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Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:03 pm
by Justin
Okay Thanks Rob I knew it was mostly rubbish :) so Today Is my rest day just gonna relax study for exams because the next two weeks I'm full of them! :( Anyhow I'm going for my new 1RM tomorrow! This should be interesting hehe :lol:

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:01 pm
by RobRegish

Rest, visualize that tonight not for a single... but for a triple! Where the mind goes the body will follow... :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:13 am
by Justin
Thanks Rob Will do!!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:40 pm
by Justin
Today was a pretty awesome workout I hit my 275 1RM on the bench :D super happy about that! and my edt blocks were great my chest and back got this crazy pump.

P.S I woke up today and my arms were actually sore it has been a while since my arms got sore :)

another thing i noticed was the increase in members here on the BP section! I'm happy for you Rob the BP is finally getting the some hype around! I'm sure its only going to get better from here on out

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:01 pm
by RobRegish
Great job man. Really happy for you!

And yeah, slowly but surely people are coming around. Like I always say... I'll just let the results, speak for themselves :)

275 will be a distant memory where you're going. Looking forward to being a part of it too :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:04 pm
by Justin
HAHA I hope so!! Can't wait for my next run in April (going to ask u for personal one for cutting) hopefully I'll still be able to gain some strength and even mass if its going great! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:04 am
by Justin
I have a rough week ahead of me filled with exams I was wondering if it will be reccomended to take a week "off"(go once or twice) because of the heavy schedule right after my feast phase and to start my cruise! which I decided I'm going to do for a month and try ti focus a lot on my arms because they seem to be one of the harder parts for me to presently grow! :D

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:45 am
by RobRegish
Sure, that's fine provided you had a productive Feast :)

Solid plan. Sometimes, Cruise imparts some sweet gains all its own. More often than not, in fact...

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:08 pm
by Justin
I'll let you all know when I start my cruise!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:31 pm
by Justin
I Decided That I will Log not only my workouts in more depth but my diet also! I want to see how consistent I am on a daily basis and see how I can improve my diet!! I'm going to try and Put as much detail in it as I can. I'm new to this whole logging process so give me a chance :oops:!!

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:37 pm
by Justin
My Sample Diet (today)

Breakfast (10:am started school late)
2 French toast (whole wheat bread)

-Protein shake

peanut butter sandwich (whole wheat bread)

1 chicken breast
bag of almonds

chicken breast
1/4 cup of quinoa

this is the day so far.
I plan on having a protein shake with some salad in a little than before bed a casein protein shake!

This is a typical day for me! please let me know what you think?!? and what other foods I can eat to help the protein go up as snacks! (almonds? peanuts?)

Thanks :!:

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:01 am
by RobRegish
Good high protein snacks include the following:

- Hard boiled eggs
- Protein drinks with a bit of added heavy cream. MassPro Berries and Creme if fantastic like this, as is the Vanilla and Chocolate!
- Venison jerky

Tough to get portable calories/protein in but not with this baby + a thermos!

Pour the following ingredients into a blender:
- 12/16oz of Pineapple juice
- 2 cups of skim milk powder (alternatively, 2-3 scoops of protein powder)
- 1 large banana
- 2 containers of liquid egg whites (back in the day, this was 6 raw eggs!)
- 1 tablespoon of raw/organic wheat germ
- 1 container of Greek yogurt
- 2/3 scoops low-fat ice cream (Ok I use full fat but what the hell..)

Place into large thermos and sip slowly with every meal.

- This baby is loaded with calories, protein and b-vitamins from the wheat
- Bromelain and papain digestive enzymes come from pineapple juice
- Digestive enzymes are important and overlooked for protein absorption
- Rich in potassium/vitamin C, fiber and beneficial bacteria found in the

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:02 pm
by Justin
looks like a great recipe should you add water? it seems it would be a little thick?!?

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:32 pm
by RobRegish
Sure water it down to your liking.

It IS tasty :)