Awisler's First BP Run

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My stockpile

Post by awisler »

Here is a combination of my 2 Musclemass orders + jack3d/multi/fish oil. I stockpiled up on supplements before college so I can take them with me instead of getting mailed packages stolen out of my dorm or whatever. Just got the second order today and piled them up:


3 Kre Anabolyn
5 Gamma GH
3 Mass Pro Amino
4 MASS Pro Protein (I had a fifth I finished off today)
2 Jack3d
1 Multivitamin
1 Fish Oil
1 Awake! Caffeine Tablets (200mg)
1 Adaptogen-N
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Post by RobRegish »

What a beautiful picture :)

Great lineup. You're going to have a great run!
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Post by Mikereade »

I'm definitely ready to get to work on this thing after seeing your gains, can't wait around any longer. Got my little notebook set up with an outline up to glp#1 only without the numbers calculated that I'm gonna use. School starts wednesday and il have my final workout of the famine on thursday so I'm expecting my first two days to be zombie like and then ill break out:P

Keep this up bro, I'm living vicariously through you until my gains come so don't let me down:)
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Post by JWIN »

awisler wrote:Feast Workout #5

Squat Warmup 135x4,185x4,225x3,275x1,315x1

Squat 315x8 <-- In a state of absolute shock. Spotters said I did 9, but the last one was questionable form, reps 7 and 8 were tough and form slightly off but still went deep. I dont know what to say right now, I was in the zone but god damn, Wednesday I did 275x8(1RM calc 341) and today my 1RM calculates out to 390.6.....I was hoping for 3-5 reps on this set. Thank you Rob is all I can say, and to MuscleMass, are you sure there are no roids in your Kre-Anabolyn/Adaptogen-N? 8)
SLDL 225x6 <-- Same as last week but much better form, I was pretty light headed from these and squats afterwards

EDT#1 (I got what feels like shin splints in my forearms during preachers so I switched to DB halfway)
Preacher Curl 105x6,5,3 THEN 40lb DBs x6,5,5
DB Skullcrushers 40lb DBs x6,6,6,4,4,6

I only did one EDT block, gym is closed sat-monday so I just went and hit everything else hard with:

Wide grip rows 160x5,4 140x5

Supersetted groin machines (Not sure what they are called, you know the girl machines of spreading legs and the other machine of squeezing legs)
170x10/10, 15/15

Cable Flyes(Right shoulder/Outer pec still hurt, wanted to hit them lightly)

Strict Shoulder Press(Slight pain in right shoulder, stopped doing this)

Wrist Curls

T-Bar Row(Focused on strict form of pinching shoulder blades together, minimized biceps)

One Legged Calf Raises
BWx50 each leg
That is phenominal brother. 315X8, unreal gains. That is an inspiration to us all without a doubt man. I am following your run, keep it up!
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Post by awisler »

Thanks guys, it is a nice bit of extra motivation to know other people are reading this.

Unfortunately I can't get to the gym until Tuesday with the holiday and all, so I am on a 3 day rest. Friday I ate a good 500 or so above maintenance, and yesterday I did the same. I wanted have as much fuel available as I could to build muscle after the last session. But today/tomorrow I will go to a little bit below maintenance as I do want to lose some fat.

I was wondering what you guys think my exact maintenance may be, a lot of websites give me different answers etc, and I feel like the activity modifiers seem to increase it too much.

My BMR is usually about 2200 cals on most sites (I just enter 5'10" age 18 220lbs for a rough estimate). Now, lets say I sat around all day watching TV, playing videogames, and doing some housechores. What do you think that would boost it by? Unfortunately now that all of my friends are already at college but me (Sept 19th cant come quick enough) that is about my typical rest day.
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Post by RobRegish »

I wouldn't overthink it. I'd peg it at 2500 on days of moderate activity and leave it at that.

The 3 days of rest are going to do you good... just watch.
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Post by awisler »

I always knew I was more of a low rep high intensity kinda guy with fast-twitch fibers due to football, HITT and always doing lower rep sets. But I just didn't realize how much until I did GLP workout 1 today. I thought it was going to be kind of easy as it was quite a few lower weight high rep sets. But by the last two sets I was struggling. Volume is not my thing but obviously just gotta gut it out.

German Loading Phase #1


Warmup - 135x4,185x3


SLDL <-- After the first set, each time I went up to straighten out I got a strange pop under my right rib cage. It doesn't hurt whatsoever, but it feels really awkward. I don't know what to do about that

No EDT block today, I was gassed from the squats/SLDL. Since I am only doing two GLP workouts per week, I am going to go in and have an extra lifting session on a day inbetween the two.

DB Curls

Stiff-Legged Shoulder Press <--Shoulder didn't hurt too bad doing these today, tomorrow I may do a few light bench sets and see what happens

Calf Raises (Calf raise machine out of order :x )
BWx50 w/ 5 second hold at top of each rep

Tricep Pushdowns

BWx10 <--Again, not really any pec/shoulder pain here

So I am wondering if I should replace the SLDL? The pop is a pretty strange feeling, I am wondering if it is my liver twisting. Sounds weird but my mom has it when she bends certain ways her liver twists up. I will ask her and figure out if its the same thing.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, great work - especially listening to your body. I think you'll be surprised how fast your work capacity comes up as GLP progresses.

Second, try the Romanian deadlift in lieu of the SLDL. I may very well make a difference for you.

Let me know please. If that doesn't work, I'll figure something else out for you :)
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Post by awisler »

just wanted to say I have been following the program and everything lately just have not had time to update between being out of town/getting ready for college. I should have some time later on to update.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man thanks! Hope all is going well for you..
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Post by JlCh »

First off, every since I read the post about you throwing up while running you had my attention. I wrestled in high school and know what it's like to be "forced" into running to that extent (although it was shorter, in a higher intensity fashion). Not many people have that kind of will power to push through things.

As for the actual log, brilliant squat gains. Almost makes me regret not looking into buying the supps, not too sure how much of a roll they play though.
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Post by RobRegish »

"Brilliant" indeed :)

Great word.
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Post by awisler »

Man a lot of things are not going my way lately. I can't find the paper I have been keeping track of all my lifts on, although I do know I have hit all my squats for GLP I except I missed one rep on my final set of workout #4. Ah well, sorry I can't post everything in the log but at least I know that I did my workouts properly at the time.

Today was a bad day though, just got back from the gym and I am not sure if my lower back isn't getting as strong as my legs because I had a little pop in it today during squats and it hurts a good amount when I move it certain ways. I stopped the squats there at my 2nd set which was just 285.

So I just hit my entire upper body hard today, and I move into college Sunday so I have been getting everything prepared while also helping my dad tear out our kitchen floor and retile it all etc.

Just frustrated right now, I guess all I can do now is extend feast a little bit more into next week and finish up GLP then while the back heals up. Friday I will just hit upper body and do some cardio, maybe some leg machines or very light squats. My right shoulder still hurts a lot on bench but not much for other workouts so I cant do any big BB lifts right now, just sucks.

Oh well, no point in ranting just gotta suck it up and do the best I can, I have already gotten more out of the BP then I ever imagined I would. But the good news is I have more time now so I can update more often.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. You sound pretty banged up but like you said, fortunately you got a lot out of it your first run!

Do take care of that lower back and get to a chiro if you can ASAP. I wouldn't squat again, even light before seeing one.

If I could, I'd buy everyone here the Super Squats hip belt plus loading pin as I detail on pages 34-35 of The BP. God I love that thing. Especially in situations like this!

Take care man. Look into Cissus too. I started with SuperCissusRx but am getting great results out of 5% bulk material too. The lower the % extract the better for healing, or so they say. The higher the % supposedly, the better for muscle building. I haven't tried that..... yet.

Hope that helps!
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