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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:40 pm
by JayBezel
did rob give you a shout out on SHR last week? i listed to the podcast yesterday and i swear he said something about you curing your own mercury poisoning.....soooo......since your a celeb now how much are you going to charge me to do my contest prep 8) ?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:45 pm
by matter2003
JayBezel wrote:did rob give you a shout out on SHR last week? i listed to the podcast yesterday and i swear he said something about you curing your own mercury poisoning.....soooo......since your a celeb now how much are you going to charge me to do my contest prep 8) ?
Yeah, he did a part of the show about that...pretty cool. I actually was on SHR a few months ago talking about the Blueprint with Rob and Carl...that was really cool...

I doubt I am anywhere close to a celeb...hahaha

I gotta get myself right first! Hopefully within a year my body will be absorbing zinc better and that should take care of a lot....

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:50 pm
by JayBezel
i always listen to SHR so i probally heard your episode but it doesnt ring a bell. either way thats pretty cool man. id love to be on SHR or HMR or one of those shows for something

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:45 pm
by matter2003
Way behind on my log, so I am going to get it caught up...

Feast Workout #12

Started following a paleo/warrior diet configuration the last two days for a few reasons:

its just easier for me to do it and not bring in 6 to 7 containers of food a day to work, it doesn't bother me at all hunger wise, and allows me to burn fat for long stretches of the day...however, my body responded to this by dropping 5 pounds in those 2 days, putting me back at 188 lbs now...definitely not happy about that, although I think a couple of those pounds are fat as I am definitely seeing ab definition starting to come out, especially in the top 2 sets of abs...

Sad to see this feast over with after today...have really cranked up the bar on my strength a lot and am really looking forward to doing it all over again in about 3 weeks or so...

Today was squat day, and my attempt at a new 1 RM...

Barbell Squats:
75 lbs x 10
155 lbs x 8
195 lbs x 6
225 lbs x 4
245 lbs x 3
265 lbs x 1
295 lbs x 1 <---PR!!!
300 lbs x 1 <---PR!!!

-Had my buddy who is director of personal training at the gym watching me to make sure I didn't have a relapse of last week's almost neck breaking incident...he is actually the one who told me to go for 300 lbs after I hit my goal of 295 because I got it so easy...300 was just a touch harder but he never touched me at all, I got way down depth wise and even paused at the bottom before coming back up under control. I honestly think I could have nailed 315 this week, but I'll take the 300 and move on to chasing 400 lbs for my next run...

Rack Pulls: 495 lbs x 10 seconds/605 lbs x 2 seconds <---PR!!!

Barely got 605 up, but got it and held it for a few seconds...tried to get it up again and couldn't...I'll take it...

That was it for the workout cardio tomorrow and then Friday/Saturday off in anticipation of starting my cruise phase of the program where I drop the weight down and let my body take a breather for a few weeks...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:46 pm
by matter2003
OK, today I decided to mix it up a little bit and do one of my favorite lifting/MRT routines, which I call "Death by Deadlifts". Basically, you do 5 sets of 12 reps in under 15 minutes. If you have never tried this, you gotta try it...your heart feels like it is going to beat out of your chest...

Barbell DL:
225 lbs x 12(1 min rest)
275 lbs x 12(1 min rest)
295 lbs x 12(1 min rest)
315 lbs x 12(1.5 min rest)
325 lbs x 6/285 lbs x 6

Completely ran out of gas on the last set after 6...even after a 15 or 20 second pause that bar wasn't budging again...decided to drop some weight so I could get the reps done...

Not bad considering I am following a paleo/warrior diet set up right now where I have some eggs and spinach leaves in the morning, then don't eat again until after I get out of the gym at night and pile down about 1600 cals...still only getting around 2,000 cals for the day, which is well below maintenance and likely explains why my weight is back into the 180s again...

That being said, I continue to get stronger even as I get lighter, which is definitely a good sign, but the program is basically designed to act as a built in recomp over the 6 weeks, while actually getting you bigger and stronger as well, and it does what it is supposed to do...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:47 pm
by matter2003
OK, rested up Friday and Saturday like normal, was planning on lifting Sunday but had a few things happening which prevented that from happening:

1) Went out til 4am Saturday night
2) Got in fight with wife about my friend sending me a text while I was in the shower asking me "if my ass was still sore from all the girls grabbing it while we were out the night before", and she read it because I thought it was her brother texting me again regarding Fantasy Football draft(we had been texting a few times before I got in the shower), so I told her to go see what he said. Then she burst in and hysterically started going off on me about his about bad timing...she was crying and crying and crying about it...that I don't love her anymore, that I don't want to be married anymore, that all I want is to f**k these younger girls because they are always flirting with me and hitting on me, etc, etc...played it pretty cool...showed little emotion, let her talk, then only apologized for hurting her feelings and told I was not apologizing for what happened, that she was blowing it out of proportion and that she needed to stop being so insecure. She got over it after about 2 or 3 hours of me leaving her alone. Says she doesn't want me going out anymore to the clubs, I said whatever, I am a grown man and I'll do what I want basically...
3) Had parents over for dinner to celebrate Mom's birthday.

Between these 3 things going on, I was pretty much exhausted and in no shape to do any sort of exercising...

So, fast forward to today...

Got up at 6:45am and hit the gym for an HIIT cardio session...5 min warmup, 15 min HIIT at level 12 incline/10 resistence on elliptical machine. 1 min high, 30 secs to 1 min low(depended on where heartbeat was...a few times had to rest the full minute as I don't like my heartrate going above a certain level at my age)

Got home from work and hit the gym again to start Day 1 of "Cruise"

Bench Press Warmup: 45lbs x 10/95 lbs x 8/135lbs x 6/155lbs x 4/175lbs x 2

Bench Press: 185lbs x 5 x 5 x 5/190lbs x 5/195lbs x 5

Military Press(Smith Machine): 85lbs x 5/105lbs x 5/125lbs x 5 x 5/130lbs x 5

Close Grip Static Hold: 445lbs x 12 seconds/535lbs x 7 seconds

Nothing really drastic here, everything was pretty easy..even the static hold wasn't overly exerting, although I was pretty surprised at the ease at which got 535 lbs up after doing the workout, especially since I am following the Warrior Diet where I eat a small meal in the morning and then don't eat again until after I lift. Usually statics are done before the workout begins...

Tomorrow is some HIIT followed by lower body workout on Wednesday

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:49 pm
by matter2003
Lower body cruise workout #2 today...

Cannot keep weight on, as I am down to 187.2 lbs this morning, within 3 lbs of my lowest weight when I was actively attempting to cut...getting frustrating and crazy, although bodyfat seems to be coming down nicely...following modified paleo diet, cutting all grains, legumes, corn, rice and dairy out, but eating lots of potatoes(carbs gotta come from somewhere and trying to eat that many apples and bananas every day is not happening). Weight just seems to be falling off, no matter how much I eat, am thinking it might have been potential inflammation from the grains due to their "phytic acid" levels...grains and other things high in phytic acid are actually "anti-nutrients" that steal more nutrients from the body than they give you....diets high in these(most people's) have been linked to increase in diseases, especially chronic adult diseases...on a side note, my zinc challenge that was low to very low 3 weeks ago(tests bodily zinc levels), is now good after following the paleo diet for 2 weeks...not sure if they are related as I also have been pulling heavy metals as well which block zinc receptor sites, but I would have to bet the low phytic acid content of the food I am eating is helping...

That was a public service announcement, now onto the log...

Warmup Squats:
45lbs x 10
95lbs x 5
135lbs x 4
205lbs x 3
225lbs x 2

245 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
-pretty easy, likely could have gone up 10 or 15 lbs...was getting super deep on these squats...happy with progress I am making on these as I am able to drive off my heels much better now which makes getting up out of the hole a lot easier...

Leg Press Static Hold: 710lbs x 10 secs/1070lbs x 10 secs/1430lbs x 10 secs /1700lbs x 10 secs
-could have probably kept going as the last one was still pretty easy, but needed to keep the workout moving as time was becoming a factor...

Seated Cable Row: 180lbs x 5/200lbs x 5 x 5 x 5/220lbs x 5
-really easy, even at 220 lbs, and it only goes to 260 lbs...back has gotten exceptionally strong the past few months...

Machine Curl Static Hold: 165lbs x 10 secs/210lbs x 9 secs
-maxed machine out, no more weight to use and it was still pretty easy...

Seated Calf Raise Static Hold: 220lbs x 10 secs/290lbs x 5 secs

Leg "L" Ab Static Hold: BW+45lbs x 10 secs/BW+70lbs x 5 secs
-used dip belt and went to apparatus you can do leg raises on, and held my legs directly out in front of me as long as possible in the form of an "L"...holy crap was that rough on the abs, especially with the added weight...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:49 pm
by matter2003
Was planning to do this workout last night, but got a last minute invite for a fantasy football league and draft was last night. So that moved it to this morning. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but even I could tell you running "Death By Deadlifts" is not fun at 7am on a Friday morning.

Deadlifts, 5 sets of 12 with 1 min between sets

225 lbs x 12
285 lbs x 12
305 lbs x 12
325 lbs x 12
335 lbs x 5/3/4

Pretty done in right now...

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:50 pm
by matter2003
OK, workout #3 of cruise, upper body day.

Bench Press Warmup:
45lbs x 10
95lbs x 5
135lbs x 4
155lbs x 3
175lbs x 2

Bench Press:
195lbs x 5 x 5 x 5
200lbs x 5
205lbs x 5

Military Press:
95lbs x 5
115lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
140lbs x 5

Close Grip Bench Static Hold: 465lbs x 15 secs/555lbs x 5 secs

Nothing really hard, slight struggle on last rep at 205 on bench, but got it up...flat bench is not one of my strong suits...

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:32 pm
by JayBezel
youre a brave man to attempt a deadlift routine like that

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:50 pm
by DaCookie
I remember you saying somewhere, maybe on facebook that you only started squatting, but I had read before you had massive leg measurements.Whats that from mainly, leg press?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:32 pm
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:I remember you saying somewhere, maybe on facebook that you only started squatting, but I had read before you had massive leg measurements.Whats that from mainly, leg press?
Well I was doing the V-Squat, which is a Hammer Strength squat machine for a long time, but recently switched over to barbell squats in the power rack.

My legs are just naturally big(I call them my pillars)...played soccer growing up all through college which probably helped. They just seem to respond really well to training and grow.

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:14 am
by twun
great log!

thanks for this it has given me great insight into how to perform a full blueprint run :D

are you still using the blueprint?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:08 am
by creativef
matter2003 wrote:Going to be posting my supplement stack I am taking with this run, and it is a lengthy one. After thinking about what he is recommending, I decided to basically go "100% in" with his recommendations. Reason being is it is his program and I do not want to short-change myself or results by not doing things 100% the way he is telling me to. Same thing when I run the BP. I do things exactly the way Rob tells me to. Its only fair.

Jarrow Greens Mixture
Dymatiz Flud Super Amino 4800(4.8 g)
Vitamin C(1000 mg)
Siberian Ginseng(400 mg)
R-ALA(300 mg)
Chromium Polynicotinate(200 mcg)
Cinnamon(1/2 teaspoon or 500 g)
Bitter Melon Full Spectrum Extract(450 g)
Vitamin B Complex
Milk Thistle/Dandelion/Yellow Dock
Pure T2(1 ml---thyroid support)

Fish Oil(1200 mg)
Pine Bark Extract(Pycnogenol)
Vitamin D(2000 IU)
Fish Oil(1200 mg)
Garlic Oil Extract

Vitamin C(1000 mg)
Siberian Ginseng(400 mg)
Holy Basil(450 mg)
Zinc(50 mg)
ALCAR(2 g)
TwinLab ProBiotic
AAKG(6 g)
Synthagen(7 caps)
Glutamine(13 g)
Resveratrol(250 mg)
Bitter Melon Full Spectrum Extract(450 mg)
Pure T2(1 ml---thyroid support)

Intra-Workout(start drinking 30 mins into workout):
6oz Tart Cherry Juice(24 g carbs)
Dymatize Flud(29 g carbs, totaling 53 g carbs)
Glutamine(13 g)
Synthagen(4 caps opened and contents dumped into intra-workout mix)

R-ALA(300 mg)
Chromium Polynicotinate(200 mcg)
Cinnamon(1/2 teaspoon---500 mg)
Leucine(3 g)
Synthagen(3 caps)
Vitamin C(1000 mg)
Glycine(2 g)
MultiLife MultiVitamin(2 caps)
Whey Protein(53 g)
Zinc(50 mg)
Kre Alkalyn

Before Bed:
Evening Primrose Oil(4 g)
Vitamin C(1000 mg)
Holy Basil(450 mg)
Fish Oil(1200 mg)
Zinc(50 mg)
Dymatize Super Amino 4800(4.8 g)

Got everything pre-packaged for 1 week in preparation for next Sunday, which took almost 2 hours between labeling and measuring and packaging. Probably will cut it in half for next week, but I think this is the way to go instead of trying to remember all this stuff each day...

Its a lot of stuff, but I am hoping it will be worth it....
I have never seen so many supps but brother you have to what you want to get them gainzzzz....good luck with the bulk.