Awisler's First BP Run

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Post by awisler »

Last night was my first night taking the Gamma GH/Adaptogen N combo, holy hell I felt like I got hit with a tranquilizer dart after 20 minutes. This morning I am pretty groggy/sore, I think the soreness is from DOMS though, grogginess might just be catching up on sleep or is that a known effect?

Weight this morning was 217.5 (-6)
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Post by RobRegish »

Some do awake a bit groggy. You'll adapt to it..

Glad it recouped you well though...its intended purpose.
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Post by awisler »

About to go do the first feast workout, haven't updated as the past few days have just been eating. It has been a little dirty, some burgers/wings/fries the first couple days but I am starting to clean it up.

First two days were about 4000 cal, 220-250g protein. Yesterday about 3500 with 220g protein. Today should end up around 3000-3200 cal and 230ish grams protein. I will report back shortly after the workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good deal. Hammer it hard!
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Post by awisler »

So my summer gym membership was up at the local gym, and instead of throwing 40 more bucks down for 25 days before I go to college I am going up to the local high school gym. It is bigger anyways with all the equipment I need, most importantly it is free. Except I laid my workout sheet down on my bench and went to the bathroom and when I came back someone stole it...didn't think that would happen at my high school but oh well. Luckily I just had todays workout written on it, and I had it memorized so I rewrote it.

Feast Workout #1

Bench Warmup

Bench 225x8
DB Pullover 60x8

EDT Block #1
Preacher Curl 85x6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
DB Skullcrushers 30s x6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Total reps = 72, I barely got the reps out on the last 2 sets, but next workout I will use 95 on preachers and 35 on skullcrusher

Squat Warmup

Squat 240x10
Stiff-Leg DL 165x8 <-First time doing these, probably not much weight but I wanted to play it safe. Was still a tough set I couldn't get more than 8.

EDT Block #2
Hex Bar DL 205x6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
T-Bar Row 80+bar x6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6

Total Reps = 72, Again not enough weight it seems, but on all six sets I was barely getting the last rep out. Next workout I will put Hex Bar DL at 225 and T-Bar Row at 90+bar.

Also, Rob I was wondering if I can substitute something in for the pullovers? My right shoulder dislocated a bunch throughout football and still gets very painful during some lifts. Bench press I can manage to deal with it, but the DB Pullovers caused a lot of pain.

I am finding it hard to eat as much as I am supposed to. Currently at 2750 cals and 230g protein, my resting maintenance is 2500 so I think I will finish the day at 3100 and 240g protein. Tomorrow I am going to do some cardio, and lift again Thursday.
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Post by RobRegish »

Sure, you can substitute something like seated rows for the pullovers..
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Post by awisler »

Feast Workout #2

Warmup Bench

Bench 225x4 <---My right pec is killing me, all my reps on it were lopsided, i think i might need to avoid bench for a little bit or something. Any recommendations?
Seated Rows 160x6

EDT #1
Preacher Curl 90x6,6,6,6,5,4
DB Skullcrushers 35x6,6,6,6,6,6 I went up 5lbs from last time, barely got the last reps out of the last set but I will up it again next time

Warmup Squat

Squat 275x5 <---PR for me, I tried to go for 6 but when I failed and thank god I had the support rails to let it catch on
Stiff Legged DL 195x5

At this point the gym got flooded with all the people from sports since its the local HS gym. I couldn't get a good EDT block in as people were all over the place, the only thing I could superset were two shoulder workouts:

DB Shoulder Press 65x6,6,6,5,5,4
DB Front Raises 30x6,6,6,6,5,4,4

After that I threw in a couple sets of calf raises and a few hex deadlift sets to finish it off. I wont be able to lift again until Monday since I will be out of town this weekend, I was really happy with my squats today but with so many people crowding the gym I felt out of focus. From now on I am heading up either really early or late at night when barely anyone else is there.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, congrats on the squats PR! Especially this early. Bodes well..

Now I wouldn't play with that pec. Too much risk of you injuring it. Focus on bumping the squat up on this cycle. Life happens.

Rather, identify a movement that doesn't aggravate it and incorporate that into your EDT blocks. That way, at least hypertrophy gains will continue (strength as well, just not in a 1RM fashion).
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Post by awisler »

Yeah I will find some chest exercises somewhere in there. I think I could do an EDT block of tricep pushdowns and pec fly on the machine, they are right next to each other at the gym anyways.

So my plan was to do GLP with both bench and squat, thats out of the question for me now I think.

Now I think maybe it would be best to have my feast be 30 days instead of the planned 40. I move into college on the 30th day of feast anyways so it would be nice to just start cruise at that same time. I should finish my first 5 feast workouts with 15 days left according to that, and doing my 6 GLP workouts during that would be just enough rest I think. Would it be OK to do this?
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Post by RobRegish »

Sure thing. That's a good plan!
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Post by awisler »

Havent really updated on the off days as there isn't much to say. Diet is in check, my weight is 221(-2.5 since start of famine), which is interesting since I have been eating over maintenance every day of feast. Not that I am complaining, ideally I will lose weight and gain muscle.

I can't get workout 3 in until tomorrow, I had a rest day after Thursday's workout and then yesterday I had to help my brother move into his apartment, took all day, and the gym is closed today. But the extra rest should be nice in the gym this week.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good call on the rest day.

Traction will start shortly... and I'm right here for you if you need me!
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Post by awisler »

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Post by RobRegish »

Traction is a term I use for when your body is in full super-compensation mode.

It occurs during Feast, for some sooner than others. Muscle, size, strength and power start coming at a VERY rapid pace and every workout just leaves you blown away with how much you've accomplished.

That's traction. The real key as I see it is eating well (enough carbs, in particular) in addition to the calories/protein specified, sleeping well... and especially - managing workout frequency.

I suggest starting Feast workouts 1-5 with a 1 on 1 of workout frequency, inserting an extra rest day where necessary if you don't feel fully recovered. You will be rapidly growing stronger during these workouts...and there is something to consider there.

As you grow stronger, so too do the stresses increase on your body. To allow for growth and supercompensation/traction to manifest... you need to give the body time. Do not hesitate to goto a 1 on 2 off or even 1 on 3 off if you feel it necessary.

For now, stick with the plan. Traction is's just a matter of when. Lately, I've seen guys hit it in workouts as early as #1 or 2. Some it's 3 or 4. This isn't something you can force.... you will know when it is underway.

Right here for you if you need me :)
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