Drhowe9's First BP Log

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Drhowe9's First BP Log

Post by drhowe9 »


Bit of a backround first.. this is my 2nd BP run. First went well but there was a lot of confusion and I did not stick to what needed to be done. Still made solid strength gains but expecting a lot more out of this run! I have everything mapped out and ready to go so it should be a good ride.

First day of famine was today, supps im taking during famine are lecithin granules and jack3d prior to workouts. Still waiting on my order from muscle mass, which should be here any day, so I will add the multi V and alkaplex to the famine supps when it arrives.

Im 20 years old, 6 foot. Been training for about 3 years

Weigh in 1st day:
172.01 pounds
11.9 BF %

Met my caloric goals today and workout went awesome, here it is:

Squat: 135 for 8, 165 for 6, 205 for 6, 215 for 4
Supersetted with DB Row: 50 for 8, 65 for 5, 85 for 6, 95 for 6, 105 for 4.

Lat pull downs: 140 for 6, 160 for 6, 180 for 4
Superset with Seatled cable rows: 170 for 6, 200 for 6, 215 for 6.

Standing Barbell curl: 90 for 6 ( felt to light so I did another set), 110 for 5.
Incline DB Curls: 35 for 6
Preacher curls: 55 for 6

I wasnt sure if im suppose to do the EDT blocks during famine or not? I wanted to try them anyway and I think I will continue them during famine because I had an awesome workout

Incline DB Press : 6 sets of 70's for 6 reps each time.
T bar Rows: 6 sets of 125 for 6 reps each time.

Went somewhat light on the EDT block but it was my first time doing them and good to get use to them.

Thats it for now , will be back Wednesday with update of workout # 2!
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Post by Muoio117 »

Hey, I'm in the same boat as you. I just started today as well (though this is my very first time). I'm looking forward to how your results are going to turn out. Good luck!

And I don't think you're supposed to start EDT block until the first workout of feast.
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Post by RobRegish »

EDT blocks are introduced during Feast, not Famine.

I'll be surprised if you have the energy for workouts 2 and 3. VERY intense..
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Post by scump »

lol yeah EDT blocks are targeted at hypertrophy and since your in a protein deficit i dunno how you would gain size haha, gl with your recovery!
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Post by drhowe9 »

Ok haha I will scrap the EDT blocks for the rest of famine and bring them back for the feast. It was still a good workout though ..

Today kept my calories at aprx 1400 and did a 1 hour cardio session. My muscle mass order came in today as well so ive added the multi vitimen and alkaplex caps to supplements for the famine.

Back in the gym tommorow for workout # 2, will update than!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great job!

Question: Are you a real Dr?
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Post by drhowe9 »

i get that a lot ... more as a joke haha . its just my first name, middle name initials.
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Post by drhowe9 »

Just completed 2nd famine workout:

Wide grip: 135 for 10, 155 for 10 (First set felt to light so went for another)
Shoulder Press 50 for 10

Incline Bench: 135 for 10, 165 for 10 ( same as wide grip)
Shoulder Press: 55 for 6 ( felt very weak here)

Decline Bench: 165 for 10
Shoulder Press ( 40 for 9)

Decline close grip: 135 for 10
Skull Chrushers: 60 for 10
Tricep pushdowns: 62.5 kg for 10, 77.5 kg for 10

Felt weak on my shoulder presses today and had less energy as the workout progressed.. also did 30 mins on the treadmill at the end . Feast is on its way though!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, everything looks good. Great in fact.

Keep careful tabs on your resting heart rate vs. baseline and your bodyweight vs when you began. Report back a day before workout 3 and I'll make the call for you...

Some folk are already "there" and may not require workout 3. We will see...
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Post by drhowe9 »

Alright Rob unfortunatly I never did the resting heart rate from the start.. one of the only things I forgot to do I think. Although I did get my bodyfat and weight done today so here they are:

169.01 pounds
9.3 % body fat

Already have lost 3 pounds, and 2.5 % bodyfat..

I feel good for day 4 except for the hungar, which is natural.

On a side note did 1 hour cardio today again, and preparing for workout number 3 tommorow and my last day of famine!
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Post by drhowe9 »

Heading to my workout in a bit .. couple questions though before I begin feast tommorow .

Should i continue taking lecithin granules during feast?

I plan on running BCAA loading for maximum muscle gain .. it says 20-40 grams over 3 days.. is this actually over 3 days, or 20-40 grams per day?

With regards to GLP1, do i perform my stretch movement( pullovers for example) with every set, which would mean 6 total sets of pull overs.

How much wheat germ should I be putting in my homemade shake?

Thats it for now.. I will report back after my workout with final numbers and weight going into feast, so hungary!
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Post by drhowe9 »

ok workout 3 was CRAZY! very intense and tiring , here it is...

Squats: 115 for 15, 135 for 15, 155 for 14, 165 for 13, 175 for 12
DB Rows: 40 for 15, 45 for 15, 50 for 14, 55 for 13, 60 for 12

I was already dead after that superset

Lat Pulls: 80 for 15, 90 for 15, 100 for 14, 110 for 12, 100 for 10
Seated Rows ( these are in kg) 95 for 15, 110 for 15, 110 for 14, 95 for 15, 110 for 15 . I found some energy near the end for the rows and got some extra reps

Standing barbell curls: 70 for 12
Incline Dumbell curls: 25 for 12
Preacher: 35 for 13

I was going to do 30 mins cardio after but was to tired for that.. I may squeeze it in tonight.

Stats: This is weird but I have a feeling it was because of the time i weighed in, and how i structured my diet today. Previously i weighed in at night both times and was usually on a very empty stomach. But this workout was mid afternoon and I knew it was going to be very intense so I had about half of my regular post workout meal before.

Weight: 168.6
Bodyfat % 12.1

Rob i have other stats if there of any interest to you let me know ..
BMI, Fat Mass, FFM, TBW . not sure what some of these our but our scale at the gym prints out a slip with all of these of them.

I also took a picture after the workout for a before and after picture of the feast, just not sure how to post it! its not that clear anyway its off my blackberry but still a decent shot. [/img]
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Post by pmartinez78 »

Good job drhowe9. It looks like you forgot to do 2 more exercises for biceps. I'm sure it's cool though.
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Post by drhowe9 »

Thanks! And yes I realized that after I read a few more logs..
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