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Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:49 am
by RobRegish
"Never in a million years did I think I would be able to hit a 500 lb squat by then end of this program when I bought this...this one moment was worth buying this book 10 times!!! Rob, thanks for making this possible!! Your program and most of all your support is worth many times what you charge for it...!!"

First, soooo happy for you!!!

This is EPIC progress, by and measure. Now, the question...

Do you think if I upped the asking price, it would seem more "attractive" to buyers/investors?

If so, by how much?

Please let me/us know... :):):):):)

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:20 pm
by matter2003

no workouts the past 3 days, cardio on Thursday, fast on friday, normal day on saturday....

Big Grip Harbinger Wrist straps came in, can't wait to use em Wednesday on my holds and DL's...

Holy Basil came in as well...let the experimentation begin....

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:45 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Allright,

no workouts the past 3 days, cardio on Thursday, fast on friday, normal day on saturday....

Big Grip Harbinger Wrist straps came in, can't wait to use em Wednesday on my holds and DL's...

Holy Basil came in as well...let the experimentation begin....
You'll LOVE the harbinger's, for RDL's, seated cable rows, shrugs etc.

Do keep us posted, on the Holy Basil... :)

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:08 am
by matter2003
Feast workout #5:

Let's just say that in the future if I have to workout in the morning as an only option, I will probably skip the workout...

we are leaving to Rochester in about 5 mins, and I had to workout very early today and it was such a crappy workout, I am not going to even bother posting it. I was embarrassed by it to be honest.

Morning Cardio, yes. Morning Lifting, HELL NO.

Body is Catabolic in the morning and Anabolic at night, IMHO lifting in the morning goes against your natural rhythms...guess if there is no other option, its better than nothing, but for me, at this point, I would rather take nothing than to have a crap workout that will basically amount to nothing as far as progress goes anyways...

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:11 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Feast workout #5:

Let's just say that in the future if I have to workout in the morning as an only option, I will probably skip the workout...

we are leaving to Rochester in about 5 mins, and I had to workout very early today and it was such a crappy workout, I am not going to even bother posting it. I was embarrassed by it to be honest.

Morning Cardio, yes. Morning Lifting, HELL NO.

Body is Catabolic in the morning and Anabolic at night, IMHO lifting in the morning goes against your natural rhythms...guess if there is no other option, its better than nothing, but for me, at this point, I would rather take nothing than to have a crap workout that will basically amount to nothing as far as progress goes anyways...
If you're not used to it, will throw a monkey wrench into things for sure... :)

However, I find it incredibly helpful to train A.M. Once you're done, you're DONE for the day!

It takes about 3 weeks, so at some point down the road - consider easing into it... :):):)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:47 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: If you're not used to it, will throw a monkey wrench into things for sure... :)

However, I find it incredibly helpful to train A.M. Once you're done, you're DONE for the day!

It takes about 3 weeks, so at some point down the road - consider easing into it... :):):)
Nah, not my cup of tea to be honest...cardio in the morning I can deal with, lifting not so much...

Super excited to use my new wrist straps tomorrow! Got some good cardio in tonight after a 24 hour fast...

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:01 pm
by matter2003
Feast Workout #6:

Weighed in this morning at 213 lbs, and no matter what I seem to try, cannot keep weight on(granted I just fasted yesterday, but still), even with me downing 8 oz half and half and 8 oz pineapple juice concoctions on a daily or every 2 day basis. At this point I am gonna say F it, and work on leaning up. Its obvious my body is not in weight gaining mode right now, not gonna keep trying to force it and gain fat...

The phrase I will use concerning today's workout is "absolute destruction".
I am so destroyed right now, my legs almost went into spasms attempting to walk up and down stairs...

I again substituted the Leg Press Static Hold for the Seated Calf hold, for a few reasons. First and foremost, I don't believe my ankle is ready for that type of motion yet(the weighted lifting motion that really stresses the ankle joint by flexing the top of the foot), and secondly, my calves don't really need any work at all(plus I still get some with the RDLs)

Leg Press Static Hold: 980 lbs x 20 secs/1120 lbs x 20 secs
Could have held these indefinitely...unbelievable how much strength I gained since the first time I did these 1 week ago...gonna shoot for around 1400 lbs next time...this was not challenging at all. Surprisingly, this press really stresses the hamstring as much or more than the quads...


V-Squat: 415 lbs x 10 x 10 x 10/375 x 10

Hamstring Curls: 125 x 10 x 10/125 x 7 - 110 x 3/110 x 5 - 95 x 5

Was breathing so heavy after finishing 3rd set I had to rest for about 3 minutes instead of the 1 minute it asked for...sorry, I just couldn't hack it at that point...lungs felt like they were on fire, heart was racing, sweat pouring down my face, I chose resting instead of potentially passing out...
that was freaking brutal.

Legs are absolutely destroyed after so destroyed I could barely stand up for the rest of my workout destroyed...gonna be a painful freaking 2 days coming up for me...AN I need you now more than ever...
heavily dosed Holy Basil to send cortisol packing...

Top Range Rack Pull: 315 lbs x 15 secs/365 lbs x 5 secs

wrist straps helped, but for some reason I have issues doing these with Smith Machine. Will start doing these exclusively in the Power Rack, as I don't need to disengage...

RDL: 275 lbs x 4/275 lbs x 4 pause then x 2(6 total)

Still learning how to really cinch those straps in to help grip, straps came loose after 4th rep both times, will steadily improve I am sure after I learn how to utilize them better...

EDT Block #2:

Weighted Ab: 60 lbs x 12/70 x 12/80 x 10/90 x 10

Hyperextensions: BW x 12/10 lbs x 12 x 10 x 10

Should have warmed up a little better like normal, felt a twinge in my lower left abs when attempting to start at 100 lbs, so I drastically reduced the weight and felt OK after that...lesson learned for next time.

Have I ever said how much I freaking hate Hyperextensions??

All in all, good workout, really surprised I got 30 reps in at 415 lbs on the v-squat, and how my strength has exploded from 980 lbs to 1120 lbs in only one workout on static hold, and could have EASILY added another 2 plates on both sides, IMHO...that is freaking crazy....noticed a few people giving me strange looks as I was loading that bad boy up...hahaha...can't wait to see what kind of looks they give me next workout with 15 plates on each side...legs are feeling like concrete pillars right now...


Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:41 pm
by matter2003
woke up this morning feeling OK, but some major DOMS set in by around 11am...

ate roughly 2800 kcal with appropriate breakdowns of each nutrients per the tracker...

have noticed a few kinda strange things to me at least recently:

1) the sides of my legs are getting huge, especially up by my hip..I have a ball of muscle jutting out there which is kinda weird....thinking its likely from the squats. Its actually making my pants tight in the hip area, because it is pushing against the pants, especially when I bend down...

2) This is gonna sound really off the wall, but I am now able to flex my butt muscles in the same way I flex my in I can make them jump up and down and do each one individually...feels kinda cool, but I am kinda like WTF....hahahaha...I attribute this to squats as well, although I am sure deadlifts help too...

3) Shoulder caps(front delts) are really starting to take shape and are jutting out more and more....

No workout today....recovering the best I can, actually started having a runny nose and a slight sore throat...looking forward to my next workout Sunday...

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:38 pm
by matter2003
Still sore as hell at work today, especially the inner thighs...have noticed my inner thighs are almost rubbing together now because of the size enhancement there...not sure if I really like that or not...

Glutes, Quads and Hams are all still sore, but not as bad as inner thighs...
Also traps are a little sore as well...

Took quite a few doses of BCAA's today, and the soreness started going away very very slowly, but its still there...

noticed some more bulges in my leg muscles walking down stairs today that I have never seen before...this is starting to get really exciting...hahaha

took in about 2800 KCals today, or slightly lower...

fasting tomorrow til about 9pm...

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:45 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote: First, soooo happy for you!!!

This is EPIC progress, by and measure. Now, the question...

Do you think if I upped the asking price, it would seem more "attractive" to buyers/investors?

If so, by how much?

Please let me/us know... :):):):):)
That is a good question...I think people intrinsically put more value on things that cost more...noone ever dreams about owning a ford escort...its always a Lexus or Porsche or Beamer or Benz, etc...

Personally, I would charge more for this information. I mean not only is the amount of information staggering, it also fact better by far than anything else I have ever tried. How much more? I dunno...its hard to say...

To me, no matter what you are charging it would be worth it, even if it cost $500...but again, that is me knowing what I know now after experiencing it first hand for the past 3 months. To someone who is contemplating purchasing it, I dunno what they would pay for it...

All I know is I'm glad I got it!!

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:10 pm
by matter2003
Today's workout was the most Epic workout I have ever done. Really, I even shocked myself. I basically set PR's in almost every lift I did. I cannot believe the strength gains from workout to workout(even now)

Feast Workout #7

Flat Bench Hold: 515 lbs x 10 sec/545 lbs x 5 secs
Decided to do Flat instead of Decline today just to mix things matter, shattered my old PR twice in the span of 3 minutes...the second time by 40 lbs(old PR was 505)

EDT Block #1

Dips: BW+50 x 6/BW+55 x 5/BW+60 x 5/BW+70 x 3 <---PR!!
Again, each set broke a PR...traps started spasming on way up on 3rd 70 lb dip or would have easily gotten 4...

Iso-Lat Low Rows(Hammer Strength): 90lbs x 6/100lbs x 6/115lbs x 6/120lbs x 6(this is for each side)...might be a PR, not sure, haven't done these in a while, wanted a change from the 1 arm rows

Static Shoulder Press: 405 lbs x 10 secs/425 lbs x 5 secs <---PR!! felt like I was gonna break my ankle I was bracing so hard at 425 lbs but got it well up in the air and held it...

EDT Block #2

Preacher Curls(Hammer Strength): 95lbs x 6/110lbs x 6/120lbs x 5/130lbs x 5---left bicep/forearm tendinitis preventing me from doing a lot more...not even challenging to right arm, but all I can do to get this up with left...

Seated Tricep Pressdown(Hammer Strength): 250lbs x 6/270 lbs x 4/275 lbs x 2--255 lbs x 1(failed horribly)/255 lbs x 4 <---PR!!!!!

I FREAKING RACKED THE MACHINE!!! Pin all the way at the bottom, now just gotta work up to max weight of 285 with the adjustment dial...

I am getting to the point I am becoming so strong I am afraid of myself...I cannot believe it, but I just obliterated multiple PR's AGAIN!!!

Heading into last 2 weeks of Feast and interested to see how things work with me cutting down to roughly 2150 cals on non-training days...expecting to drop some weight...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:58 am
by RobRegish

It works, you say? I'm going to have to try this BP thing again. First time, didn't work for me. Maybe I did something wrong?

I have questions though, lots of questions. Can someone lend a helping hand...? :)

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:17 am
by matter2003
Did some HIIT cardio last night, 24 hour fast today.

Surprisingly not very sore at all despite the heavy weights Sunday...

Looking to do some more cardio tonite....

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:17 pm
by matter2003
24 hour fast today(actually about 25.5 hours, but who is counting :o )

Felt extremely aggressive this morning for some reason...actually texted Rob about it because it has been kinda building for about 3 or 4 days now, but this morning I felt like a caged animal and wanted to rip someone's head off...honestly not sure I really like that feeling too much...I am usually a pretty chilled out guy most of the time(outside the the gym I am super intense). Wondering if the AN could be causing that? Into my 3rd week on it now...

Fast was followed by 10 min of medium-high elliptical work, 5 minutes of 20 sec bursts of HIIT cardio with 40 sec rest periods, 5 minutes of medium speed, 5 more minutes of HIIT cardio 25/35 followed by 15/45 and another 5 minutes of medium elliptical after that...

just wanted to shake it up a little...felt pretty good considering I hadn't eaten since about 8:20 last night...ate some mujadarra, a fwe teaspoons of natural PB, glass of milk and a greek yogurt bar for dessert(those are so freaking good, btw...u can get them at BJ's)

Am super excited about tomorrow...working out with my buddy who is gonna video me doing 1400+lb leg press statics and my attempt at a new PR for me in squats at 525 lbs...little nervous since I just ran out of Pure Karbolyn and my order will likely not be here in time for the workout...

gonna substitute a gatorade and corn starch mixture...hopefully not too big of a drop off....

gotta bring it home for Rob and the fam so I can link it up with my page at for the haters...