Insulin Mimicking, nutrient optmization?

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Insulin Mimicking, nutrient optmization?

Post by jcs52 »

Are these new insulin mimicing supps worth it, or are they just a flavor of the month type of supplmenet? I have read several great reviews on a product such as "SlinSane", and honestly quite impressed by those reviews. Nothing overwhelming, but the basis behind the supp seems logical to me.

Is this something that is safe to run along with the BP stack? I started to run SlinSane before getting BP, so I am going to finish, but I don't know whether it is worth it and/or safe to run with the BP stack.

Some of my reasoning behind taking something like this, is I have had issues with feeling hypo (without use of sups), and also get bloated often and have a hard time with vascularity/muscle definition. When training and dieting seriously. I have known this to be similar of someone with some diabetic-like qualities.

I just had bloodwork done last week and waiting for the results to see if anything shows up. Doctors I have consulted said it is nothing to feel like this once in awhile, but I just feel like I need something to help me out b/c my diet and training routine is pretty good, as I feel I should see more than I do.

Am I just counting on a miracle to help me, do I need to work harder?

I am 6'4 215, but have always had more of a "softer" look, with not much vascularity and muscle tone for the kind of work I put in. I can post pics if that would be helpful.

Any info and/or suggestions would be appreciated!

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Post by RobRegish »

Great question Justin. I'll offer my $0.02...

Insulin potentiating agents really came into being with the advent of chomium picolinate in the late 80's but it really picked up with Vanadyl Sulfate in the early 90's.

Later, alpha lipoic acid and several other player entered the fray. Is there merit here? Yes. Are they the end all be all? No. So how to best evaluate?

In almost everyone's case, first is training and of course, diet. Training (particularly weight training) increases glucose sensitivity, or the ability of the muscle cell to accept/store glucose as glycogen. Next is diet, you want (largely) complex or fiberous carbs that convert slowly to glucose.

Finally, we have insulin secretion. In very few cases does your pancreas let you down. The issue really is one of hammering it with simple sugars every few hours/not enough exercise. After many years you wind up with adult onset diabetes, which is usually a combination of the pancreas no longer being able to secret enough insulin and/or the muscle cell no longer being receptive to it.

It sounds as if you're doing everything else right. In your case, I'd say its worth exploring. I would personally start with R-ALA at 600mg/day in 3, 200mg dosages to gauge what, if any effects it conveys. From there, I'd proceed to my preferred product in this category; 4 hydroxyisoleucine and/or L-dopa as found in Kre-Anabolyn. Kre-Alkalyn/Creatine might as well be along for the ride and it's already there.

If neither of those were found to be of merit, I'd continue to look around. I can tell you though that via glucometer testing on myself (I'm not diabetic), Kre-Anabolyn makes a very positive difference for me, in and around workouts.

BEST SOLUTION: Proceed to your local drugstore to pick up a glucometer, sterile lancets and glucose test strips. Be prepared for the hassle that is pricking one's finger every few hours though. You'll know what products work for you in short order.

The novelty that is the glucometer though, wears off fast..
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Post by scump »

lol you sound like a lot of the girls at work.

biggest thing is this, if your not diabetic, you will not go hypo, that being said your sugars can get low, but then your body will replenish them on their own.

you can get tests done to see if your diabetic or "pre-diabetes" random BSL testing, or if you want a real diagnostic one ask your doctor for a HBA1C it shows a evaluation over 3 months of blood sugar levels.

in a normal person report "feeling hypo" i tell them to A. stop googling stuff (generally first time diabetics dont know why feeling hypo is like, the only way someone expects it is reading about it to much).

B. investigate for anaemia or low iron levels
C. drink more water

since your into lifting im sure your drinking plenty of water, and if you were to develop diabetic symptoms management with a insulin mimicing supplement would be very stupid, if your pancreas doesn't secrete enough insulin thats it, you require more insulin, not a sup that promises insanely hard pumps ;)

that said these things cost like 10$ for a bottle, couldn't hurt to give them a go! i know im thinking about it.
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Post by jcs52 »

Ok sounds good. I will get a glucometer to help track my glucose levels and see how certain products affect me.

I am already taking Slin Sane, would you recommend waiting to run the Kre-Anabolyn, as well as the other recommended BP supps?

I have heard so many good things about ebol, how does it stack up against KA? I realize that your studies were based on KA, but with the emergence of ebol, could it surpass KA?

I do appreciate your recommendation of R-ALA, however, I have heard to be hesitant to use that along with Slin Sane. Should I run R-ALA after I finish Slin Sane?

Just to clarify my original post. I believe I have felt what I had believed to by hypo effects. Upon certain times of day and certain activies, I would get intense sweating, dry mouth, weakness, and on rare occasion a mild head ache. The biggest thing is I feel so weak, I just need to sit down. I was told by a doctor to consume something sugary immediately upon feeling those effects, and that does help, but it takes about 20 mins. As I have become more and more healthy, this feeling has become much more rare (it used to happen often when I was a kid, and in high school). Should I look into Anemia? I have no idea about this, just thought it was worth mentioning here.
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Post by RobRegish »

Ok sounds good. I will get a glucometer to help track my glucose levels and see how certain products affect me.

I am already taking Slin Sane, would you recommend waiting to run the Kre-Anabolyn, as well as the other recommended BP supps?

A. Yes, but you have Slin Sane on hand so use that first and compare. Only logical IMO.

I have heard so many good things about ebol ecdy, how does it stack up against KA? I realize that your studies were based on KA, but with the emergence of ebol ecdy, could it surpass KA?

A. Ebol's formula is more slanted to protein synthesis/adaptative effects vs. KreAnabolyn's. Thus, my recommendation. Both are excellent products. I haven't used the glucometer yet on Ebol.

I do appreciate your recommendation of R-ALA, however, I have heard to be hesitant to use that along with Slin Sane. Should I run R-ALA after I finish Slin Sane?

A. Sure.

Just to clarify my original post. I believe I have felt what I had believed to by hypo effects. Upon certain times of day and certain activies, I would get intense sweating, dry mouth, weakness, and on rare occasion a mild head ache. The biggest thing is I feel so weak, I just need to sit down. I was told by a doctor to consume something sugary immediately upon feeling those effects, and that does help, but it takes about 20 mins. As I have become more and more healthy, this feeling has become much more rare (it used to happen often when I was a kid, and in high school). Should I look into Anemia? I have no idea about this, just thought it was worth mentioning here.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

>Premier Labs Max Stress B NanoPlex Early evening
>Refined sugars and CNS stimulants - simply Gone
(until winter holidays, of course...then a few pieces of pie, etc are ok...)
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