Thepaul7's First BP run

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Thepaul7's First BP run

Post by thepaul7 »

Hello my name is Paul and I am gearing up for the start of my famine phase which I hope to start on Monday the 27th.

A little about me: 6'2" 185lbs. So I fall into the tall skinny "hardgainer" category which I am trying to change with this program.

I have been lifting weights on an off for about 12 years with consistently training these last two years.

I came back a few days ago from a two week vacation to the UK where I only got one proper workout in a gym so besides recovering from a little jetlag, I am nowhere near the exhaustive state.

I have purchased an assortment of vegetables and fruits which I hope will make up the bulk of my diet these next five days.

I am shooting for around 1500 calories a day.
I will only be taking a multi and I will see if I can pick up some Lecithin.

Current maxes:

Max Bench-225lbs 1 rep

I will be updating with questions I just wanted to get an introduction so people knew what they were dealing with :D and will update with my first workout which is tomorrow morning.

Thanks for all who take a peek at my progress.
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Post by pmartinez78 »

Good luck thepaul7. This first week will be interesting.
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome! Welcome aboard.

You're doing it right too. One week at a time. Right here for you if you need any help!
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Post by thepaul7 »

pmartinez78 wrote:Good luck thepaul7. This first week will be interesting.
Thanks for the dropping in. Yeah I am very excited to see how this whole thing goes down.

RobRegish wrote:Awesome! Welcome aboard.

You're doing it right too. One week at a time. Right here for you if you need any help!
Thanks for the welcome Rob. I am planning on keeping track of my diet as well as training here, which I will be putting up later today.
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Post by RobRegish »

We're right here for you so any questions, fire away. You'll get an answer within 24 hours or my name isn't Mixelflick.

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1st Famine Workout

Post by thepaul7 »

I got a morning workout in today and it went pretty well.

Three rounds of Squat superset with cable rows.

- Squats: 225x6, 225x6, 225x6

- Seated cable rows: 120x8, 120x8, 160x8


- Standing barbell curls: 75x6

- Incline dumbell curls: 35x6

- Preacher curls: 30x6

All in all a quick workout, and I hit all the upper rep ranges so I should have lifted a bit more weight.

Diet today

1 banana
celery, carrot, apple, turnip juiced


1/2 Panera Smoked Turky sandwhich--> Too much protein even in a half, but it was brought into work for free.
8 ounces grapefruit juice

Apple, celery, carrot, spinach, turnip juiced

baked sweet potato fries and 1 butterfly porkchop

Calories 1150 Protein 48 Carbs 177 Fat 23

I have room left in my calories for maybe a scoop of peanut butter. It really helps stave of late night hunger pangs.

Any feedback is welcomed. I am taking tomorrow off from the gym and I will try to get my protein below 30 grams.
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent start and right there with you on hunger pangs. I can't sleep when I'm hungry. A few tips:

1.) Try to save MOST of your calories for later in the day. Tough to do but at least you can sleep!

2.) Load up on fiber above and beyond your fruits/veggies etc.. This means benefiber or like product in your drinks and even drinking water!

Adds negligible/no calories and keeps you fuller, longer...

Hope that helps..
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks for the tip. I got a big jug of sugar free metamucil waiting for me. lol.
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Post by thepaul7 »

Got myself some NOW lechitin granules and took a tablespoon with a glass of grapefruit juice and it goes down easy.

Also I didn't say this in my introduction because I didn't want to it to get bogged down, but I will be running the feast phase with the supplements I have on hand.

I have Anadraulic State for pre-workout. I have a nutrient partitioner called recompadrol, which is not steroidal even though its name makes it sound like it is. I also have bulk daa which I have not tried before.

I have to be honest one of the main lures of the program for me was that I could see great gains on it without using any supplements and it sounds like any that I did add would only make it more effective assuming its a quality supplement.

Rob do you see any problem utilizing the recompadrol (ingredients Garcinia Cambogia (50% HCA), Berberine HCI (98%), Salacia Reticulata Extract, Gymnema Sylvestre (75% Gymnemic Acids), Banaba Leaf (20% Corosolic Acid), Vanadyl Sulfate, Aminoguanidine)
and the daa on this run?

Subsequent runs I will probably try out the MASS line, but I wanted to see how far this would take me without investing anymore in supplements other than food.
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Post by the_buffer »

I'd be very interested to see how you fare with DAA. I'll be sing the bol stack for run number 1, but I also have some DAA that needs to be used for something!
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Post by RobRegish »

Those ingredients look OK. The only issue is that there isn't a classic adaptogen in there and the BP is predicated on that.

Having said all of that, people do just fine on only the basics! Excited to see what transpires here...
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2nd Famine Workout

Post by thepaul7 »

Here is my second workout of the Famine done on 9/29/2010. Needless to say I feel like I am as weak as when I have the flu. I am not sick though, and honestly I feel great mentally and not really run down.

- Wide grip bench press- 185lbs X 10
- Seated DB shoulder press- 35 X 10

Rest 1 minute

- Close grip bench press- 95lbs X 10
- Seated DB shoulder presses 35 X 10

Rest 1 minute

- Incline bench press- 135lbs X 10
- Seated DB shoulder presses- 35 X 10

Rest 1 minute

- Decline bench press- 155 X 8
- Seated DB shoulder press- 30lbs X 10

Rest one minute and begin the following:


- Decline close grip bench presses- 65lbs X 10

REST 1 minute

- Skull crushers/lying tricep extensions- 60lbs X 10

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns- 45lbs X 10

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns- 50lbs X 10

I am continuing to eat mostly fruit and juicing veggies and along with my metamucil I am set until dinner where I am having a smaller portion of whatever my wife is cooking. I save all of my protein for dinner which is the farthest from when I workout in the morning which I hope is effective.
I am keeping my protein around 35 grams and calories are under 1500 still.

I know Friday is gonna almost kill me judging by how weak I felt on this workout.

Oh well still looking forward to it! :lol:
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man and right on schedule.

Now hear me out on this: Health first. If you at all feel ill, sick or "off" prior to that workout, discontinue. If you're at or close to one of these you get a pass on workout #3:

1.) Resting heart rate at or about 8 beats per minute over baseline
2.) Loss of 1lb/more a day during these 5 days

PM me or ask here if needed. I'll be checking the forums at noon on my lunch break. Always err on the side of caution.

Health first!
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks Rob for checking on me. I decided I was gonna see how I was this morning and since I felt great I went for it and gave it a good run. Hit all my reps on squats and cable rows. I only did 4 sets of each bicep exercise, because I wasn't 100% sure I needed 5 sets of that too. (Reading today I see that it was 5 sets)

As of yesterday I was down 5lbs from 185 to 180 so it seems I am where I want to be. I am going to be extra lite on the calories today as its my wifes and my 5th year wedding anniversary so we are planning on eating out to celebrate.

I am looking forward to starting the feast, but you know this famine hasn't been too bad and I could honestly see myself transitioning pretty easy to the warrior diet or something similar. One thing that has helped me greatly is a glass of water before bed with metamucil and lecithin granules. It has helped me feel full during my hardest time right before bed.

I will update how my feast is going and how I plan to attack my workouts starting Monday!
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