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Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:32 am
by RobRegish
Good man.

Many times, a complete rest day is called for. Play that one by ear..

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:33 am
by beachpirate
I had an excellent day of sled dragging. It really helped to push harder having a partner with me. I did not record everything this time but we did:
Forward dragging for 100ft alternating with backward dragging for 100 ft x 3 increasing weight with each set.
Squats into seated one arm row 50ft each arm. My quads were really on fire with this.
Lat pulls 100ft pulling arms to shoulder height
Bench movement 100ft x2
Low fly movement 100ft
Tricep extention movement 50ft x2
Bicep movement x 75ft

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:58 pm
by RobRegish
Great workout!

One piece of advice... perform the sled dragging AFTER the weights. We want all of your energy put into the weights (or most of it).

The sled is a rehabilitation/workload tool that is best positioned AFTER a weight training session.

GREAT work!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 7:10 am
by Hank!
Beach keep on man, doing awesome I really need to build a sled like yours.

Heading down to Sumter today, going to the Airshow. Shoot me an email if by chance you'll be there.

big hank BF2 @ G m a i l dot com all one word with real dots. I made a mistake once and got spam for ever


Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 9:38 am
by beachpirate
Rob, Are you recommending I do my sled dragging on the same days as I lift? I generally do my bench day on mondays and drag on tuesdays then my squat day on thursday and drag on friday.

Sorry Hank, I'm not going to be able to make the air show. I have really enjoyed the sled dragging days. With a little creativity I can replicate most moves I do at the gym. I'm getting ready to increase weight a good bit for my leg and back days.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:24 am
by RobRegish
Hey Beach,

No, I personally do my sled work on off days....away from the gym. If you are going to do it on training days though, best to place AFTER training.

I LOVE airshows. I LIVE for them! Speed + noise + explosions. If I were running these things I'd used live ordinance and throw one dummy out for every live parachutist.

Livens things up a bit and keeps the crowd engaged.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 1:23 pm
by beachpirate
I completed GLP#5 for bench today. As I got into the lifting I felt like the weights were heavy but I completed all the reps. I considered doing more set and going heavier for 1 or 2 reps just to go higher but chose to stop with what was written in the program. I then completed PR zone 1 and then static holds. I wrapped up the workout with a couple additional sets to include tricep extensions and pullovers. I wanted to add DB shoulder presses but I chose a weight too heavy at the end of the workout.

Diet over the weekend was out of control and I ate way too much. Weight was back up 3 lbs. I have to work on this.


PR Zone 1 for 20mins
Decline DB Press and Seated Cable Row
70x8 165x6
70x8 165x6
70x8 165x8
70x8 165x8
70x7 165x8
70x6 165x8

45 reps and 44 reps. I was 1 rep less than last week on decline bench with 1 less set and 7 reps less on cable rows. I could have done more the 1st two sets of rows but I was not thinking and did not review my notes prior to starting. I was hoping to have the 20% more in reps today and move up in weight next week. I will consider it anyways based on how my bench goes.

Static holds were added next to finish out chest and to ensure I had someone in the gym to spot me.

Decline Static Hold
295x15 secs
315x17 secs

I felt strong here and could have held each for longer. This is a new concept to me and it will take some time to get the weights right. I will increase weights next time until I find a weight that puts me in the 5-10 sec range.

I completed the workout with one set each pullovers and DB tricep extension
70x10 70x10

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:49 pm
by RobRegish
Wrkt 5 of GLP#1 is the de-load. 5 sets, not 6..

Was the first a warmup? Otherwise great work. Take ONE extra day off prior to maxing... Great to hear you got all your reps!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:05 pm
by beachpirate
Yes one was a warm up. I felt alittle stiff so I used that as a warmup nice and slow then cranked it up to my normal rep speed again at 135. I don't like the big jump between 50% and the next set so I started at 135.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:17 pm
by RobRegish
Ok. Do take care to try and observe the %'s. It's a very delicate total tonnage when you add it all up.

Look at the BP Periodic spreadsheet link on the last page of The Blueprint. I think you'll see what I mean. I study these things.. :)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:06 pm
by beachpirate
Thanks Rob. I looked at the link. Not to take away from the loading pattern in anyway but I have been having some difficulty with joint discomfort making the big jumps between sets one and two. My 50% starting weight was 115 and going to 135 lessened that jump. I experience no problems with the other sets as far as discomfort goes. It may just be an indication of needing to better warmup. (I say discomfort because it is not painful but feels like the weight is heavy on the joints)Looking ahead to week 6 this should not be an issue.

Calories 2020
Carbs 151 29%
Fats 69 30%
Protein 205 41%

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:07 am
by RobRegish
OK understand.. Nice work!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:31 pm
by beachpirate
Today I completed my GLP#5 for squats. I had a pretty good workout and again able to complete all the sets and felt pretty good. I am finding that the weights are getting easier to get on and off the rack and are sitting comfortably across my traps. My form continues to improve and I am feeling more confident in the lifts. I am looking forward to next weeks lift and discovering a new 1RM.

With the next workout, is it ok to continue to push beyond the 105% outlined for GLP#6? My thoughts are that I can do more than that and want to push myself harder on these lifts. I would like to see if I can lift 245 bench and 350 for squats.

I will need to play my lifting days by ear next week. I am leaving tomorrow for a weekend of hardcore fishing and camping at the beach. This will include several sleepless nights so I will want to be as fresh as I can going into the next lift.

Today GLP#5

PR Zone 20 mins
Romainian Deadlifts and Leg Press
185x6 520x6
185x6 520x6
185x6 520x6
185x6 520x6
185x6 520x6

Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Standing Calf Raises
135x10 130x10 400x10
165x10 140x10 400x10
180x8 140x9 400x10

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:11 am
by RobRegish
With the next workout, is it ok to continue to push beyond the 105% outlined for GLP#6?

Absolutely. Shoot for the MOON!