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Post by RobRegish »

Not sure. PM askmass here as he administers the board.

And for sure discontinue if you at all feel sick, "off" etc during that 3rd workout. Many find they have to do BW squats only. Remember, health first. You can't gain if you're sick/injured!
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Definitely don't feel sick, just hungry/tired.

Day 4 of famine today, so no workout, but considering doing a little cardio today if I feel up to it, but not sure if I have the energy. Looking forward to feasting on Saturday!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man now you need to heed this advice..

Workout #3 ain't fun. You may have to revert to bodyweight squats, etc to make it through. If you at all feel sick, "off" or not right - DISCONTINUE. You can't make gains if you're sick/hurt!

Just word to the wise... play it safe. Health is FAR more important than anything else...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Hey buddy, welcome aboard and good luck. One question: Are you using hammer strength and smith machine just during the famine for bench? Not sure of your goals and/or equipment available at the gym but would suggest conventional benching with a spotter or inside a rack for feast.
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Thanks Rob - I will definitely be aware of how I'm feeling throughout the workout today. I seem to feel better as I do the workouts. Even yesterday, I didn't think there was a chance I'd find the energy to do cardio, but I made it, and once I got started it was fine.

I will update later after the workout.
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Post by Mos Jeff »

dracotdrgn wrote:Hey buddy, welcome aboard and good luck. One question: Are you using hammer strength and smith machine just during the famine for bench? Not sure of your goals and/or equipment available at the gym but would suggest conventional benching with a spotter or inside a rack for feast.
Hey man, thanks for the welcome.

I only used the hammer strength/smith machines for famine since Rob wrote in the book that some do this for workout 2 and I felt this would be best as my energy was very low. Once in feast, I will be doing regular ol' benching. :) Thanks for the input!
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Workout #3 for famine done and it was pretty intense. Happy to be finishing up famine and ready to EAT tomorrow! Just have some questions before I begin feast.

The first is in regards to how long before workout #1 - should I be starting the workout Monday or Tuesday? Training should be 1 on-1 off, or 1 on-2 off?

Do I begin taking E-bol tomorrow, or first training day? I was planning on dosing the E-bol 1 with breakfast, 1 pre-workout, 1 post-workout on training days and 1 dose AM, mid day, PM for non-training days - just want to make sure that's alright.

For calories I was wondering how you suggest I break it down, Rob. I've read a little on here about starting with calories higher and decreasing over time, but not sure of the numbers.

Finally, I'm debating whether I should get back on creatine during feast, or hold off until cruise. I've seen both recommended to different people depending on their situations, so not sure which way I should go with this.

Thanks for all the help so far, just want to be prepared and do it right!
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats on making it through!!

The first is in regards to how long before workout #1 - should I be starting the workout Monday or Tuesday? Training should be 1 on-1 off, or 1 on-2 off?

A. 3 full days off prior to starting. Start with a one on one off and insert extra rest days as needed.

Do I begin taking ebol ecdy tomorrow, or first training day?

A. First day of Feast.

I was planning on dosing the ebol ecdy 1 with breakfast, 1 pre-workout, 1 post-workout on training days and 1 dose AM, mid day, PM for non-training days - just want to make sure that's alright.

A. Correct. Ideally with your highest PROTEIN meals.

For calories I was wondering how you suggest I break it down, Rob. I've read a little on here about starting with calories higher and decreasing over time, but not sure of the numbers.

A. Suggest descending caloric spiral if quick bulk is the goal, per BP guidelines starting with BW x 20 and spiraling down from there. As time marches on... so will fat accumulation IF you don't downshift on the calories. Thus, the "spiral".

Finally, I'm debating whether I should get back on creatine during feast, or hold off until cruise. I've seen both recommended to different people depending on their situations, so not sure which way I should go with this.

A. I rather favor it during Cruise if adaptogens are being used in Feast. Just matches the training involved and makes the most sense economically too. Either way is fine though..

Thanks for all the help so far, just want to be prepared and do it right!

A. My priviledge and pleasure. I appreciate what you're putting into it!!
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Post by Mos Jeff »

Well I finally made it, and it felt GREAT to eat this morning!

Average waking HR during famine was 72 and my weight is now 196 (-4), which surprised me as I was actually expecting to lose more then 4 lbs.

Thanks for clearing all of that up Rob - can you please give me all the numbers for properly following the caloric descending spiral? I know I start at 20 x BW, but for how long? Then what do I drop it to and for how long? etc....
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats on making it through!

GENERALLY speaking:

Days 1-3: Calories at 20x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per pound
Days 4-11: Calories at 18x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per lb Days 12-28: Calories at 15x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per lb
Days 29-42: Calories at 12x bodyweight and protein at 1 gram per pound

Obviously, adjust downward the second you see the fat creeping on :)
Mos Jeff
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Post by Mos Jeff »

RobRegish wrote:Congrats on making it through!

GENERALLY speaking:

Days 1-3: Calories at 20x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per pound
Days 4-11: Calories at 18x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per lb Days 12-28: Calories at 15x bodyweight and protein at 1.5 grams per lb
Days 29-42: Calories at 12x bodyweight and protein at 1 gram per pound

Obviously, adjust downward the second you see the fat creeping on :)
Awesome thanks!

Just curious, but I was browsing through some of the other logs and saw you break it down like this for someone else...

first 10 days: BW x 20
next 10 days: BW x 18
next 10 days: BW x 15
finish feast: BW x 12-13

Any specific reason I should only do BW x 20 for first 3 days as opposed to 10, or was that suggestion more beneficial for that particular person?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, the latter.

You're already 200lbs at 16% BF (not that I think that's high). The other example may have been an ectomorph (not sure).

I wish I could keep track, but it's getting busy. My general recommendations are to err on the side of caution for those already carrying sufficient beef, less so on ecto's who can get away with more.

Of course, I F'Up sometimes too... If I did on that member, my sincere apologies!
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Post by Mos Jeff »

No need to apologize, Rob - this is what makes this place so great. You don't just give generic answers to everyone who asks the same question, you answer based on that particular individual. I really appreciate that!

So today is day #3 of feast and I have been keeping calories as close to 4,000 as possible (20 x BW), and will be dropping to around 3600 tomorrow. Tomorrow is also my first workout and I'm excited to finally lift some really weights again. I pretty much have my workout planned, but I do have one question/concern before I get started.

First a little background on where I will be working out - I train at two different gyms, just depending on schedule for that day. One is LA Fitness, the other is at a country club fitness center where I am employed. I will be doing a lot of the workouts in feast at the work gym, since I have a guaranteed spot from a co-worker for benching, however there will still be some days where I will be working out at LAF. This confuses things a little bit in regards to my EDT block.

I know I should do the same block each workout, so I need to pick a block that can be done at both gyms. I want to follow the sample workout and pair incline db bench press with a row, but can't do t-bar rows since the work gym doesn't have that machine. Are there only specific exercises that can be used in EDT, or anything goes? If I can choose anything then I was thinking of doing either bent-over row, or cable row/incline db bench press. And I do 6 sets with 1 minute rest, or 2 min rest between sets?
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Post by RobRegish »

Completely flexible on the exercises. Do favor the big compound lifts though!

2 min rests are advised. They just allow you to lift so much more weight. You CAN go down to 1 min but if you do, suggest doing that on smaller muscle groups like bi's tri's...
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