Bennie's Pumped for his 1st Blueprint Run!

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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work making it through!

Now, it's time for the BIG rewards!! Have fun at the zoo...
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Post by dropthebeats »

Thanks Rob!

I have a couple questions about the feast phase.

Do I start the 3 days/3 days off of BCAAs tomorrow, or do I wait until my first workout day?

For my daily calories, for the first 3 days do I take in 15 x body weight? And then for the next 3 days do I bump it up to 20 x body weight?

I'm asking that because near the end of the book you have a scale of calories in the feast phase. It starts at 20 x body weight then it goes to 18 x, then 15 x, etc. I figured that started after these next 3 days of getting back to normal.


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Post by RobRegish »

OK man here we go...

Do I start the 3 days/3 days off of BCAAs tomorrow, or do I wait until my first workout day?

A. You'd start that BCAA protocol first day of Feast.

For my daily calories, for the first 3 days do I take in 15 x body weight? And then for the next 3 days do I bump it up to 20 x body weight?

A. You'd start with 20x BW and run that for about a week (if goal is bulking). The first 10-14 days are very forgiving as enzyme turnover hasn't really had a chance to catch up yet and you're still recovering from Famine. Adjust accordingly from there depending upon how fast the fat starts creeping on...

I'm asking that because near the end of the book you have a scale of calories in the feast phase. It starts at 20 x body weight then it goes to 18 x, then 15 x, etc. I figured that started after these next 3 days of getting back to normal.

A. As stated above, it's a descending caloric spiral. This, in response to the body's ability to compensate as time goes on. In English, the longer you over-feed the fatter you get. To mitigate that you have 2 strategies:

1.) Gradually reduce them
2.) Zig zag them according to activity levels

If the latter strategy is employed, simply consume 120% on training days and 100% of maintenance on off days. If that still isn't doing it, move to a 100%/80% strategy and then finally a 100%/70% strategy.

I wouldn't debit more than 30% for any stretch as you'll just be lowering your metabolism, not giving your body the building materials it needs during feast etc.

Hope that helps. You're asking some excellent questions!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Thanks! You answered everything I was wondering and some.

Feast is going great. But, I'm ready to get back in the gym.

Here are the supplements I'm taking:

e-bol - 2 caps, 3 x day
tbol trib - 2 caps, 3 x day
Liver Tabs
Xtreme Formulations Ultra Peptide 2.0 Protein

I think that is everything.
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Post by RobRegish »

That's a nice stack :)
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Post by dropthebeats »


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Post by RobRegish »

Pick up The Blueprint Mass Stack next time for comparison purposes. I don't push product... I just think it's good policy to compare to see what works best for you.

Whichever line you wind up with..... we'll help you use them most effectively!
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Post by dropthebeats »

I'm definitely going to try The Blueprint Stack the next time. I kinda rushed into The Blueprint, and I knew I could get this stuff the day after I ordered it. I didn't know how fast I could get the other stack.
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Post by dropthebeats »


A serving of the GABA that I bought has 500 mg of GABA. So, should I use ten servings before bed to get the 5 grams that I need?
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Way to push through that first Famine. Sounds like you're a trooper. The fun has just begun! Good luck!
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Post by RobRegish »

Go SLOW with the GABA.

Start at 500mg on an empty stomach and WORK YOUR WAY UP to 5 grams. Stuff (on an empty stomach) hits hard and is noticeable...
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Post by dropthebeats »

I just finished my first workout in the Feast Phase. Overall, I felt like it was a good workout. But, I didn't select the proper weight to use in some of the EDT blocks. For 3 of the 4 exercise, I was able to hit 6 in every set without struggling. I feel the weight is close. I'll bump the weight up for those sets in the next workout.

Feast Phase - Workout 1:

Bench Press: 10-155
DB Pullover: 10-40

EDT Block:

Incline DB Press: 6-40s
Seated Cable Row: 6-90

Incline DB Press: 6-40s
Seated Cable Row: 6-90

Incline DB Press: 6-40s
Seated Cable Row: 6-90

Incline DB Press: 6-40s
Seated Cable Row: 6-90

Incline DB Press: 6-40s
Seated Cable Row: 6-90


Squat: 10-245
Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 10-225

EDT Block:

Romanian Deadlift: 6-205
Goblet Squat: 6-85

Romanian Deadlift: 6-205
Goblet Squat: 6-85

Romanian Deadlift: 6-205
Goblet Squat: 4-85

Romanian Deadlift: 6-205
Goblet Squat: 4-85

Romanian Deadlift: 6-205
Goblet Squat: 4-85
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Post by dropthebeats »

What protein to carb ratio should I used in my post-workout drink?
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

- If cutting, suggest a 1:1 ration of carbs to protein in the drink.

- If recomp is the goal, suggest 2:1 or at the highest, 3:1

- If bulking, suggest 4:1

That should do it!
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