Nolan's first BP log

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Post by nolyman777 »

GLP #6

90 x 10
115 x 5
125 x 3
150 x 1
170 x 1
190 x 1 - PR ... old max was about 170 for a couple reps before the blueprint

Heres a little list of pr's ive made thus far now that im nearing the end of the feast. Im just putting all of my records into a 1rm calculator

166 - old
173 - new

175 - old
190 - new

barbell curl
70 - old
85 - new

skull crushers
65 - old
85 new

seated cable rows
265 - old
350 - haha! i dont know if this can be right. My old one was 220 x 6. my new one is 260 x 10 and it came out to 347. Anyway,i have no way of telling because 260 is the most amount of weight you can put on the cable.

lat pulldowns
165 - old
175 new

one arm rows
70 - new
80 - new

close grip bench
didnt really know my old one but i'd say around 125
145 - new

funniest thing is, i've hardly even trained my back this entire time, yet ive gone past some of my chest pr's.

I am extremely satisfied with these results. The most impressive thing i found so far, was how much body fat i've lost even though i have gained about 7 pounds. Im officially a blueprint believer.

As for cruise, this is the correct format right?
80% bench for 5x5
80% shoulder 5x5
closegrip bench - 55 x 5 with 6 second static hold at top
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Post by RobRegish »

You've got cruise down right.

And THANK YOU for tabulating your results like that. I am so happy for you. Yet another, Blueprint Believer is born :)
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Post by nolyman777 »

I havent had time to update in a little while, ive had a lot of things going on but i started the cruise. I have done #1 already and will do #2 today or tommorow
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice hearing from you Noly... hope all is well!
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Post by nolyman777 »

Cruise workout #3

Bench - 5 x 140
shoulder press - 5 x 40
close grip bench - 5 x 95

Btw I'm still getting compliments on my body. Again, its not my lifts that impressed me the most, its the way my body's transformed. Some one even asked me if i took a ph, srs.

As for my next cycle, im thinking about trying a Mass stack, with kre anabolyn and adapt n. I wanna try that whey too. But im not sure how much would be needed. Im guessing 2 bottles of kre anabolyn is enough, but is one bottle of adapt n enough or is 2 bottles? Also with mass pro, how many servings come in a tub?
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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Nolyman,

The MassPro I believe is 32 servings.

If you're interested in the Mass Line (particularly for The Blueprint), look at the Blueprint Mass Stack. It goes something like this:

2 bottles Gen 5 Kre Anabolyn
1 bottle Adaptogen N
2 bottles MassPro Amino (BCAA + Glutamine)
1 freebie of Burn It Up! Broad Spectrum adaptogen/nootropic

It's a pretty deep discount too vs. sold individually. Awesome lineup and yes, they'll get you all the way through a full BP cycle.

So happy you're getting the compliments/accusations! Proof positive what we're doing is working!!
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Post by nolyman777 »

thanks for the info, really considering buying that for my next run.

Cruise #4

leg press - 5 x 250
seated rows - 5 x 230
preacher curls - 5 x 45
abs - weighted crunchs - 10 pounds (cable machines were taken)

As for the cruise, once i complete 6-7 workouts, i can begin a new cycle right? And you were right about that feeling that your body is craving a detox haha, i feel like starting another famine.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yep, you're right on...

And yeah, once you've detoxed once you actually crave it after awhile Odd b/c the fist time isn't pleasant. The feeling gets more pronounced as you get older...
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Post by nolyman777 »

if my schedual goes according to plan i should be done with the 7th cruise workout by friday. Then i will most likely start the famine on either that monday or some other time that week.

Also, i checked out the stacks on the mass site, and seeing as how i still have a large amount of bcaa's + glutamine and in need of protein, i figure that i ll probly buy the ultimate mass stack :D

2 kre anabolyn
2 mass pro
1 adapt n
1 akaplex
1 multi
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Nice log, nice results. This looks like an awesome run. Rolling in to the next run, I like that. IMO~ can't go wrong with the MASS products.
Keep pushin Bro!
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Post by RobRegish »

You will LOVE that stack.

As Draco said... can't go wrong with the MASS products. I like them b/c they're not designed to "shotgun" like so many others. Strategic use is the key, IMO.

Fantastic stuff.
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Post by nolyman777 »

thanks for the support guys! really appreciate it.

And yes, im pretty stoked to try out the mass products haha.

Cruise #5

Bench - 5 x 145
shoulder press - 5 x 45
close grip bench - 5 x 95
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Post by nolyman777 »

Hey rob, i just learned today that i won a promo over at and now i get one free product from controlled labs. i was wondering if any of their products would work well with the ultimate stack im gana order soon.

I was thinking of getting golden gains, for a morning protein but also considering WF and PW/PI.

And since i already have adaptogen N, blue gene wouldnt be a good choice right?
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Post by nolyman777 »

cruise #6

Leg press 5 x 250
seated rows 5 x 230
preacher curls 5 x 45
abs - weighted crunches, flutter kicks, planks
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