Rob’s custom lean bulker program for my 2nd round

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Post by RobRegish »

Ooops... :oops:
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Post by bigpelo »

Cruise day 5 - March 21 2011

Did the 1st cruise workout (chest-shoulder-triceps)

Eat: 2605 calories
78g fat (29%)
176g protein (29%)
286g carbs (42%)

carbs composition:
202g complex (71%)
59g sugar (21%)
25g fibre (9%)

I did take the weekend off summing up foods intake. I probably have been a little bit under maintenance. I will need to readjust diet to 2800 calories or so, still at 40-30-30 macros.

Barbell bench press: 275 lbs x 5,5,5,5,4 --> almost easy. could have done all 5 reps but I stayed away from exhaustion on the last set.

Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 84 lbs x 5,5,5,4,4 --> the last set was taken to failure.

Decline barbell close grip triceps press: 225 lbs x 5,5 --> both easy
cable press down with rope: 180 lbs x 6 --> easy
cable press down reverse grip with EZ bar: 165 x 6 --> medium easy
cable press down with EZ bar: 195 lbs x 6 --> easy

I was supposed to do 2 close grip static hold on decline bench but I changed my mind at the last minutes and did a mixed 5x5 in an effort to help recovery. I don't know if it was the right thing to do though...

Total workout time: 59 minutes
body weight after workout: 246 lbs --> did lost some weight during the weekend for low caloric diet. Did not feel weak though.

This 5x5 workout is a blessing after the 61 days of 10% solution + EDT I when through during feast. Lower intensity, lower volume, 3 complete non working out days: I really needed this!

Slept well, mood is through the roof! thanks to burn it up! I really think it help with mood/feelings/clean energy/focus/etc.

Cruise day 6 - March 22 2011

no training today, will probably down around 2600 calories again today unless I take something late evening after the prenatal class.

Started planning my next run, bought supps yesterday. Trapeze is 75% healed. I will get another appointment with the osteopathy guy this week to be fully able the reintegrate rack pull next run.

Also thought of taking progress pictures. Anyone interested or time loosing?
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Post by restoman45 »

lets see the progress are worth 1000 words!
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Post by beefcake66 »

I'm always a fan of progress pictures! :D
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Post by bigpelo »

Cruise day 6 - March 22 2011

Diet: 2726 calories
98g fat (34%)
208g protein (32%)
218g carbs (34%)

Carbs composition:
143g complex (66%)
44g sugar (20%)
31g fibre (14%)

Sleep is good, mood too. Nothing special to report

Cruise Day 7 - March 23 2011

Will do cardio and light abs workout after work. Diet should be in the 2700-2800 calories range again. That's it for today.
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Post by RobRegish »

Zeroed in on one thing bigpelo..

208g protein (32%)
218g carbs (34%)

If (and it's a big if) you do OK with a 1:1 ratio of carbs to protein, by all means continue doing so. Personally speaking, 5 x 5 would kill me if I didn't have at least a 1.5C to 1P ratio though.

Then again, I'm an old man... :)
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Post by bigpelo »

I am trying to restrain carbs during non-workout day because of my sensitivity to them and my endomorph somatype...

Tomorrow well be different but I still try to get the calories macro at 40% carbs 30% fat 30% protein.
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent... :)
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Post by bigpelo »

Cruise day 7 - March 23 2011

Diet: 3032 calories
95g fats (30%)
218g protein (31%)
272g carbs (39%)

Carbs composition:
185g complex (68%)
57g sugar (21%)
30g fibre (11%)


10 minutes warm up on bike
15 light to medium intensity abs
15 minutes HIIT - 15sec/45sec

Body weight after cardio: 242! that is 1 pound lighter than before beginning the 2nd run and 9 lbs lighter than the heavier I have achieved during feast... Is it burn it up? Water loss? I am still taking creatine mono. So I took a 1200 calories dinner to up calories a bit, preventing muscle loss... Took my waist line, down 0.5 inch, so maybe a little bit of fat.

Cruise day 7 - March 24 2011

Decided to try gaba before going to bed for the first time ever. Took 1.5-2 g in water (my father took back is food scale, so not sure of the weight). Damn! I dreamed so much! Haven't dreamed for weeks and it felt so real... :shock: And I remember it all. Woke up at 6am fully restored but feeling weird. It's the NOW food GABA, don't know how it compares to GammaGH...

And I will have a tax refund. Makes me heppy :D

After work, it will be cruise workout #2: legs, back and biceps.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic bigpelo!!!

Cruise is a special time indeed. Far from wasted time, gains are realized by many (ongoing LBM, strength and fat loss!!). And yes, Burn It Up! fits Cruise like a glove.

Recall the goal of cruise is to solidify gains realized during Feast and establish a new, higher level of homeostasis as "permanent".

Burn it Up! assists in this effect due to it's PeakATP content (fantastic for improving circulation of all micro/macro nutrients to be brain/body) to "feed" the CNS and new LBM. This is important due to the fact that new LBM needs a nervous system to "talk" to it, micro and macro nutrients to feed it etc.

To this, we see a top notch adaptogen in its own right, a premium MACA extract added. Again, allowing the body to adapt to the new 5 x 5 training template. Then, we see a very healthy dose of legit Phosphatidylserine, important insofar as mitigating cortisol levels which no doubt are high after visitng PR Drive in Gainsville during Feast.

Then you have real Korean Red Ginseng Extract, all kinds of important micro nutrients/minerals in the form of chelates, asparates etc.. In other words, the kind your body can actually absorb and use!!!

Now I'm not going to attribute all of this to BIU. No supplement is responsible for your success; YOU are!! As part of the supporting cast though, it's a fantastic addition.

So happy for you bigpelo!! Blueprint is taking over Canada. Between you, TheBuffer, Beefcake etc we'll have it locked up in short order.

Also, if memory serves you're from Quebec. Isn't that considered its own country in Canada?

You know, like Texas is here? :)
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Post by bigpelo »

A past prime minister of Canada tried to give Québec a "distinct nation" status after the 2nd independence referendum(49% yes). Not sure if we are "special" or not...

Mainly (very shortly), Canada has British blood. But Québec, northern part of New-Brunswick and estern part of Ontario is French. I think French speaking people of Canada (as 1st language) is 20% or more of Canada. In Québec, is gets around 80%.

Cruise day 8 - March 24 2011

2725 calories
79g fat (27%)
184g protein (28%)
319g carbs (44%)

Carbs composition:
229g complex (72%)
56g sugar (18%)
34g fibre (11%)

Squat: 315 lbs
5,5,5,5,4 --> Probably could have done 5 reps on last set, I just keep myself away from failure.

Seated cable row: 220 lbs
5,5,5,5,9 --> I need to increase the weight on that one. 9 reps on last set was away from failure...

Standing barbell curl: 95lbs x 5 --> right wrist don't like this straight bar...
incline dumbell curl: 45lbs x 6 --> easy
EZ bar preacher curl: 90 lbs x 6 --> easy
cross body hammer curl: 55lbs x 6 --> easy
cable curl on low pulley: 180lbs x 5 --> all out last set

Are we supposed to increased the weight during 5x5 cruise? or do I stay with the same weight and increase reps?

Body weight is back to 246... I don't get it
total workout time was 52 minutes.

Cruise day 9 - March 25 2011

It will be a HIIT cardio + abs workout after work.

Side note

Montréal Canadian got anal destroyed by Boston Bruins last night :x

Formula one begins this week end in Australia! :D

mixed feeling...
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Post by beefcake66 »

bigpelo wrote:Mainly (very shortly), Canada has British blood. But Québec, northern part of New-Brunswick and estern part of Ontario is French. I think French speaking people of Canada (as 1st language) is 20% or more of Canada. In Québec, is gets around 80%.
I think it's kind of silly that Quebec wants(wanted?) to seperate... but then again it's already like it's own country. I don't speak any french and when I go there it's like entering the twilight zone lol (my gf is from outside Ottawa and is quite French; she lived in Quebec City for a while too).

And there's a couple french communities in NS, and I think there's a bunch out in Manitoba/Saskatchewan?? But you're about right with those percentages, if I were to guess.

Where's dem progress pictures?? :p
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Post by bigpelo »

I should take the damn progress picture on Sunday or so.

Schedule is tight and I am doing voluntary work tomorrow with high school kids. I will be judging a science competition and representing my professional order at the same time.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Wow you're a busy guy, good work on the volunteering!

I'm just buggin bout the pic!
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