squats was already more than I was doing before starting BP. It's definitely motivating.
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Post by Hank! »

beachpirate wrote:You're looking great Hank. You are truely motivating me to push harder. I might have to find some mud to play in :lol: I believe there is a mud run held annually just down the road from me. It might be the USMC that sponsers it but I can't remember.

I was thinking today that the BP has given me confidence to push harder. On my first day of the GLP#1 my fifth set of squats was already more than I was doing before starting BP. It's definitely motivating.
Thanks Beach, the BP is great, and I dont see ever not cycling it

The Mud run in Cola is a big one and from what i gather a bit tougher than ours here in Greenville.
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Post by Hank! »

Day off today and truthfully I am happy for the rest.

I have to figure out a way to curb my appetite I eat when I am hungry which seems to be all the time

took two KA today with my largest meals

2900 Cals
795mg cholesterol
3gmsr sodium
232 carbs
25 fiber
211 pro
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Post by Hank! »

Weekly Update

Weight 254lbs
BP 115/59
RHR 55

Feeling great
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Post by Hank! »

Weekend Update

Saturday Macros
2237 clas
81g fat
1874g carb
177g pro

Sunday Macros
2257 cals
58g fat
332g carbs
127g pro
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Post by Hank! »

Looking to start shedding some LBS now started EC stack 20-25/200(2 Primatene and 1 Pepback = 10:1 ratio) this week i will be reloading chest after 1RM today estimating 272lbs , and looking for a max squat..estimating in the 395-415 range.

Also going to start cardio 4x a week after workouts to make sure i have my legs for the mud run on May 1. Here is the course, if you guys have one locally i highly recommend it.

Rob any suggestions on dropping fat and keeping strength. I have managed to eat 3000cals a day for a few weeks and maintain around 255lbs?
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Post by Hank! »

Great Workout today, felt strong and focused

Pre/Peri Wo drink is NO Shotgun 20gms pro and 4 scoops LG BC+EAA
2 KA

275x2 This is the most i have ever benched >>i had a typo in here saying 5 reps<<
135x20 Wide Grip

DB Pull overs

One Arm incline DB press I like asymmetric exercises sometimes to keep my body guessing

Cable Flys

Tricep Pressdown
30x20 complete muscle exhaustion on these

Curls on the Universal machine
110x20 completely fried my bi's

Static Holds on preacher curl
135lbs held 20sec
160 held 9 secs..cooked my arms

Total WO time was about 45 minutes
Post WO was 6 oz Flanksteak and 1 Multigarin Thin Bun Myofusion with Oats

I am going to do about 30 mins cardio after work
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damn Hank 275x5 thats STRONG bro!! Good job!!
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