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Post by MSR9889 »

day off yesterday, ate pretty moderately and got my protein in. had my 9th workout today, 1 more before maintenance. despite not sleeping well all week i did have a pretty good workout. definitely had my endurance tested but again everything seemed slightly improved. i got lightheaded at the end of my workout which ill credit to being dehydrated though i drank 3/4 gallon of water before and into my workout.

romanian deadlift- 135x10, 225x8, 225x8, 225x8, 225x8, 225x8
back felt stronger today but my left forearm was a weak point again. still improved from last week but the last 2 sets i had to put the weight down for a few seconds between reps after the first few.

push ups- 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
triceps felt kind of weak and the last 2 sets were a struggle but i hit all the reps. maybe it was from lack of a warm up though i havent had problems before today.

squats- 95x8, 135x5, 185x8, 185x8, 185x8, 185x8, 185x8
the last set really tested me to the point where reracking the weight was troublesome. i think this is where the dehydration started to hit me.

underhand grip lat pulldown- 100x12, 170x8, 170x8, 170x3 +150x2, 170x8, 170x6
the first 2 sets felt a little harder than usual and on the 3rd set i realized the weights were sticking to the bar so i changed machines for the last 2 sets.

hanging knee raises- 10, 12, 12
spaced out and stopped at 10 on the first set but definitely could have done 12. left after these because i was feeling very light headed.

so again, i have improved with every workout despite my poor sleep the past week or so. 1 more before maintenance.
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Post by MSR9889 »

again, havent slept great recently. my knee was still hurting me form friday and i also went to the bar the past 2 nights and was dancing which didnt help. knee was fine with the weights today though.

took pumpbol, ebol and 2g fish oil before breakfast
breakfast was 4 1/2 mini egg and cheese omelets ~900 calories
took superpump max preworkout
drank 1 scoop purple intrain, 12g bcaas and 3g citrulline malate intra workout
pwo i took ebol, 2 scoops ONE, 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop superfoods ~260 calories
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Post by MSR9889 »

woke up feeling kind of full this morning. i still havent really seen any appetite suppression from the EC so far.

took ec, ebol and 2g fish oil before breakfast
breakfast was 4 eggs and 4 egg whites with veggies ~400 calories
took EC at noon
took ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch
lunch was buffalo chicken and a buffalo chicken salad ~700 calories
took ebol and 2g fish oil before dinner
dinner was over roasted bbq turkey, 2/3 of a cookie, 1 scoop muscle infusion and 1 scoop superfoods ~650 calories

total calories ~1750
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Post by MSR9889 »

rough day yesterday, didnt eat much and played 5 full court games of basketball. got in about 150g of protein plus some bcaas.

rob im looking to run xfactor advanced with my next run but was wondering if its something i could start during my cruising phase and continue into my next run. my last workout will hopefully be friday.
also through the cruising phase i was thinking of keeping my workouts pretty basic, like 1-2 exercises per workout. something like this:

5x5 squats
High weight calf press

Day Off

5x5 Lat Pulldown
High weight preacher curl

Day Off

5x5 Deadlift
Knee Raises

Day Off

5x5 Bench
5x5 DB Shoulder Press Or 5 sets of Dips

Day Off


The XFA dosing would be 4 caps preworkout and 2 caps first thing in the morning on off days. Hopefully going into the summer ill have more time to dedicate to cardio and recovery.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work Matt!!!

"rob im looking to run xfactor advanced with my next run but was wondering if its something i could start during my cruising phase and continue into my next run. my last workout will hopefully be friday.
also through the cruising phase i was thinking of keeping my workouts pretty basic, like 1-2 exercises per workout. something like this..."

My/our thoughts are this; You nailed it...

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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:Great work Matt!!!

"rob im looking to run xfactor advanced with my next run but was wondering if its something i could start during my cruising phase and continue into my next run. my last workout will hopefully be friday.
also through the cruising phase i was thinking of keeping my workouts pretty basic, like 1-2 exercises per workout. something like this..."

My/our thoughts are this; You nailed it...

awesome, i think ill start saturday with my cheat day and look for my first workout to be monday.

took ebol, ec and 2g fish oil before breakfast
breakfast was 4 eggs and 2 scoops muscle infusion with 1 scoop superfoods ~565
took ec, ebol and 2g fish oil before lunch
lunch was buffalo chicken tenders and a salad ~900 calories
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Post by MSR9889 »

did lift yesterday because thursday i couldnt fall asleep. woke up yesterday so tired i felt sick. planned to lift today but i got checked pretty good from behind playing basketball yesterday and my backs kind of tight today. i may go this afternoon or wait til tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

My $.02, wait until you have at least one full day of feeling well/sleeping well behind you.

Oftentimes, there's a reason these things happen...
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Post by MSR9889 »

took your advice and didnt lift yesterday. would be good to go today but i wont have time to lift so ill hit the gym tomorrow. been back on ambien the past couple of nights because all of a sudden i just cant sleep again.
started XFA yesterday expecting to lift. ill be dosing it every day this week and then switch to 4 caps preworkout only starting next week.

took 4 XFA and EC before breakfast
breakfast was 4 eggs and ~4 egg whites with veggies ~400 calories
lunch was chicken tenders and ketchup ~900 calories
dinner was 2 seasoned chicken breasts, a few over roasted potatos, a few glazed carrots, and 1 scoop intrapro ~600 calories

total calories ~1900
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man Matt.. :)
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Post by MSR9889 »

again more improvements on basically everything from the last workout. middle of my back was still stiff but everything else felt good. my shoulders didnt feel strong during military press, but they felt better than usual.

t-bar rows- 45x12, 70x8, 70x8, 70x8, 70x8, 70x5 and 45x3

dips- 11, 7, 4, 3, 2
could have done a couple more on the first set but was happy i beat last workouts number. kind of exhausted myself on the second set so things trailed off on the last 3, but still felt strong and explosive. chest and triceps also pumped up quick so maybe if it werent for that i could have done a few more

leg sled- 90x15, 270x12, 270x12, 270x12, 270x12, 270x12
inner left thigh was bothering me a little for some reason and my lower back was also feeling a lot of stress for some reason which hasnt happened before. im assuming its just because of getting hit last friday and not having healed fully, not something im worried about.

military press- 45x12, 45x12, 45x10, 45x8, 45x8
again, didnt feel strong on these but i felt good, as if my shoulders were in the right groove finally.

knee raises- 12, 12, 12
did these in place of sit ups because of my lower/mid back. lower abs have definitely developed and gotten stronger since the start of this run, probably what ive improved most on aside from endurance/conditioning.

in terms of body weight exercises, i feel like i did when i weighed 20 lbs less. definitely a confidence booster. im not sure about normal pull ups, but neutral grip pull ups, dips and push ups all feel good. gonna wait till the weekend to start my maintenance workouts, not sure what ill do first though. gonna depend on my back.
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Post by MSR9889 »

took focus xt and e before breakfast
breakfast was a couple bites of egg whites and 2 scoops intrapro ~300 calories
took xfa, pumpbol, e, and 2 sample packs white flood preworkout
intra i drank 18g bcaas and 3/4 scoop atomic 7 with 3g citrulline malate
pwo was 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop superfoods and 1 scoop ONE ~190 calories
lunch was a naked burrito with chicken, beans, corn, cheese, olives, pico de gallo, and guacamole ~900 calories
dinner was buffalo chicken with ranch and 2 scoops muscle infusion ~600 calories

total calories ~1990
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Post by MSR9889 »

so ive been sick since tuesday now, almost better. havent slept well or ate well this past week either. had my first workout saturday and did legs while tired and slightly stiff but had a great workout.

squats- 95x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
first couple of sets of 225 went up easy, felt like i could still do 10 reps. struggled on the last set but kept my form and got a little below parallel on every rep.

calf press machine- 200x10, 400x5, 400x5, 400x6
first real calf workout in a while, felt like my legs were going to explode.
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Post by MSR9889 »

didnt get much sleep again but i feel good today. going to try and get my second workout in this afternoon after class. have a very hectic schedule between now and next wednesday but after that im all done with school for the year.
im also going to start 3 doses of ephedrine and stick with 2 doses of caffein instead of 2 and 2

took mucinex and ec before breakfast (mucinex has pseudo-ephedrine in it)
breakfast was 8 eggs, 1 scoop intrapro, 1 scoop superfoods ~710 calories
lunch was 3 turkey burgers ~660 calories
will take focus xt and e at noon
took pumpbol mid afternoon
will take e, xfactor and ultima preworkout
intra will be 12g bcaas and 1 scoop purple intrain
pwo will be 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop ONE ~190 calories
dinner was buffalo chicken with ranch and a cookie ~700 calories

total calories ~2200
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