Bennie's Pumped for his 1st Blueprint Run!

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Post by dropthebeats »

Early morning workout. 4:15 am. I was barely able to pull myself out of bed. Had a great workout, especially for that time of day.

GLP1 Workout 2: Squats

Squat: 10 x 190
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 8 x 230
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 6 x 245
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 6 x 275
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 6 x 295
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 6 x 320
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Again, I was able to hit all of my reps. Feels great!

EDT Block:

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 90

Static Cable Crunch: 2 x 130 (10 sec)

I'm going to take two days off before my next bench workout. I'm starting to get used to a little more rest. My body needs it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

And SMART MOVE on the going to 2 off...
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Post by dropthebeats »

Amazing workout today! I think it might have been my best workout ever so I'm pretty pumped up!

GLP1 - Bench Workout 3:

Bench Press: 10 x 110
DB Pullover: 8 x 50

Bench Press: 8 x 155 (looked at sheet wrong. supposed to be 140. oops)
DB Pullover: 8 x 50

Bench Press: 6 x 160
DB Pullover: 8 x 50

Bench Press: 4 x 170
DB Pullover: 8 x 50

Bench Press: 4 x 185
DB Pullover: 8 x 50

Bench Press: 5 x 195 (dug deep and did one extra!!!)
DB Pullover: 8 x 50

Bench Static Hold: 1 x 235 (10 seconds)
Bench Static Hold: 1 x 265 (10 seconds)
Bench Static Hold: 1 x 285 (10 seconds) (Did an extra set. I was super pumped today, so I was really pushing everything)

EDT Block 1:

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 6 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 5 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

Incline DB Press: 4 x 55's
Seated Cable Row: 6 x 140

EDT Block 2:

Cable Curl (straight bar): 7 x 100
Triceps Pushdown: 7 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 7 x 100
Triceps Pushdown: 7 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 7 x 100
Triceps Pushdown: 6 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 7 x 100
Triceps Pushdown: 6 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 7 x 100
Triceps Pushdown: 5 x 110

Cable Curl (straight bar): 6 x 100
Triceps Pushdown: 5 x 110
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Post by RobRegish »


Glad you enjoyed it :)
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Post by scump »

drop, solid log man! good progression happening...

just a couple of questions:

Rob you said to do ab static holds... do you do ab work during the squat workout portion of GLP?

A. Yes, that's correct.

and regarding the static holds... maybe im confused on this, but for a bench static hold wouldnt you hold the weight just above your chest for 10 seconds?

A. No, you want the strongest range, which is the top few inches below lockout.

so how is it drop is static holding more weight that he can actually bench?

A. The objective of the static hold is to overload the muscle/CNS with incredibly high threshold weights. Now in practice the strength gains are +/-5 degrees BUT, some people observe better. Regardless of the carryover to the full range lift (not its intent), the static hold conditions your CNS to increasingly heavier weights.... which you'll be lifting in short order :)
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Post by dropthebeats »

For the bench static hold, I'm able to hold quite a bit more weight since I don't have to bring the barbell all the way to my chest. Since I don't have push it all the way back up, it allows me to use more weight.

I know you asked Rob this question, but I do the ab static holds on my squat day. I don't do it on my bench day because 2 EDT blocks make that workout longer. So, I just added it to the end of my squat day.
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Post by scump »

thanks for the replies Rob/drop!

think ill add my ab work at the end of my squat workout too... looking forward to getting into the GLP, this 1rm max primer is pretty intense lol.

glad i asked about the static holds! lol i would have been holding the weight like an inch above my chest thinking "how the f*ck will i get this up?".

so all static holds just below lockout, fair nuff, which workout do you recconmend doing the rack pulls on? upper body?

A. Great question. No, I favor the rack pulls on lower body day, perhaps once every other week (or even 3rd week!). Reason: They are very taxing and you will find your strength declining/slow going if trying to perform too frequently. Otherwise, fantastic tool!

you gunna throw in these drop?

A. Unclear as to what you're referring to here. If you mean drop the weight, no. Once static strenth gives out (especially upper body lifts/ab crunches), simply lower the bar slowly (under control) as best you can. MAKE SURE there is a spotter there to assist you in getting the weight back up!
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Post by dropthebeats »

I've never done rack pulls before. I'm not going to do any this run. Everything is so intense, I wouldn't be able to work any more exercises in.

I saw the video of one of the other guys doing rack pulls. Very impressive. He throws a ton of weight around.

You'll enjoy the GLP. By separating the bench and squat day, you get a quick, intense workout. And it's awesome adding weight you never thought you would be lifting. I can't wait until workout 6 and seeing what my new 1RM is.
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Post by scump »

rob with the last part i was asking dropthebeats if he was going to add in rack pulls.

fair enough not throwing them in man, i might just try squeeze in 2 within my feast.

ima hang around to see how you do on your 1 rm man...all the best!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Thanks scump. I'm glad you are following. It boosts the motivation level when I know that people are watching my progress.

Are you keeping a log for yourself on here?
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Post by dropthebeats »

Another great workout!

GLP1 Workout 3: Squats

Squat: 10 x 190
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 8 x 255

Squat: 8 x 245
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 8 x 255

Squat: 6 x 275
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 4 x 295
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 4 x 320
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

Squat: 4 x 340
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 6 x 255

EDT Block:

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 95

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 245
Goblet Squat: 6 x 95

Romanian Deadlift: 6 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 95

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 95

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 95

Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 245
Goblet Squat: 5 x 95

Static Cable Crunch: 2 x 130 (10 sec)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Looks like your kickin some major donkey in here bud. Just read through your log, one question....what is "goblet squat?" Not familiar with that one
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Post by dropthebeats »

The goblet squat is done with a single dumbbell. Stand with a wide stance. Your feet should be outside of your shoulders. Instead of having your feet pointing straight ahead, turn them 45 degrees outward. Grab a dumbbell with both hands by one end, and raise it up to your chest, a little below your chin. Squat as low as you can. You want to go below parallel. Keep your back straight. Don't allow the weight to pull your body forward.

I hope that helps give you an idea of what the exercise is like. I think this is the first time that I have ever given a description of an exercise.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

You explained well, I have a great visual now thank you. Close to the Plie Squat with a nice upper body static...NICE - thanks.
The plie has the same stance but you hold the weight by the end at full extension between the legs then squat down until the weight is just above the floor. Just in case you were wondering :)
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