
Serious supplementation, focused on the MASS line at
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Post by Mikereade »

Hey guys, I'm looking into getting a stack for my first run now I'm thinking about getting the mass stack that has the products Rob recommends or possibly getting the "Bols stack" on with an extra e-bol which would come to a slightly lighter price, does anybody have any experiences about either of these that would tip the scales in favor of one option?

Thanks fellas
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Post by awisler »

At the moment I am using the following:
Gamma GH

Also throwing in some BCAAs, multi, fish oil, Jack3d and protein powder.

So far they are working out great for me (You can see for yourself in my log if you'd like), but I can't really say for sure as I haven't tried the other supps you are considering. Just saying I dont think you could go wrong if you went the route I did.

I do know that Rob created/tested the program with the MuscleMass products, so they definitely are a great choice, but he does state that a lot of other products can work just as well. You may want to wait on his response to this.
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Post by DaCookie »

I would go with the blueprint or ultimate stack or whatever it is called if you can afford.IMO the best if you have the money.Then add things on as necessary depending on how much you want to spend...
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Post by RobRegish »

My position on this has been consistent from the beginning. To review:

- All diagnostic work for The Blueprint was done with MASS products.
- Bear in mind tbol trib, Ebol etc weren't even around when BP was released
- Both are quality products made by quality companies
- Both have established track records within The Blueprint
- I PERSONALLY use MASS products and have since 1993. That is no
slight to Thermolife, as above they have a tremendous lineup/track
record as well and have gone out of their way to support BP. This,
despite the fact they're not even mentioned in there. Not once.
- MASS has a track record with Ecdy going back to 1993. If there's
another company out there with that kind of experience, I'm not aware
of it.
- The Blueprint would still be in my basement if it were not for AskMass/
MASS. AskMass thought so much of BP, he offered to build the web page
and these boards to support you and I. He also allows some pretty free
discussion here (within reason) about Ebol and competing products.

Were it not for that VERY generous gesture, none of us would have the
priviledge of coming here to learn, share and grow. And note there is no
link to a store here per se. We both felt strongly that the consumer
should make their own minds up.

- Both companies have retained a tremendous amount of respect for each
other through all of this and KEPT THE FOCUS ON YOU, THE CONSUMER.

That last point is what makes it work. No mud-slinging, no insults and no drama. Both companies (and their products) are helping BP Believers set new PR's, establish new physical zenith's etc.

And finally, I hold a unique position in all of this since I derive ZERO financial gain from whose products you use.

FINAL WORD: You should try both to find out which works best for YOU! My sole concern is getting you results, regardless of what products you use....

I hope you find that a fair and balanced answer.
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