John's First BP Run

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Post by nolyman777 »

Hope im not in here too late hyper active. Good luck on the log. And btw im the guy that was talking to you over on the forums, just noticed your question about whether i have the same sn on these forums.

But anyways best of luck to you on this run
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Post by HyperActive136 »


The german loading pattern is as follows and says..."Designed to be used in concert with the big barbell lift of your choice"

Workout 1-50%x10, 54%x8, 61%x8, 66%x8, 73%x8, 78%x8
Workout 2-50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x6, 73%x6,78%x6, 85%x8
Workout 3-50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4
Workout 4-50%x10, 73%x8, 78%x6, 85%x4, 90%x2. 97%x2
Workout 5-50%x10, 76%x8, 82%x6, 88%x4, 94%x2
Workout 6-50%x10, 64%x5, 76%x3, 85%x1, 95%x1, 105%x1

I don't understand what is supposed to be used for workouts 1-6
(is it all the same exercise?)

Also what confused me is the list of movements to incorperate with loaded stretches...

I understand that i am supposed to do the german loading pattern twice a week with EDT blocks...what i DONT understand is what exercises to place in workouts 1-6 and where the loaded stretches come into play.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK here we go...

You apply that loading pattern to say, the bench press. When you're done with the bench press (6 sets) you can commence your EDT blocks inclusive of a stretch position movement:


Incline DB presses
DB pullovers (stretch position movement)

Lying tricep extensions with EX curl bar
Incline DB curls (stretch position movement)

Also, please see these threads for greater clarity: ... .php?t=437 ... .php?t=378

Hope that helps!
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Post by HyperActive136 »

Day 3

Fast until 2pm: 20 cucumber slices and small box of pineapple juice
Pre-Workout 4:40pm: Medium red apple and serving of almonds (24)

Workout (in pounds*) 4 sets of 8-10 reps
WG Bench Press SS w/ Standing DB Shoulder Press:
Bench=135, 135, 135, 135
DB Press=30, 30, 30, 20

Incline Bench Press SS w/ Standing DB Shoulder Press:
Bench:135, 115, 95, 95
DB Press=20, 20, 20, 20

Decline Bench Press SS w/ Standing DB Shoulder Press:
Bench=115, 115, 115, 115
DB Press=20, 20, 20, 20

Jump sets with 1min rest between
Decline Close Grip=95x10
Standing Cable Skull Crushers=42.5x10
Cable Press Down=57.5x10

Post-workout 1800: Lettuce salad w/ cucumbers & green olives, collard greens, whole grain roll w/ tbsp of omega 3 butter, small cup of grape juice, and 17 grapes
Snack 8pm: Medium green Apple
Pre-Bed:2 tbsp of organic PB

The only thing i do not like about famine is that i'm dropping weight like crazy. Fat loss has increased of course and i know i will make some good gains come feast time so i'm not worried.
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Post by HyperActive136 »

Rob, I apolgize now because what i am about to say is not going to go over well...I STILL don't understand :(

I'm going to try and break this down so hopefully you can explain...

The GLP consists of 6 workouts...

Workout 1 as i understand will be 6 sets of bench press for example. THEN i go into an EDT Block. What exercises do i put in for the other 5 workouts left in the GLP ? Is it all chest or a different musle group?

If you could just write out an example for one day using the GLP i think that would be helpful. Sorry for the trouble Rob, i know you work hard at answering every question you can. I just want to make sure i get this down right the first time.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK here's a sample GLP workout for Bench

1.) Perform your 6 sets of the GLP as specified
2.) Proceed to the following 2 EDT blocks


Incline DB presses
DB Pullovers

Lying tricep extensions
Incline DB curls

With respect to your remaining 5 workouts, I like to see how your GLP plays out before recommendations. HOWEVER, in order to provide a suggestion, consider going BACK to your 5 workout HIT protocol.

Remember, your body hasn't "seen" it in awhile and it's the exact opposite of the multiple set protocol you just came off of. You'll also have a new 1RM to work with insofar as picking weights for your HIT sets (should be higher than your first time around).

As well, it sets you up well for another whiplash of progress when cruise rolls around for 5x5.

If this still isn't clear, PM me and I'll make other arrangements for you. Sorry again for it not coming across. I'm not communicating well, I can tell...
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Post by HyperActive136 »

Day 4

Fast until 2pm: Small fruit salad & a 2.7 oz cup of kellogs smart start with anti-oxidants
Pre-Workout 4:45pm: Medium apple and serving of almonds (24)

3 Round ab circuit and 10min of HIIT on a C2 Rowing Machine

Post-workout 6pm: Lettuce salad w/ cucumbers, collard greens, whole wheat bread sandwich with tbsp of omega 3 butter and a small banana, small cup of grape juice, and small fruit slad
Snack 8pm: Medium Red Apple
Pre-Bed:2 tbsp of organic PB

My stomach was really yelling at me today so i switched up my 2pm snack to be a bit more satisfying. it did the trick and tomorrow is my last day of famine so saturday morning is looking real good from here :wink:
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Post by HyperActive136 »

Day 5

Fast until 2pm: Medium orange with 2.7oz cup of Special K Smart Start.
Pre-Workout 4pm: Medium banana and serving of almonds (24)

Workout (in pounds*)
Squat SS w/ DB Rows: 5 sets of 12 reps at 135 (squat) & 50 (Rows)
Seated cable rows SS w/ Chinups: 5 sets of 12 reps at 42.5 (cable rows)
*only completed 2 SS of chinups but finished rows
BB Curls: 5 sets of 12 at 45
Incline DB Curls: 5 sets of 12 at 20 for the first set and 10 on last 4
Preacher Curls on EZ bar with wide grip: 5 sets of 12 at bar weight

Post-workout 1745: Lettuce salad w/ cucumbers and lemon juice, small cup of grape juice, 2 slices of cantoloupe, and wheat bread sandwich with tbsp of omega 3 butter
Snack 8pm: Small Plum
Pre-Bed:2 tbsp of organic PB

Last day of Famine and i feel surprisingly well. Contacted Rob for a customized program so i know he will not let me down!

Ready for BIG gains ! ! :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Workout coming this weekend :)
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