Cookie is bulking for Summer(wat?!?)

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Cookie is bulking for Summer(wat?!?)

Post by DaCookie »

Okay so I wasn't working out and was slacking since my last run cause of exams and then drinking every like second day.But see I have this friend, right.His name is muscle memory :lol:

Starting weight 156 lbs

Bodyfat- Around 10.9%(still no abs wtf, I measured this on first day of famine so its a tiny bit off)

Supps for the run:

Intrabolic(Have a few scoops left, wont rebuy.)
tbol trib(Have almost full bottle left, wont rebuy probably)
E-bol(Have just over half bottle left, wont rebuy)
Adaptogen N
Mass Pro Whey
Opti-men + left over multi-life(I figured the zinc would help test levels of I am correct so gonna do both for this bulk)
MASS greens(Gonna be first time using)
Now super EPA
Now odourless garlic
Now vitamin d 5000iu
Burn it up
Clearshot concentrate(First time using, gonna stick to 1 capful and see how that goes with 1 burn it up)
cbol creatine(May rebuy, depends on cash and how I like vasolate and p-bol, I think I will like p-bol so it will workout that I wont rebuy and instead rebuy vasolate + this.But that vasolate is expensive stuff so ill only use it in bulks.)
X-factor advanced(First try, looking forward to it, gonna take 4 pre workout)
Gamma GH(First try, also looking forward to this, dunno how to dose this)
Mass pro amino(Wasnt gonna get this but it came free with blueprint stack, not sure how to dose this in peri workout drink.)
Waxy maize starch

Day 1 famine:

Bf %: 10.9%

Weight: 153.5lbs(I think this is a legit decrease even though I checked my weight at a weird time.)



Peas, carrots, corn, somethin else I forget :P

Apple, 1 chrisp or chips as americans call them.Not a pack, literally 1 chrisp.


Jog 10min

Didnt have time for Mondays workout, gonna do it tomorrow.Don't think it affects it much cause I did this my first time and that was when I had the best gains.

Am I allowed potatoes?And bananas?Im getting confused between keto and blueprint diets I think.

Notes: Fuckin hungry already but not at the point where I start wankin to pictures of big macs.Those supps better arrive on time for feast, otherwise im screwed.Ordered them very late on Wednesday so they better be here by Friday.Says 5 days I think, so im giving them basically 7 full days.
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Post by DaCookie »

Im taking just fish oil for famine.

I love when I do famine and all my spots on my face go away and my skin on my face goes really clear.They seem to come back though after awhile, gonna count the days it takes for them to come back this time.

For my bulk im also going to take extra virgin olive oil and coconut milk.The plan is to wake up in the morning and do the following:

2 scoops mass protein
6 raw organic eggs
100mls extra virgin olive oil
200mls coconut milk
2 bananas
About 4-6 tea spoons of wheat germ
Pineapple juice(Dunno how much I will put yet)
Full fat cream(Dunno how much I will put yet)
2 big scoops of ice-cream

Then blender.

Looks good?Morning the best time to do this yeh?Pre bed I was thinking Vasolate + 400 mls of milk.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Hey men. Good luck there.

I was also wondering, is that P-Bol already out? If so, where can I get it?
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Post by DaCookie »

Hey thanks man, nah its not out yet.Probably in like 3 weeks.
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Post by DaCookie »

Ok guys so I did mondays workout today and am gonna do wednesdays workout later.

But see I cheated a bit cause my dad is going away so he brought me out to an indian, I had a nann bread, chicken wings, rice and vindaloo prawn so I cheated quite a bit.

What do you guys think I should do?You think I will be fine if I just continue famine aslong as I dont cheat again?Or I should add another day on or completely start over?

This famine has been particularily hard for me cause before it I guess you could say I was doing a semi famine.Wasnt eatting much(but was eatting protein and carbs) but still was not eating a lot at all.

So can you guys help me out with advice?Thanks.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

i would think you would need an extra day.. i could be wrong though

Famine is about slowly depriving your body and halting both catabolism and anabolism as your body realizes its not getting everything it needs. Giving yourself a feast-like meal in the middle might even totally negate the process.

I'm unsure, perhaps drop your calories an extra 200 each day and include 20 min of cardio until the end? That's what i would do - i call it atonement and it generally follows any cheat days i have when im on a regular diet.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Cookie have to make this fast as I'm posting on anther's computer..

Am I allowed potatoes?And bananas?Im getting confused between keto and blueprint diets I think.

A. Yes and yes. Famine isn't necessarily low carb, just lower calorie/protein. Those 2 fit the bill.
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Post by DaCookie »

Thanks Big J and Rob for your replies.Gonna hit the cardio really hard tomorrow and if I dont get that weird smell by friday I will add an extra day.
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Post by DaCookie »

Ok so I have 5 doses of AN left and the package is looking like it will come either next Wednesday or thursday(excluding that monday)

So im going to lengthen famine but it really depends on the package how long I wait.If the order status doesnt change at all tomorrow then I might end famine and start over again but ill give a one day break.

I want everything to be here when i transition phases, im missing the greens and the gamma gh, so we will see how I feel and if I can continue an extra long famine or if I should end it and restart.

Dont mind too much if the greens doesnt come on time, but I would like the gamma gh when I start working out after the 3 day feast.
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Post by DaCookie »

Yeh so im restarting famine probably next thursday.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, gear up. Summer bulk... great stuff!

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Post by DaCookie »

So I received my order but no adaptogen N.I have 5 doses of it left and about 20 of tbol trib.How do you guys reckon I should dose this in feast?Also assuming I will receive the new adaptogen N 15-20 days into feast.
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Post by DaCookie »

Starting famine tomorrow.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

how do the mass greens taste?
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