Sovabrat's 2nd Run

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Post by sovabrat »

Day 26 (171 lbs)

Today was my first day back in teh gym in a week... This really took a toll on my progress. In addition, I had some severe stomach problems from Monday-wednesday. My peptic ulcers flared up for some strange reason and I hardly ate anything for those three days, even water hurt.

I lost a ton of strength in my chest. I could not even bench 225 today. My 1RM exiting the last Cycle was 245. I am further confirming that my chest is the first area to lose size and strength in times of low calories. It happened during famine and this is the second time. My squat was great, I did 275 for 2 reps.

I am pretty upset about missing my 1RM on the bench press. I am also upset about ht weight loss. I am not doing any HIIT cardio at all. The only cardio I have done in the past 3 weeks was a long run with my fiance last night for 30 minutes. The only reason it was taxing was due to the heat.

I guess my goal is to continue this cycle but adjust my max on the bench to a more realistic number and work from there. I think I will use 215 as my 1RM. It is frustrating to say the least.

On a positive note. My arms have already grown .25 inches in 26 days. I am very happy with that. My biceps are much fuller and I have a nice peak on them. My stomach continues to lose fat which is also nice. I have not taken any pictures in a while so I cannot comment on my back but I have been doing EDT with pullups so I have to imagine there is some good progress. Putting this spin on teh situation I would say I am still having a successful run, I need to stop worrying about my benchpress I guess.
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Post by dropthebeats »

I agree with you on losing chest strength. That seems to go first with me too. Try not to be down, we all have setbacks that we can't control.

Smart move lowering your 1RM. That is hard to do. There have plenty of times I thought I could lift a certain weight, and end up going further back than forward. It's hard to admit to yourself that you are not as strong as the last time your worked it.

You'll be back up to 245 in no time. Keep it up!
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Post by RobRegish »

dropthebeats is dead on...

Temporary setback and you'll springback in no time. In the meantime, keep those guns growing!
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Post by sovabrat »

Had GLP Lower #1 this morning. It felt great.

My posts are going to become fewer and fewer because my company now blocks these forums. I dont know how... but they claim its a malicious website.

Trying to increase calories in every meal. I am really not gaining any weight. I do appear to be gaining size though. Hopefully I am losing fat and replacing with muscle.

Have to be honest though, the KA is not really doing much for me. I still get DOMS pretty badly. I take it twice a day during the week and do not take it at all on saturday or sunday unless I am lifting. I am not sure why I am not getting the effects from it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Bump it to 3 and see if it makes a difference. Odd as its the first time I've heard it..

The BP forums malicious? Hardly. I do like the "banned/blocked" status though. Makes us sound edgy...

If you think about it though, we ARE edgy. Who else is pushing the envelope like this with so many different radical phase shifts? None that I can see.

Bring on the ban...
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Post by sovabrat »

ill try three tabs a day but for only being 170 lbs I cant imagine why I would need that much.

I iwll report back in a few days.
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