xxtotuxx's first try at the BLUEPRINT

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by RobRegish »


Way to push through it. Now rest up for maximum recovery and hit it hard!!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 17 Feast: Monday 19th

Today will be the second German loading pattern workout. Will be doing squats today. Will be a challenging workout, especially the last sets of squat. Last set will be 85lbs each side, for 8 reps! :shock: My best w/ this weight is only 3 lol... But I can do it, no questions asked..

Okay, so after the 6 squat sets, I will be doing an EDT Block. This consists of Leg Press + Romanian Deadlift. Will not be doing an static hold as I'm still confusing as of what exercise I could do for this. Rack pulls seem to be more for my back, and I don't wanna do the exercise incorrectly. Leg Press maybe? Putting a lot of weight in there and trying to go down a little bit, almost as if it counted for 1 rep, and holding that for 10 seconds? Rob could help me with this.

Okay, onto the workout. I started w/ the squats. This is what I did on them:

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 52.5lbs each side / 125lbs Total (105 weights + 20 smith)

Set #2 -> 55% x8 = 57.5lbs each side / 135lbs Total (115 weights + 20 smith)

Set #3 -> 60-62% x8 = 62.5lbs each side / 145lbs Total (125 weights + 20 smith)

Set #4 -> 65-67% x8 = 67.5lbs each side / 155lbs Total (135 weights + 20 smith)

Set #5 -> 72% x8 = 75lbs each side / 170lbs Total (150 weights + 20 smith)

Set #6 -> 80% x8 = 85lbs each side / 190lbs Total (170 weights + 20 smith)

Holy ****!!! My legs were so sore! That last set was draining!! But hey, I added 5 more reps to my previous best at 85 lbs each side :D So I was pretty happy. Took 5 full minutes of rest before doing the last set to make sure I was completely rested.

Following this, I hit up the EDT Block. I will only be doing one EDT block since legs is just so tiring and killer. After resting for some time (a well deserved rest lol) I hit up the weights:

EDT Block #2: Leg Press and Romanian Deadlift

Set #1 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 6 reps, followed by 145lbs Romanian Deadlift for 7 reps.

Set #2 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 6 reps, followed by 145lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 145lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #4 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 145lbs Romanian Deadlift for 5 reps.

Needless to say, I was empty, drained, game over, DONE! These GLP workouts for the squats are going to be a challenge on a whole another level... Never ever before had I tested myself this much. I'm passing the test!!!

Nutrition: Same old, same old. I haven't really had the need or craving for a cheat meal... Plus, want this blueprint run to be as perfect as possible, and that includes the diet too. So I want the max amount possible of gains to be muscle, so no cheat meals.

Totals: 3400cals = 89.5F/377C/289P
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 17 Feast: Tuesday 20th

Today was an "off day" but for me, these are for cardio and some exercises to hit the muscles that I feel are not being hit as much during my workouts. These are shoulders and calves.

I did an EDT consisting of Seated Shoulder Press on the smith machine, followed by Seated Calf Raises[/b]. Following this, I did 2 sets of Cable Laterals. Some abs and HIIT on the elliptical. Total burned on the hiit was about 200 calories in 15 minutes. Pretty good.

Nutrition: Only thing that switched was that I had orange juice as my post-workout carbs instead of a whole fruit. Seems more convenient. A little less protein today, which resulted in more carbs. Fat is about the same.

Totals: 3391cals = 77.7F/422.7C/262P
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 18 Feast: Wednesday 21st

Wow, time has been flying by! Almost 3 weeks already on the program. Well, at least the Feast has been going fast lol, because Famine certainly wasn't. Glad I'm over with that phase. 8)

Today is the third workout of GLP. Chest today. Hoping to have a pretty good workout. I'm sure I will.

Hit up the gym in the afternoon. Warmed up the shoulder first. Damn, I can't wait to get my cissus!! After warmups, I did the following:

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 105lbs

Set #2 -> 61% x8 = 115lbs

Set #3 -> 66% x6 = 125lbs

Set #4 -> 73% x6 = 140lbs

Set #5 -> 80% x6 = 150lbs

Set #6 -> 85% x6 = 160lbs

Definetly harder than the first GLP chest workout. Chest had a huge pump, which is always nice. I really like the way this is designed, as I lower my reps every workout while raising the weight in order to target a new 1rm.

Following this, I headed over to do the first EDT Block:

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press and One Arm DB Row

Set #1 -> 65lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 55lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 65lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 70lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 65lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 70lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Set #4 -> 65lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 70lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #5 -> 65lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 70lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Set #6 -> 65lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 70lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Damn, I can't seem to fail on neither of these! It's like I told Turbo on a PM on nolinksplease.com. Every workout I beat my previous record, and even if I raise the weight, I reach my expectations and even some extra. Will try 70s next time. Want to start w/ the big boy dumbells. My strenght goes up daily, so why not put it to good use? :lol:

Following this, I proceeded to my second EDT:

EDT Block #2: Barbell Curl, Cable Rope Pressdown, and Lying Tricep Extension (EZ Bar)

Set #1 -> 70lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 100lbs Rope Pressdown for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 70lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 27.5lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 70lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 27.5lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 4 reps.

Set #4 -> 70lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 100lbs Rope Pressdown for 6 reps.

Set #5 -> 70lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 27.5lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #6 -> 70lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 100lbs Rope Pressdown for 6 reps.

Did 3 sets of Lying Tricep Extension and 3 of the Rope Cable Pressdown. I feel these two are the best exercises for me to hit the triceps and each one hits a different part, so I hit the whole muscle w/ these two. See what I say about the strength? I 6 reps w/ the Barbell Curl in every set, beating my previous record. For the L. Tricep Extension I'm not quite ready to raise the weight yet. Rope Pressdown wasn't that difficult at 100lbs (I failed at about 6-7 at this amount pre-Blueprint).

Didn't do abs today. Tomorrow I will be doing the shoulder/calves EDT and some extra abs, while doing some cardio.

Also, I'm already seeing some gains. Everywhere... :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Great stuff!

And awesome work man. Can't say it enough you're really doing The BP justice!!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Lol someone hacked your PC Rob? They want to steal the blueprintz!!!

To what did you refer on your PM about six?
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Post by RobRegish »

I'm back online. Virus vanquished (mostly).

I meant I'd be back online about 6. Turned out to be 7...
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Will be updating today. I killed it yesterday on a chest GLP! Hit a new PR w/ 70s on the Incline DB Press :D They weren't as hard as I thought they would be, but still hard. Was failing at about 5 at the end. The hard part was getting those babies up :(

Squats on Wednesday gonna be epic! Also, will try to chance and do Lunges w/ RDLs.
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Post by RobRegish »

More new PR's blah blah blah.... :)

I saw 3 here today alone... :)
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Friday 23rd: Day 20th Feast

Today is the 4th GLP Workout, second legs. Squats + Leg Press and RDLs EDT = :D


Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 52.5lbs each side / 125lbs Total (105 weights + 20 smith)

Set #2 -> 61% x8 = 62.5lbs each side / 145lbs Total (115 weights + 20 smith)

Set #3 -> 66% x6 = 67.5lbs each side / 155lbs Total (125 weights + 20 smith)

Set #4 -> 73% x6 = 77.5lbs each side / 175lbs Total (135 weights + 20 smith)

Set #5 -> 80% x6 = 82.5lbs each side / 185lbs Total (150 weights + 20 smith)

Set #6 -> 85% x6 = 87.5lbs each side / 195lbs Total (170 weights + 20 smith)

Wow, very exhausting. Form is near perfect.

Following this, I proceeded to my EDT Block:

EDT Block #2: Leg Press and Romanian Deadlift

Set #1 -> 300lbs Leg Press for 6 reps, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 300lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 300lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #4 -> 300lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #5 -> 300lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

One set I started w/Leg Press and then did the deadlifts, and the next I did the opposite. This is the EDT I most enjoy by far. I used to hate leg day, now maybe I enjoy it even more than chest day :D

Nutrition: It has been pretty clean so far. Next week I've got a trip w/ some buddies to a beach, so I'm eating pretty clean if for some reason I have to eat stuff that isn't as clean.

Totals: 3450cals = 75F/425C/289P
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Post by dropthebeats »

Great work!!! I totally agree with you. I love leg day. It's always been my favorite. And Romanian Deadlifts kick ass!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 21 and Day 22 Feast: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th

Rest is great on the weekend. I always say I want to go run some miles, but I end up doing nothing lol. Food is clean as always, maybe so bakery bread on Sunday. Unfortunetly, I don't have the exact number of calories/macros of the weekend as I didn't count them completely and thus forgot what I ate. But I assure you I ate around 2900-3000 calories, which is what I eat during rest days.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Monday 26th: Day 23 Feast

I felt motivated today. These GLP workouts really pump me up. Added some gym music to the ipod and hit the gym. Today was a chest GLP.

Chest GLP

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 105lbs

Set #2 -> 66% x8 = 125lbs

Set #3 -> 73% x6 = 140lbs

Set #4 -> 78% x4 = 150lbs

Set #5 -> 85% x4 = 160lbs

Set #6 -> 90% x4 = 170lbs

Today's GLP was easier than I expected. I'm really pushing myself. The last time I did 170 on the bench was for 3 reps, and today I did 4 and could have done 5. So one-two more reps on that weight in a week or week and a half if an obvious improvement.

Following this, I was ready for my first EDT, which is Incline DB Press and Seated Cable Row. I was doing the Incline DB Press w/ 65s DB, but I was now ready for the 70s. For me, this is another completed goal. Pre-Blueprint I was maxing at 75s on flat bench, so being able to do 70s on Incline is a huge improvement for me.

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press and Seated Cable Row

Set #1 -> 70lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 160lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 70lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 160lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 70lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 160lbs Seated Cable Row for 5 reps.

Set #4 ->70lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 160lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #5 ->70lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 160lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

I did one less set than normal since the added weight took a lot from me. I had to take extra rest. I still was in the 2-3 min. range rest period though. Felt proud of the Incline DB Press.

Here's the second EDT:

EDT Block #2: Incline DB Curl, Cable Rope Pressdown, and Lying Tricep Extension (EZ Bar)

Set #1 -> 25lbs Incline DB Curl for 6 reps, followed by 110lbs Rope Pressdown for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 25lbs Incline DB Curl for 6 reps, followed by 110lbs Rope Pressdown for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 25lbs Incline DB Curl for 6 reps, followed by 110lbs Rope Pressdown for 6 reps.

Set #4 -> 25lbs Incline DB Curl for 6 reps, followed by 27.5lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 6 reps.

Set #5 -> 25lbs Incline DB Curl for 6 reps, followed by 27.5lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #6 -> 25lbs Incline DB Curl for 6 reps, followed by 27.5lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

The Incline DB Curls weren't really that challenging. Next time I will use the 30 lbs DBs. Also, Rope Pressdown feels good. Will be doing one more workout at that weight and then raise it to 120.

I finished w/ the Static Hold. Today I added 10lbs more to my Static Hold.

Static Hold #1: 235lbs for 10 seconds.

Static Hold #2: 235lbs for 10 seconds.

On the second static hold I asked someone to keep and eye for me just in case. Well, I needed it. Lasted about 6 seconds until the bar started falling. Thank God I asked someone to spot me :D. But it was to be expected. I was empty. Those 70lbs DB Presses weren't easy.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th: Day 24 and 25 Feast

Tuesday: Today I don't have a GLP workout. I use my Tuesdays to hit my shoulders and calves, plus cardio and abs. I did some DB Shoulder Press + some Cable Laterals and DB Side Raises. Did 2 reps w/ the 70s DB on Shoulder Press :D Pretty darn good IMO. Did some HIIT and some running on the treadmill.

Nutrition: Because I worked out today, I ate a little bit more.

Totals: 3350cals = 71F/417C/265.2P

Wednesday: Today is my 6th GLP workout. Woot! Half-way there! It will also be my 3rd Leg GLP workout. I decided to switch things up and instead of doing Leg Press, I will be doing lunges on the smith. I did these once, and loved them, but didn't really do them again. Wow, was this a good decision :D


Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 52.5lbs each side / 125lbs Total (105 weights + 20 smith)

Set #2 -> 66% x8 = 67.5lbs each side / 155lbs Total (135 weights + 20 smith)

Set #3 -> 73% x6 = 77.5lbs each side / 175lbs Total (155 weights + 20 smith)

Set #4 -> 78% x4 = 82.5lbs each side / 185lbs Total (165 weights + 20 smith)

Set #5 -> 85% x4 = 87.5lbs each side / 190lbs Total (175 weights + 20 smith)

Set #6 -> 90% x4 = 95lbs each side / 210lbs Total (190 weights + 20 smith)

Leg day just keeps getting more intense. I love it :D Legs, especially quads, were pumped. They felt tight as hell.

Now, I followed this w/ my new EDT:

EDT Block #2: Smith Lunges and Romanian Deadlift

Set #1 ->Smith Lunges 45lbs each side / 110lbs Total (90 weights + 20 smith) for 6 reps each leg, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #2 ->Smith Lunges 45lbs each side / 110lbs Total (90 weights + 20 smith) for 6 reps each leg, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #3 ->Smith Lunges 45lbs each side / 110lbs Total (90 weights + 20 smith) for 5 reps each leg, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Set #4 ->Smith Lunges 45lbs each side / 110lbs Total (90 weights + 20 smith) for 5 reps each leg, followed by 155lbs Romanian Deadlift for 6 reps.

Switching to Lunges def. was a good decision. The combination of the Lunges and the DLs is the best combo to hit the whole leg. Legs are going to be SORE tomorrow. Can't wait for my next leg workout ;)

Nutrition: Today I had my first cheat meal: Butterfinger candy. It was about 160 calories, so it wasn't that bad :D Still managed to be under the 3500 calorie max.

Totals: 3472cals = 82.5F/426C/273P
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