Jwin's leading up to 1st BP run

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Post by JWIN »

Right on bro. Its a product worth marketing for sure. The gains I have made in just this log alone without running BP, just using some of the lessons learned has been amazing to me.

Leg Day (Deloaded):


135X5X2, 225X2(realy was not feeling it, so decided to rack it), 185X8, 135X20

Lunges w/ 45lb plate on back

Leg Press w/ calf ext.
200X20X2 each

Leg Ext w/ hamstring curl

I was absolutely gassed the whole workout. I have been running my calories a little below maintenance trying to trim up a little bit more before going home and have also been doing about double my normal cardio. Weight today was 239 preworkout 30 minutes after eating. Really had planned on staying heavy all the way to the end, but I just have been too cautious with the calories to keep pounding it into the ground.

I can say this with absolute certainty, the biggest thing BP has taught me is the effect my caloric intake has on my performance and my strength. I guess it should be common knowledge, but I think BP has shown me the reason behind every frustrating ass plateau I have had. One more cardio day and two more workouts left in this pre BP log.
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks for the comments and I'm glad you've found it of benefit. Now spread the word :) Just joking.

You're happy, I'm happy.
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Post by JWIN »

Last entry pre BP for me. Had a rough weekend at work but did manage to get in my Chest workout on Monday.

The details are sketchy so I will just give the one notable set as Flat BB Bench 295X4. After the nightmare Sunday I had I thought that was pretty respectable.

Today was back and I absolutely murdered it today. Again the details are pretty sketchy as it was a blur but my weight was down to 237. Did some pullups, 2 sets of 10 was absolutely easy, some DB rows with a drop sets from 140sX8 to 105sX10 to 65sX12 and then in reverse 10, 8, 6.

Felt like a great workout and is the first workout I will rate a 10/10. I am going to do some cardio and a quick shoulder and legs workout tomorrow since I will not be lifting for the next two weeks. Flying home on Thursday morning... finally. Going to spend some time with the wife and kids and will be well rested when my BP run kicks in.

Not sure how much progress I made with this log leading up to BP, I am guessing for the three weeks or so it lasted that it was considerable. Thanks for the encouragement and help Rob, I cannot wait to start the real BP soon. Hope to do you proud brother.
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Post by RobRegish »

I have no doubt :) Great work!
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