bunch of questions

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bunch of questions

Post by aneric »

Hi, first post. I'm on day 4 of the famine, and this has definitely been the hardest one. I think I went a little over on calories yesterday, but that was due to too many beers, so I figure it can't have been too bad hah.

It's definitely an interesting experience, weirdly enjoyable. But I guess most of us cyclists are kind of masochists. This leads me to my 1st question....

1] I haven't been getting too strong of an ammonia smell except for after the 1st work out. During hard training blocks on my bike, the smell has been way stronger... and I now know it means that I was probably not making gains because I was breaking down muscular protein- is that right? I also usually take NO boosters and citrulline malate -- is it possible that the ammonia smell was mainly from those and not catabolism? The 1st time taking CM I definitely noticed a stronger smell...
I'm going to add in an extra workout today, and make sure to really push tomorrow so I can be sure and really get the alarm state going.

2] Has anyone pushed the limit and run the famine for longer than 5 days? Can you get a stronger alarm state and therefore more gains during the feast?

3] Opposite question... Are shorter, 2-3 day famines able to produce similar growth states?

4] The pdf mentions separating the loaded stretches from the barbell lifts might help increase strength but without adding as much size.... Since I'm an endurance athlete, it's all about power to weight. My goal is to add as much strength as possible, while minimizing weight gains. Are there any other techniques or a specific program you can recommend for this? I definitely want to put a bunch more muscle mass on my legs, but the less weight on my upper body the better.

Thanks for your help
Man I can't wait to feast.
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Post by Hank! »

Hey Aneric

Have you been tracking your resting heart rate upon waking? I ave done two famines and not noticed any ammonia smell at all but did see a sharp increase in RHR.

I know if you can see the increase RHR in 3 days then you can start feast phase. It has been discussed somewhere in these forums that you can go over 5 days but the results on the other end are no greater.

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Post by aneric »

thanks hank.

i started keeping track of rhr on the 1st day of the famine, so i didn't get an average or anything.... but it was around 40. just woke up and it was 50! so i guess i'm good to go.

thanks for the advice on the 3 day famine.... definitely would be nice to start feasting asap next time if i can get the rhr jump.
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Post by RobRegish »

All welcome Aneric! To your questions..

1] I haven't been getting too strong of an ammonia smell except for after the 1st work out. During hard training blocks on my bike, the smell has been way stronger... and I now know it means that I was probably not making gains because I was breaking down muscular protein- is that right? I also usually take NO boosters and citrulline malate -- is it possible that the ammonia smell was mainly from those and not catabolism? The 1st time taking CM I definitely noticed a stronger smell...
I'm going to add in an extra workout today, and make sure to really push tomorrow so I can be sure and really get the alarm state going.

A. The lack of ammonia smell outside of exercise is NOT a bad sign, per se. NO boosters and CM aren't recommended during famine. Very likely the smell was due to them and not true tissue breakdown. Thus, my comment about no supps in the Famine portion. No worries, your comment on RHR tells me you're likely THERE already :)

2] Has anyone pushed the limit and run the famine for longer than 5 days? Can you get a stronger alarm state and therefore more gains during the feast?

A. BP trials explored this and in almost EVERY instance it was detrimental. PLEASE stick with the 5 day timeframe. It is time tested and works!

3] Opposite question... Are shorter, 2-3 day famines able to produce similar growth states?

A. Possible but for most, the 5 days are needed.

4] The pdf mentions separating the loaded stretches from the barbell lifts might help increase strength but without adding as much size.... Since I'm an endurance athlete, it's all about power to weight. My goal is to add as much strength as possible, while minimizing weight gains. Are there any other techniques or a specific program you can recommend for this? I definitely want to put a bunch more muscle mass on my legs, but the less weight on my upper body the better.

A. Suggest more HIT/1 set to failure type training and less EDT. EDT blocks were added for those looking to keep hypertrophy at pace with strength. For you, it would make sense then to drop them, perhaps replacing with more static holds..

Hope that helps :)
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Post by Hank! »

aneric wrote:thanks hank.

i started keeping track of rhr on the 1st day of the famine, so i didn't get an average or anything.... but it was around 40. just woke up and it was 50! so i guess i'm good to go.

thanks for the advice on the 3 day famine.... definitely would be nice to start feasting asap next time if i can get the rhr jump.
40 RHR dang! Sorry if I missed it are you a cyclist or runner?
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Post by aneric »

Thanks for all the help! Day 3 of feast and feeling good. Ready to get back to the gym tomorrow. I had a bit of a sore throat yesterday and worried that I overdid the last famine work out, but I'm feeling great today!

I did cut out all the supps for famine, just sayin I had been using them during most other training blocks.

Re hank, yup, cyclist... been training pretty seriously the past 4 years. Trying to break through a plateau with the BP!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good to hear you're OK!

HEALTH first. Always!!
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