Isopure Protein Question

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Isopure Protein Question

Post by awisler »

Recently I stocked up on some Isopure Zero Carb protein, it seems like it is a great product, and I would prefer it not go to waste so I would like to use it during the feast. I know MASSPRO etc is recommend and I plan to buy that in the future, but does anyone know if Isopure is quality enough protein for the feast phase so I dont waste it?
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Post by askmass »

It's a little better than Nestle Quick to fortify your milk.
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Post by SiLkPaDrE »

awisler, there would be no harm in using that Isopure during your Feast. No use in letting that stuff go to waste, and it doesn't seem like that bad a product--of course one could never truly know without verifying for themselves.

Best of luck.
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Post by RobRegish »

I've used Isopure in the past but one thing concerns me about it.... the dispersing agent they use. I can' recall off the top of my head the name of it but do remember a health related concern about it.

I'll have to look it up again..
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Post by askmass »

It's a pretty good rule of thumb to go by that if a protein powder has a bunch of vitamins and/or other ergogens added to it, that it is lacking at the core content.
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