Mos Jeff's First Run

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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah I've noticed that about grip too. Once you really wrench the bar and get it in line with your wrists and not cocked back under the knuckles.... it helps a LOT.

When you've got it under the knuckles so to speak it's almost like doing a skullcrusher type of movement. You lose a LOT of strength that way.

Also, in terms of finding your optimal bar groove... try this: ... ght=groove

I hope that helps!
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Post by Mos Jeff »

First off, thank you everyone for your support - this really makes this board a great place to post when compared to the "other" board. It's good to know that others have gone through a similar situation, and if this can help others who run the blueprint in the future, then that's a positive in my mind.

I would agree that my issue with benching is mainly mental, up until the most recent workout. The first 3 workouts I really had little problem getting through the first 5 sets, but would struggle on the 6th, and obviously heaviest set - this, I believe, was me psyching myself out before I even started. However, the way I struggled last workout, there's no way it was mental since I was having a hard time moving weight then I expected to have zero problems with.

Rob - I want you to know that in no way am I complaing about your program, or blaming anything on you or the Blueprint. I think it is a great program and definitely plan on another run in the future. Any issues or complaints are simply my own frustrations with myself, not the program. Just wanted to be clear that there are no ill feelings towards the program AT ALL. I'd have no problem talking to you at the conclusion of this run to figure things out. Part me thinks it may even be the physical issues I'm trying to work out that are prohibiting my gains on the bench press. I don't think it's the eating as I have been taking in anywhere from 3600-4000 cals, although lately I've been staying closer to the 3600 as I feel like fat may be creeping on (or it's all in my head). Either way I appreciate your attention to details and I'll be back later today, or tomorrow to report my lower body workout for today.
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Post by RobRegish »

Understand and appreciate your perspective. Didn't take it that way so no worries. Just want the best for you/others. We do that by learning from everyone's experiences, good and bad.

All the best and hoping today brings new PR's of some sort :)
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast day #36 GLP workout #4 Squat

Squat 160 x 10, 235 x 8, 255 x 6, 275 x 4, 290 x 2, 315 x 2

EDT Block

RDL: 265 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4
Leg extension: 205 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

No problems hitting all of my reps for squats again. I also increased the weight for RDL's and leg extensions - overall everything went well, and feeling good.
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Post by RobRegish »

Geez that's great! Nice going man, you are hitting on all cylinders!
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Feast day #40

Here is my workout from yesterday...

GLP workout #5 Bench

Bench press 150 x 10, 225 x 8, 240 x 6, 260 x 4

EDT Block #1

Incline DBBP: 90 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
BB Bent-over row: 245 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5

EDT Block #2

Skullcrusher: 85 x 6, 6, 6, 5, 5
BB curls: 105 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Pretty much the same on the bench press, but I went ahead and skipped the final set, as suggested by Rob. Everything else is pretty much the same - that first EDT block kills me (in a good way). Very tiring.

Also weighed myself Sunday morning - came in at 200.

Rob - have there been many other cases where an individual only gains 2 pounds? Just wasn't sure if this is typical. Everything else seems to be going well - wish I didn't have to go so far over the days in feast.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very few, but I'd be interested in your body comp change during this time, if any noted. It sure sounds like the strength came up in the legs/other areas.

I'm really looking forward to debriefing so when you get your thoughts together, let me know. I learn from these things... sometimes a lot more than I do from the ones where guys make outrageous gains. And I look forward to sharing that with you and the board...
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Had a busy weekend so I wasn't able to post my workout from Friday, so here it is...

Squats 160 x 10, 245 x 8, 265 x 6, 285 x 4, 305 x 2

EDT Block

RDL: 265 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Leg extension: 205 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Again, no problem hitting all of my reps for squats - I definitely feel like strength has improved in the lower body. So this coming week will be the conclusion of feast with just 2 workouts left. From here, how long should I stay in cruise, being that I exceeded the days for feast?
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Post by RobRegish »

Two weeks gets it done!
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Here is my workout from yesterday...

Bench press 150 x 10, 190 x 5, 225 x 3, 250 x 1

EDT Block #1

Incline DBBP: 95 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5
BB Bent over row: 245 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

EDT Block #2

Skullcrusher: 90 x 6, 6, 5, 5, 5
BB Curls: 110 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Sorry in advance for the long post that follows...

I think I have a good idea what has prevented me from making progress on the bench press, and that is my right rotator cuff. About 6 months, or so ago I started to have pain in the right shoulder during most pressing movements, and had limited mobility when compared to the left side. To make a long story short it turned out to be my rotator cuff and I worked with someone to increase mobility and then strengthen the cuff. Once things started to feel better I unfortunately got a little lazy with keeping up with the rehab exercises and did not do them as often as I should have.

When benching yesterday I really concentrated on the movement and tried to pin point where I seemed to be struggling and sure enough the right side was way behind the left on a very manageable weight (225) for 3 reps. The right shoulder also starts to burn very easily, even with light weight, all things that acted up months ago when I was initially diagnosed with the rotator cuff problem. As I proceeded with my EDT blocks I felt the discomfort returning on the incline presses, as well. Overall the shoulder was hurting throughout most of the workout.

I thought I had this issue under control before starting the blueprint, but I think this much heavy benching, in addition to myself slacking on the rehab exercises has caused the issue to return. With all that being said, I think I'm going to have to bypass finishing up the cruise phase - I just don't think there would be much benefit at this point and it will just cause more harm then good, as I'm not sure the right shoulder can handle the presses. This really aggrevates me as I HATE coming this far and having to stop short, though I will be completing my final feast workout and look forward to seeing my new 1 rep max in squats. Rob, if you'd still like to discuss everything I'd be more then happy to. I'm at least happy to have (hopefully) figured one of the variables in my situation.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, bummer. At least we know what the problem is. I'm down for a conversation so PM me your phone #, I'd like to talk it over this weekend.

If you haven't already done so, please consult Brainsquirt here. This man is the local master of such issues and has some (fittingly) brilliant ideas on these matter.

Final tip: There's always a way. I too, have had shoulder issues (since resolved) so I can empathize. I couldn't bench heavy during that time.... but I found I could dip, and dip hard I did. In fact, here was my final dip routine prior to returning to some benching:

120lbs hung from my hip belt, 8 reps... just misssed locking out the 9th. Immediately performed 4 very controlled negatives, then (stupidly).. 2 fast ones until I couldn't slow any portion of the movement down. Then, I hopped right back up into a static hold with just a slight bend in the elbows. That last about 7 seconds and I was cooked.

That, and a similar form of torture on the dumbell pullover was my entire upper body workout. Here's the best part: I immediately felt a HUGE pump, like someone stuck an airhose in me. The DOMS lasted almost a week (no KA at the time) but the ache was fantastic. I am kicking myself for not taking measurements during that time but I trained very infrequently and held on (maybe built?) a good degree of muscle for very little time - but much sweat invested.

There's always a way man. We'll find it for you, together.
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

I truly appreciate the support as this whole issue has me down. At no point did I think there would be a chance that I wouldn't be able to finish my first run, and like I said, I can't stand not finishing something I've started. In the end, though, I have no one but myself to blame since I let up on the rehab exercises. On the bright side, I will take the next few months to get all of my rehabbing out of the way and will definitely be giving this another run once I'm 100%. It's also good to have some clarification as to why my bench was struggling so much, although I still find it strange that I didn't put on much weight at all. Either way I'm grateful for all the help and support I've received along the way, and Rob I will PM you my number so we can discuss things. Thanks again.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man. I really appreciate you being open to this. It'll help not only you, but me and others here as well.

We're going to turn this into a positive.
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