Gotsouthern's First Run....

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Post by Gotsouthern »

Well Famine is officially one for the books. That workout this afternoon was nuts. I wished I had worn my heart rate monitor to see where I was at after that 5th superset of squats/DB rows. It was well into the 160's, may have kissed 170. But to be honest I actually felt better after that one than workout 2. Some reason that one really got me...can still feel it in my tri's.

Rob, quick question, do I start taking my KA and AN this weekend or next week when I begin Feast phase workouts?

Two other points relative to the book I wanted to mention. I bought the Ironminds Super Squat belt along with the weight pin, used that today. Initial thoughts are I REALLY liked it, more than I thought I would and I had high expectations coming into the purchase. I'm gonna get another workout or two under my belt with it (no pun intended lol) and I'll write a review in the workouts section.

Other one was I had my first chiropractor visit today...well, first in a good many years. That was the best $100 Ive spent in a long ass time. Keep in mind that included X-rays. I was in there almost 2 hours, I got my money's worth. Feel much better...the twang in my back and neck are 90% better, shoulder feels like its much better off too. Doc said it would take a few visits to hit all the spots. Anyhow, its a solid recommendation Rob makes in the book, suggest all you guys look into a visit.

Anyhow...Feast phase here I come. Not a min too soon lol.
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats on making it through! Glad you enjoyed it man..

Rob, quick question, do I start taking my KA and AN this weekend or next week when I begin Feast phase workouts?

A. Day 1 of feast you start both :)

Two other points relative to the book I wanted to mention. I bought the Ironminds Super Squat belt along with the weight pin, used that today. Initial thoughts are I REALLY liked it, more than I thought I would and I had high expectations coming into the purchase. I'm gonna get another workout or two under my belt with it (no pun intended lol) and I'll write a review in the workouts section.

A. Yes, felt the same way first time I used it. Glad it's working out for you. Lasts a lifetime too..

Other one was I had my first chiropractor visit today...well, first in a good many years. That was the best $100 Ive spent in a long ass time. Keep in mind that included X-rays. I was in there almost 2 hours, I got my money's worth. Feel much better...the twang in my back and neck are 90% better, shoulder feels like its much better off too. Doc said it would take a few visits to hit all the spots. Anyhow, its a solid recommendation Rob makes in the book, suggest all you guys look into a visit.

A. Glad that benefitted you too! Man, I just wish all this wasn't so expensive. At least you're not spending it on "Pink Magic" like the jokers elsewhere.

Awesome work man. You're on the right road now, and I'm right here with you..
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Post by RobRegish »

"I bought the Ironminds Super Squat belt along with the weight pin, used that today. Initial thoughts are I REALLY liked it, more than I thought I would and I had high expectations coming into the purchase. I'm gonna get another workout or two under my belt with it (no pun intended lol) and I'll write a review in the workouts section"

Fun stuff. As you get further into it, here's a fine one to add to your aresenal: "Breaks"

Breaks go like this. Slip that daisy chain/nylon loops thing that comes with it through the loading pin's needle hole. Cinch that up real good. Now stack 10 45's on there. Adding a plate each warmup set until it can hold/lift no more...

Put a 1" concrete slab or mat on either side. Straddle the weight, hook that sucker up and with hands on knees, lift the weight off the ground. It may only be enough to slip a quarter under but get it off the ground as you stand straight up.

Had around 800# on there today and did 25 continuous breaks. You would not BELIEVE the way this hits the entire lower body. Call it the top range rack pull version of the hip belt.

Try it some time and report back. I think you're going to be shocked at the overall growth stimulation, growth promoting (over time) and "hardnening" effect it has on the lower body..... same way the top range rack pull does for EVERYTHING.
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Post by Gotsouthern »

Very interesting suggestion. Cause I came to find REALLY fast the other day that trying to do full-range squats with the weight pin limited me to about 5 plates with clearance on my knees. I plan to use an EZ bar with the daisy chains front and back from now on for full range of motion work. But these "squat-rack-pulls" sound interesting, and I will certainly give it a rip. So all your doing is getting the weight off the ground just a tick and then back down, with a high rep count/heavy weight to compensate for the short range of motion?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah, but its short range by design. These compliment full squats.

To get you into those better, simple solution: Cinder Blocks. Simply set a pair up next to an upright/support beam. Cinch up and squat away. Presto, there's the extra clearance you need to go deeper. You may hold on to the beam if you desire to "sit back" futher to accentuate the stress on the glutes/hamstrings.

Lots of variations. Always a solution. The best ones are usually... simple :)
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