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Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:49 am
by RobRegish
Good man!

Tend to those injuries, and manage workout frequency best you can!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:52 pm
by Linkiroth
So, I went to the doctor because my elbows and left shoulder was bothering me. He gave me the military special (ibuprofein 800 prescription) and told me not to lift or do PT for at least 2 weeks, then follow up. So I will consider this BP run at an end, and I will come back (hopefully with that custom plan) in a few weeks to reattempt a successful BP run.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:04 pm
by RobRegish
Linkiroth wrote:So, I went to the doctor because my elbows and left shoulder was bothering me. He gave me the military special (ibuprofein 800 prescription) and told me not to lift or do PT for at least 2 weeks, then follow up. So I will consider this BP run at an end, and I will come back (hopefully with that custom plan) in a few weeks to reattempt a successful BP run.
Aw man, the old ibuprofen routine. Damn stuff is hell on the liver, AND protein synthesis!

SuperCissusRx/Cissus in a 5-10% extract is where it's at man, honestly... :) I/we are however, VERY much looking forward to your custom plan/BP run!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:38 pm
by Linkiroth
RobRegish wrote:
Linkiroth wrote:So, I went to the doctor because my elbows and left shoulder was bothering me. He gave me the military special (ibuprofein 800 prescription) and told me not to lift or do PT for at least 2 weeks, then follow up. So I will consider this BP run at an end, and I will come back (hopefully with that custom plan) in a few weeks to reattempt a successful BP run.
Aw man, the old ibuprofen routine. Damn stuff is hell on the liver, AND protein synthesis!

SuperCissusRx/Cissus in a 5-10% extract is where it's at man, honestly... :) I/we are however, VERY much looking forward to your custom plan/BP run!!!
Thanks. I've been taking the SuperCissus for a while now; I've actually got to get another bottle. As it stands, I'm taking the time now while I rest my shoulders to do some hypertrophy type work and work on squatting and deadlifting technique. Since my shoulder is jacked (but not that badly) I can use it as an excuse to focus on my arms (since I can't press at all, but I can still do triceps pushdowns and all sorts of curls) and my back which are both my physique weaknesses and the reasons that my bench is wretched (or so I assume). A few weeks off, I'll email you to follow up on the custom plan in the next week or so and then back to famine phase so I can make my next BP run a super solid one.

To recap my results though,

Squat 385 -> 425
Bench 225 -> 235
BW: 171 -> 182.1
BF%: 14.1 -> 14.9
An increase of 8.1lb LBM and a total increase in body mass of 11.1lb.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:14 am
by RobRegish

Can't wait to customize/chat!!!